**Quicker文档** [TOC] # Quicker介绍 Quicker是一个Windows上的积木式编程软件,用它编写的程序叫“动作”,它具有诸多模块,每个模块都有自己的功能,通过这些模块的组合,我们可以完成各种各样的功能。 每个模块在动作中可以有自己的变量,通过变量我们可以实现一些动态的效果,模块在动作中我们也叫做“步骤”(Step),一个步骤就是一个模块。 Quicker的动作是用JSON格式编写的,JSON是一种轻量级的数据交换格式,它易于阅读和编写,同时也易于机器解析和生成。 Quicker的动作可以通过API调用,也可以通过快捷键调用。 --- # 模块编写及部分参数说明 **C#代码支持** Quicker内部使用C#实现,故而原生支持C#代码使用 在任何支持字符串参数输入的模块中,都可以使用C#代码模式或插值模式 > 使用“$$”开头则使用插值模式,插值模式支持变量字符串混杂拼接,被一对花括号{}包裹的是变量,例如:$$今天日期{date},捡到{money}元 > 使用“$=”开头则使用C#代码模式 > > 例子1:$=({mouseX}-100) + "," + ({mouseY}-100) + "," + ({mouseX}+100) + "," + ({mouseY}+100) > > 例子2,IF模块中直接进行逻辑判断:$={money} > 200 > > 例子3,使用return返回值: ``` $= var a = {money}*2.5; var b = a + 3; return b; ``` **JSON格式说明** ```json { //使用的变量列表 "Variables": [ { // 变量名称 "Key": "text", // 变量类型编号,例如0就代表字符串类型 "Type": 0, // 注释 "Desc": "默认文本变量", // 变量初始值 "DefaultValue": "123", // 变量的值是否保存到硬盘中 "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, // 变量分组名称(方便阅读) "Group": "" } ], //步骤列表 "Steps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:getSelectedText",//模块内部名称 // 输入参数列表 "InputParams": { "其他输入参数名称": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "UnicodeText"//其他输入参数值 }, // 步骤运行失败后是否中止动作 "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1"// 1:中止;0:不中止 }, //···其他输入参数等等 }, // 输出参数列表 "OutputParams": { // 步骤运行是否成功,布尔值 "isSuccess": null, // 步骤运行如果出错,返回的出错信息 "errMessage": null, "其他输出参数a": null,// 输出到哪个变量中去,比如"text"(输出到变量的情况下必须包裹在双引号中),为null则不输出到具体变量中去, "其他输出参数b": null, //···其他输出参数等等,输出参数和输入参数不一样,它没有“VarKey”,所以参数名称后直接就是值 }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, // 注释 "Note": "", // 步骤是否禁用(被禁用的步骤代码块将不会被运行,类似其他编程语音中的注释) "Disabled": false, // 步骤块是否收缩起来(仅用于可读性),true收缩代码块,false展开代码块 "Collapsed": false, // 本步骤运行后延迟多少毫秒运行下一个步骤 "DelayMs": 0 } ], // 子程序,忽略即可 "SubPrograms": [] } ``` **某些参数:WinLocation** Auto: `系统默认` WithMouse1: `跟随鼠标(指针周围)` WithMouse2: `跟随鼠标(指针右下,会偏移)` CenterScreen: `屏幕中间` TopLeft: `屏幕左上` TopCenter: `屏幕中上` TopRight: `屏幕右上` BottomLeft: `屏幕左下` BottomCenter: `屏幕中下` BottomRight: `屏幕右下` LeftCenter: `屏幕左中` RightCenter: `屏幕右中` FullScreen: `全屏` Manual: `自定义位置` *** # 其他示例动作
合并选择的文本文件到以“合并文本”+时间戳+后缀名的新文件中去,合并完成后提示是否删除原文件 ```json { "Variables": [ { "Key": "files", "Type": 4, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" }, { "Key": "item", "Type": 0, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" }, { "Key": "txt", "Type": 0, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" }, { "Key": "allFilesText", "Type": 0, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" }, { "Key": "filePath", "Type": 0, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" }, { "Key": "时间戳", "Type": 0, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" }, { "Key": "后缀名", "Type": 0, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" }, { "Key": "okOrYes", "Type": 2, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" }, { "Key": "当前删除文件路径", "Type": 0, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" } ], "Steps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:getSelectedFiles", "InputParams": { "operation": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "getSelection" }, "waitMs": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "200" }, "sortType": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "Default" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "files": "files", "firstFile": null, "fileNames": null, "firstFileName": null, "fileCount": null, "errMessage": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:each", "InputParams": { "input": { "VarKey": "files", "Value": null }, "useMultiThread": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "item": "item", "count": null, "isSuccess": null, "errMessage": null }, "IfSteps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:readFile", "InputParams": { "path": { "VarKey": "item", "Value": null }, "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "text" }, "encoding": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "auto" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "txt": "txt", "isSuccess": null, "errMessage": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:assign", "InputParams": { "input": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "$={allFilesText}+\"\\n\"+{txt}" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "output": "allFilesText", "errMessage": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "ElseSteps": [], "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:pathExtraction", "InputParams": { "operation": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "getInfo" }, "path": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "$={files}[0]" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "name": null, "nameNoExt": null, "ext": "后缀名", "path": "filePath", "errMessage": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:getCurrentTime", "InputParams": { "source": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "currTime" }, "useUtc": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "addDays": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "addHours": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "addMinutes": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "addSeconds": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "addMonths": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "format": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "yyyyMMddHHmmss" }, "outputCulture": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "CURRENT" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "output": null, "strValue": "时间戳", "timeStamp": null, "timeStampMs": null, "year": null, "month": null, "day": null, "hour": null, "minute": null, "second": null, "dayOfWeek": null, "dayOfYear": null, "errMessage": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:assign", "InputParams": { "input": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "$={filePath}+\"\\\\\"+\"合并文本-\"+{时间戳}+{后缀名}" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "output": "filePath", "errMessage": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:WriteTextFile", "InputParams": { "content": { "VarKey": "allFilesText", "Value": null }, "filePath": { "VarKey": "filePath", "Value": null }, "encoding": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "utf-8" }, "addUtf8Bom": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "appendMode": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "addNewLine": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" }, "newLineChars": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "errMessage": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:notify", "InputParams": { "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "Success" }, "msg": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "$$【{filePath}】\r\n\r\n已创建成功!" }, "maxLines": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "style": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "Style2" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:MsgBox", "InputParams": { "operation": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "default" }, "message": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "是否删除源文件?" }, "title": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "巴德文件合并" }, "icon": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "Question" }, "buttons": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "YesNo" }, "restoreFocus": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "result": null, "okOrYes": "okOrYes" }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:simpleIf", "InputParams": { "condition": { "VarKey": "okOrYes", "Value": null } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:each", "InputParams": { "input": { "VarKey": "files", "Value": null }, "useMultiThread": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "item": "当前删除文件路径", "count": null, "isSuccess": null, "errMessage": null }, "IfSteps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:fileOperation", "InputParams": { "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "deleteFile" }, "path": { "VarKey": "当前删除文件路径", "Value": null }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "errMessage": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "ElseSteps": [], "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "ElseSteps": [], "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "SubPrograms": [] } ```
--- # 模块介绍 ## 1.激活进程主窗口 **功能描述** > 找到指定进程的主窗口并使其显示在前台。 **官方文档** > https://getquicker.net/KC/Help/Doc/activateprocessmainwindow **内部名称** > sys:activateProcessMainWindow
传入参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | process | 进程名称/pid | 请输入要验证的进程名称或pid。进程名通常是exe的文件名去掉后缀,比如记事本程序的进程名称为notepad。 | (0)字符串-Text | | True | | className | 窗口类名 | 选填。未能获取主窗口时(如窗口隐藏),可以尝试根据类名查找窗口,支持正则。 | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | windowTitle | 窗口标题 | 选填。未能获取主窗口时,根据窗口标题查找,支持正则。 | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | hotkey | 热键 | 选填。软件最小化到托盘时,使用指定的全局热键激活窗口。 | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | path | 程序路径 | 选填。如果进程不存在,可以根据此路径启动程序。 | (0)字符串-Text | | True | | stopIfFail | 失败后停止 | 失败后是否停止动作 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | True | False |
传出参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | isSuccess | 是否成功 | 是否成功激活了进程主窗口 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | | pid | PID | 进程ID | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | | mainWinHandle | 主窗口句柄 | 进程的主窗口句柄 | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | | mainWinTitle | 主窗口标题 | | (0)字符串-Text |
范例 **激活{pid}进程的主窗口,未能获取到窗口类名时,查找窗口类名"abcbbc",或者查找窗口标题"TellMe123",如果进程不存在,以{path}路径启动程序** 返回值 * 是否成功:{isSuccess} * PID:{pid} * 主窗口句柄:{mainWinHandle} * 主窗口标题:{mainWinTitle} * 错误信息:{errMessage} 代码 ```json { "Variables": [ { "Key": "pid", "Type": 12, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" }, { "Key": "path", "Type": 0, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" }, { "Key": "procId", "Type": 12, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" }, { "Key": "mainWinHandle", "Type": 12, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" }, { "Key": "mainWinTitle", "Type": 0, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" }, { "Key": "errMessage", "Type": 0, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" }, { "Key": "isSuccess", "Type": 2, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" } ], "Steps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:activateProcessMainWindow", "InputParams": { "process": { "VarKey": "pid", "Value": null }, "className": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "$=\"abc\" + \"bbc\"" }, "windowTitle": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "$=\r\nvar x = \"TellMe\";\r\nvar b = 123;\r\nreturn x + b;" }, "hotkey": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "path": { "VarKey": "path", "Value": null }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": "isSuccess", "pid": "procId", "mainWinHandle": "mainWinHandle", "mainWinTitle": "mainWinTitle", "errMessage": "errMessage" }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "SubPrograms": [] } ```
*** ## 2.跳出循环(break) **功能描述** > 跳出循环(“每个” 或 “重复” 模块) **官方文档** > https://getquicker.net/KC/Help/Doc/break **内部名称** > sys:break
范例 **列表{星期列表}中记载了周一至周日共7个字符串,循环到第4个时({星期几}是运行序号,序号0时是第一个,{星期几}这个字段做了备注: (循环序号的起始为0,和其他编程语言的for循环一样))在屏幕下方显示“当前是星期四”,跳出循环(跳出循环的步骤写了注释“跳出当前循环”),然后在屏幕右边显示“程序运行结束”** ```json { "Variables": [ { "Key": "星期列表", "Type": 4, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "周一\r\n周二\r\n周三\r\n周四\r\n周五\r\n周六\r\n周日", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" }, { "Key": "星期几", "Type": 0, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" }, { "Key": "本次循环到第几个", "Type": 12, "Desc": "循环序号的起始为0,和其他编程语言的for循环一样", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" } ], "Steps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:each", "InputParams": { "input": { "VarKey": "星期列表", "Value": null }, "useMultiThread": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "item": "星期几", "count": "本次循环到第几个", "isSuccess": null, "errMessage": null }, "IfSteps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:simpleIf", "InputParams": { "condition": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "$={本次循环到第几个}==3" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:notify", "InputParams": { "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "Info" }, "msg": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "$=\"当前是\" + {星期几}" }, "maxLines": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "style": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "Default" }, "clickAction": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:break", "InputParams": {}, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "跳出当前循环", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:notify", "InputParams": { "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "Success" }, "msg": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "程序运行结束" }, "maxLines": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "style": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "Style2" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "SubPrograms": [] } ```
*** ## 3.检查路径/获取文件信息 **功能描述** > 检查指定的文件或文件夹是否存在。 **官方文档** > https://getquicker.net/KC/Help/Doc/checkPathExists **内部名称** > sys:checkPathExists
传入参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | path | 路径 | 文件或文件夹的完整路径。 | (0)字符串-Text | | True |
传出参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | isExists | 路径是否存在 | | (2)布尔值-Boolean | | isFile | 是否为文件 | | (2)布尔值-Boolean | | fileLength | 文件长度 | | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | | isFolder | 是否为文件夹 | | (2)布尔值-Boolean | | isReadonly | 是否只读 | | (2)布尔值-Boolean | | isHidden | 是否隐藏 | | (2)布尔值-Boolean | | isSystem | 是否为系统文件 | | (2)布尔值-Boolean | | fileCount | 文件夹内文件个数 | 仅对文件夹路径有效,输出时需要耗费一定时间扫描文件夹 | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | | totalLength | 文件夹大小 | 仅对文件夹路径有效,输出时需要耗费一定时间扫描文件夹 | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | | createTime | 创建时间 | | (6)时间日期-DateTime | | editTime | 更新时间 | | (6)时间日期-DateTime | | metaData | 文件扩展信息 | 获取文件的扩展信息,值为词典类型。 | (10)词典-Dict | | lnkTarget | lnk目标路径 | 快捷方式文件的目标文件 | (0)字符串-Text | | lnkArguments | lnk命令行参数 | 快捷方式中的命令行参数 | (0)字符串-Text | | md5hash | MD5 哈希值 | 获取文件的MD5哈希值。仅对文件有效,大文件需要一些时间扫描。 | (0)字符串-Text | | sha1hash | SHA1 哈希值 | 获取文件的SHA1哈希值。仅对文件有效,大文件需要一些时间扫描。 | (0)字符串-Text | | sha256hash | SHA256 哈希值 | 获取文件的SHA256哈希值。仅对文件有效,大文件需要一些时间扫描。 | (0)字符串-Text | | crc32hash | CRC32 哈希值 | 获取文件的CRC32哈希值。仅对文件有效,大文件需要一些时间扫描。 | (0)字符串-Text |
范例 **获取{folder}\1.txt的文件信息,如果文件长度{fileLength}大于500字节,在屏幕下方显示“文件长度大于500”,否则在屏幕下方显示“文件长度:{fileLength}小于500,md5为:{md5hash}”并结束动作** ```json { "Variables": [ { "Key": "fileLength", "Type": 12, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" }, { "Key": "md5hash", "Type": 0, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" }, { "Key": "folder", "Type": 0, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" } ], "Steps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:checkPathExists", "InputParams": { "path": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "$${folder}\\1.txt" } }, "OutputParams": { "isExists": null, "isFile": null, "fileLength": "fileLength", "isFolder": null, "isReadonly": null, "isHidden": null, "isSystem": null, "fileCount": null, "totalLength": null, "createTime": null, "editTime": null, "metaData": null, "lnkTarget": null, "lnkArguments": null, "md5hash": "md5hash", "sha1hash": null, "sha256hash": null, "crc32hash": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:simpleIf", "InputParams": { "condition": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "$={fileLength}<500" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:stop", "InputParams": { "method": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "default" }, "isError": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "return": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "showMessage": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "$$文件长度:{fileLength}小于500,md5为:{md5hash}" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:notify", "InputParams": { "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "Info" }, "msg": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "文件长度大于500" }, "maxLines": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "style": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "Default" }, "clickAction": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "SubPrograms": [] } ```
*** ## 4.检查程序已启动/获取进程信息 **功能描述** > 检查指定的应用程序是否已经启动。 **官方文档** > https://getquicker.net/KC/Help/Doc/checkprocessexists **内部名称** > sys:checkProcessExists
传入参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | process | 进程名称/pid | 请输入要验证的进程名称或id。通常是exe的文件名去掉后缀,比如记事本程序的进程名称为notepad。 | (0)字符串-Text | | True | | stopIfFail | 失败后停止 | 失败后是否停止动作 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | True | False |
传出参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | isSuccess | 操作是否成功 | 可能会因为无法访问高权限进程等原因而失败。进程未启动不会导致操作失败。 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | | isExists | 是否运行 | 指定的进程是否运行。如果已运行,返回True,否则返回False | (2)布尔值-Boolean | | pid | 进程ID | 找到的第一个匹配进程的ID | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | | pidList | 所有进程ID列表 | 具有相同进程名的所有进程的ID列表 | (4)文本列表-List | | path | 程序路径 | 进程的应用程序路径 | (0)字符串-Text | | mainWinHandle | 主窗口句柄 | | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | | mainwinTitle | 主窗口标题 | | (0)字符串-Text | | startTime | 启动时间 | | (6)时间日期-DateTime |
范例 **检查微信(WeChat)是否已启动,已启动则提示微信主窗口句柄,否则提示微信未启动** ```json { "Variables": [ { "Key": "handle", "Type": 12, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" } ], "Steps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:checkProcessExists", "InputParams": { "process": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "WeChat" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "isExists": null, "pid": null, "pidList": null, "path": null, "mainWinHandle": "handle", "mainwinTitle": null, "startTime": null, "errMessage": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:if", "InputParams": { "condition": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "$={handle} > 0" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:notify", "InputParams": { "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "Info" }, "msg": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "$=\"微信已启动,窗口句柄为\"+{handle}" }, "maxLines": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "style": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "Default" }, "clickAction": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "ElseSteps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:notify", "InputParams": { "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "Error" }, "msg": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "微信未启动" }, "maxLines": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "style": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "Default" }, "clickAction": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "SubPrograms": [] } ```
*** ## 5.云状态存取 **功能描述** > 根据键值读取或写入网络数据。 **官方文档** > https://getquicker.net/KC/Help/Doc/clouddata **内部名称** > sys:clouddata
传入参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | type | 操作类型 | | (9)选项-Enum(readGlobalState: 从网络读取数据; saveGlobalState: 写入数据到网络) | readGlobalState | True | | key | 状态名称 | 存储或读取的数据条目名称(键)。 | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | value | 内容 | 要保存的数据值。使用*NULL*删除此状态的存储。 | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | expireSeconds | 超时时间 | 请求超时时间(秒数) | (1)数字(小数)-Number | 2.5 | False | | stopIfFail | 失败后停止 | 失败后是否停止动作 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | True | False |
传出参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | isSuccess | 是否成功 | 操作是否成功 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | | value | 内容 | 读取到的状态内容 | (99)任意类型-Any | | err | 错误信息 | 出错时输出的错误信息。 | (0)字符串-Text | | errCode | 错误代码 | 从云服务商返回的错误代码。NoSuchKey=不存在此状态。 | (0)字符串-Text |
范例 ```json { "Variables": [ { "Key": "text", "Type": 0, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" } ], "Steps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:comment", "InputParams": { "note": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "状态名称必须是字符串格式" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:comment", "InputParams": { "note": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "步骤说明:写入“今天天气不错”到云存储“CloudKey”中\r\n如果写入*NULL*则删除云端数据(星号也需要写进去)" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:clouddata", "InputParams": { "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "saveGlobalState" }, "key": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "CloudKey" }, "value": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "今天天气不错" }, "expireSeconds": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "2.5" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "err": null, "errMessage": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:comment", "InputParams": { "note": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "步骤说明:写入云存储“CloudKey”中读取数据,并保存到变量“text”中去" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:clouddata", "InputParams": { "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "readGlobalState" }, "key": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "CloudKey" }, "expireSeconds": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "2.5" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "value": "text", "err": null, "errCode": null, "errMessage": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "SubPrograms": [] } ```
*** ## 6.第三方云存储/图床 **功能描述** > 使用第三方云服务上传文件。 **官方文档** > https://getquicker.net/KC/Help/Doc/cloud_oss **内部名称** > sys:cloud_oss
传入参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | operation | 操作类型 | | (9)选项-Enum(Upload: 上传) | Upload | True | | vendor | 服务商 | | (9)选项-Enum(Aliyun: 阿里云OSS; Tencent: 腾讯云COS; Qiniu: 七牛云) | Aliyun | True | | vendorSettings | 服务商参数 | | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | key | 对象名 | 可选。留空时自动生成对象名。如果以/结尾,则在此基础上自动生成对象名。 | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | content | 上传内容 | 要上传的文件路径、其它文本内容或图片变量。 | (99)任意类型-Any | | False | | customDomain | 自定义域名 | 如"https://files.example.com" | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | extraHeaders | 额外的请求头 | 可选。设置厂商相关的特定http头。 | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | expireSeconds | 超时时间 | 请求超时时间(秒数) | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | 180 | True |
传出参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | isSuccess | 是否成功 | 操作是否成功 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | | vendorUrl | 服务商网址 | | (0)字符串-Text | | customUrl | 对象网址 | 设置了自定义域名时会生成此网址。 | (0)字符串-Text |
范例 **从剪贴板上传图片到阿里云OSS,并返回MarkDown格式引用链接** ```json { "Variables": [ { "Key": "返回网址", "Type": 0, "Desc": "默认的文本变量", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null }, { "Key": "剪贴板图片", "Type": 3, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" }, { "Key": "是否为图片", "Type": 2, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" }, { "Key": "当前时间", "Type": 0, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" }, { "Key": "剪贴板文件", "Type": 0, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" }, { "Key": "是否为文件", "Type": 2, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" }, { "Key": "文件类型匹配", "Type": 2, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" }, { "Key": "文件后缀", "Type": 0, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" }, { "Key": "对象路径", "Type": 0, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "img/", "SaveState": true, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" }, { "Key": "EndPoint", "Type": 0, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "服务节点,如:oss-cn-beijing.aliyuncs.com", "SaveState": true, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" }, { "Key": "AccessKey", "Type": 0, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "您的AccessKey", "SaveState": true, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" }, { "Key": "AccessKeySecret", "Type": 0, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "您的AccessKeySecret", "SaveState": true, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" }, { "Key": "Bucket", "Type": 0, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "Bucket的名称", "SaveState": true, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" }, { "Key": "操作结果", "Type": 0, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" }, { "Key": "打开次数", "Type": 12, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "0", "SaveState": true, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" }, { "Key": "上传成功", "Type": 2, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" } ], "Steps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:simpleIf", "InputParams": { "condition": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "$= {打开次数} == 0" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:customwindow", "InputParams": { "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "ShowAndWaitClose" }, "windowMarkup": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
*** ## 7.跳过后续步骤(continue) **功能描述** > 跳过后续步骤(循环内部),开始下一次循环。在循环内部使用。 **官方文档** > https://getquicker.net/KC/Help/Doc/continue **内部名称** > sys:continue
范例 **无限循环,每次循环给count+1,count大于等于10时结束动作** ```json { "Variables": [ { "Key": "count", "Type": 12, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" } ], "Steps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:repeat", "InputParams": { "count": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "-1" }, "stopCondition": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "startIndex": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "repeatDelayMs": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" }, "progressBarTitle": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" } }, "OutputParams": { "count": "count" }, "IfSteps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:if", "InputParams": { "condition": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "$={count}<10" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:continue", "InputParams": {}, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": null, "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "ElseSteps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:stop", "InputParams": { "method": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "default" }, "isError": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "return": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "showMessage": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "SubPrograms": [] } ```
*** ## 8.每个 **功能描述** > 对列表的每项执行处理 **官方文档** > https://getquicker.net/KC/Help/Doc/each **内部名称** > sys:each
传入参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | input | 列表 | 要处理的列表 | (4)文本列表-List | | True | | useMultiThread | 线程模式 | ⚠通常不要选择! 请阅读文档详细了解后再使用。 | (9)选项-Enum(0: 单线程(顺序执行); 1: 多线程(同时执行)) | 0 | False | | threadDelay | 线程启动间隔 | 多线程运行时,每个线程之间的启动时间间隔毫秒数。 | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | 5 | False | | concurrentThreadNum | 同时线程数 | 最多同时启动的线程数,请根据电脑配置和任务内容设置。 | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | 4 | False | | timeoutMs | 超时毫秒数 | 所有线程开启后,等待的超时时间,单位:毫秒。-1:不设置超时时间 | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | -1 | False | | useLocalContext | 为线程创建独立上下文 | 此时只能读取变量,不能更新变量(词典、列表等引用传递的除外) | (2)布尔值-Boolean | False | False | | waitAny | WaitAny模式 | 任意一个线程结束即可。 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | False | False | | stopIfFail | 失败后停止 | 失败后是否停止动作 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | True | False |
传出参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | item | 项 | 列表中的每项,每次循环赋予当前项的值。在子步骤中应该对本输出进行处理。 | (99)任意类型-Any | | count | 计数 | 本次循环,处理到了第几项。 | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | | isSuccess | 是否成功 | 操作是否成功 | (2)布尔值-Boolean |
范例 **[范例参考<跳出循环>](#2.跳出循环(break))**
*** ## 9.获取前台进程信息 **功能描述** > 获取当前活动窗口进程的信息。 **官方文档** > https://getquicker.net/KC/Help/Doc/getactiveprocessinfo **内部名称** > sys:getActiveProcessInfo
传入参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | stopIfFail | 失败后中止动作 | 获取进程信息失败后是否停止动作 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | True | False |
传出参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | path | 程序路径 | 获得的进程路径 | (0)字符串-Text | | procName | 进程名 | 进程名称 | (0)字符串-Text | | pid | PID | 进程ID | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | | isSuccess | 是否成功 | 是否成功获得进程信息 | (2)布尔值-Boolean |
范例 **获取进程名称、程序路径、pid** ```json { "Variables": [ { "Key": "进程名称", "Type": 0, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" }, { "Key": "程序路径", "Type": 0, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" }, { "Key": "pid", "Type": 12, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" } ], "Steps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:getActiveProcessInfo", "InputParams": { "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "path": "程序路径", "procName": "进程名称", "pid": "pid", "isSuccess": null, "errMessage": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "SubPrograms": [] } ```
*** ## 10.获取浏览器网址 **功能描述** > 获取当前浏览器网址。 **官方文档** > https://getquicker.net/KC/Help/Doc/getchromeurl **内部名称** > sys:getChromeUrl
传入参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | stopIfFail | 失败后停止 | 失败后是否停止动作 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | True | False |
传出参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | output | 网址 | 当前标签网址URL | (0)字符串-Text | | isSuccess | 是否成功 | 操作是否成功 | (2)布尔值-Boolean |
范例 ```json { "Variables": [ { "Key": "link", "Type": 0, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" } ], "Steps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:getChromeUrl", "InputParams": { "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "output": "link", "isSuccess": null, "errMessage": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "SubPrograms": [] } ```
*** ## 11.获取剪贴板文件列表 **功能描述** > 获取剪贴板中复制的文件(或文件夹)的路径列表 **官方文档** > https://getquicker.net/KC/Help/Doc/getclipboardfiles **内部名称** > sys:getClipboardFiles
传入参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | stopIfFail | 失败后中止动作 | 获取选中的文本失败后,是否停止后续动作的执行。 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | True | False |
传出参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | isSuccess | 是否成功 | 是否成功获得文件列表 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | | output | 文件列表 | 从剪贴板获取的文件路径列表 | (4)文本列表-List | | elapsedMs | 已更新时间 | 剪贴板最后更新是在多少毫秒以前 | (12)数字(整数)-Integer |
范例 ```json { "Variables": [ { "Key": "list", "Type": 4, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" } ], "Steps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:getClipboardFiles", "InputParams": { "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "output": "list", "elapsedMs": null, "errMessage": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "SubPrograms": [] } ```
*** ## 12.获取剪贴板图片 **功能描述** > 读取剪贴板中的图片内容输出到图片变量中。 **官方文档** > https://getquicker.net/KC/Help/Doc/getclipboardimage **内部名称** > sys:getClipboardImage
传入参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | stopIfFail | 失败后中止动作 | 获取失败后,是否停止后续动作的执行。 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | True | False |
传出参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | isSuccess | 是否成功 | 是否成功获得剪贴板图片 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | | output | 结果图片 | 将获得的图片写入到变量 | (3)图片-Image | | elapsedMs | 已更新时间 | 剪贴板最后更新是在多少毫秒以前 | (12)数字(整数)-Integer |
范例 ```json { "Variables": [ { "Key": "clipImage", "Type": 3, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" } ], "Steps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:getClipboardImage", "InputParams": { "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "output": "clipImage", "elapsedMs": null, "errMessage": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "SubPrograms": [] } ```
*** ## 13.获取剪贴板文本 **功能描述** > 读取剪贴板中的文本内容 **官方文档** > https://getquicker.net/KC/Help/Doc/getClipboardText **内部名称** > sys:getClipboardText
传入参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | format | 文本数据格式 | 需要读取的剪贴板文本内容格式。通常请使用Unicode纯文本格式。 | (9)选项-Enum(UnicodeText: 纯文本; Rtf; Html; CommaSeparatedValue: 带逗号分隔的值(csv); Custom: 自定义格式名) | UnicodeText | False | | customFormat | 格式名称 | 自定义的剪贴板格式名,请和实际剪贴板格式名一致。只支持实际为文本类型的内容。 | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | encoding | 文本编码 | 读取自定义格式时候使用的编码类型 | (9)选项-Enum | utf-8 | True | | waitMs | 重试时间 | 每10ms重试一次,直到获取到文本。为0时不重试。 | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | 400 | False | | stopIfFail | 失败后中止动作 | 获取选中的文本失败后,是否停止后续动作的执行。 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | True | False |
传出参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | isSuccess | 是否成功 | 是否成功获得文本 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | | output | 完整结果内容 | 将获得的文本内容写入到变量 | (0)字符串-Text | | cleanHtml | 主要HTML片段 | HTML的主要内容。之间的部分 | (0)字符串-Text | | htmlDoc | 完整的HTML文档 | 仅去除剪贴板头部信息的完整HTML文档内容。包含等标签,可直接保存为.html文件。 | (0)字符串-Text | | url | 来源网址 | 从网页中复制内容时,可能会携带网址信息。 | (0)字符串-Text | | elapsedMs | 已更新时间 | 剪贴板最后更新是在多少毫秒以前 | (12)数字(整数)-Integer |
范例 **获取文本到text变量** ```json { "Variables": [ { "Key": "text", "Type": 0, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" } ], "Steps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:getClipboardText", "InputParams": { "format": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "UnicodeText" }, "waitMs": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "400" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "output": "text", "url": null, "elapsedMs": null, "errMessage": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "SubPrograms": [] } ``` **获取HTML Format格式文本** ```json { "Variables": [ { "Key": "text", "Type": 0, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" } ], "Steps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:getClipboardText", "InputParams": { "format": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "Custom" }, "customFormat": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "HTML Format" }, "encoding": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "utf-8" }, "waitMs": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "400" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "output": "text", "url": null, "elapsedMs": null, "errMessage": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "SubPrograms": [] } ```
*** ## 14.获取日期时间 **功能描述** > 获取当前或从文本、unix时间戳转换日期时间 **官方文档** > https://getquicker.net/KC/Help/Doc/gettime **内部名称** > sys:getCurrentTime
传入参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | source | 时间来源 | 时间数据来源 | (9)选项-Enum(currTime: 当前时间; fromString: 从文本转换; fromUnixTimeStamp: 从Unix时间戳转换(秒); Source_UnixTimeStampMs: 从Unix时间戳转换(毫秒); fromVar: 时间变量) | currTime | False | | useUtc | 使用UTC时间 | 是表示使用UTC时间,否表示使用本地时间(电脑的当前时间)。 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | False | False | | timeStr | 待解析文本 | 待转换为时间值的文本 | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | inputCulture | 语言文化 | 可选,待解析文本的语言文化。如zh-CN表示中文简体,en-US表示英文美国等。详情请参考文档。 | (0)字符串-Text(CURRENT: 当前系统语言; zh-CN; en-US; ja-JP; ko-KR; fr-FR; de-DE; es-ES; it-IT; ru-RU; pt-BR) | CURRENT | False | | inputFormat | 数据格式 | 可选,待解析文本的数据格式,如yyyy表示4位数年份,MM表示2位数月份等。详情请参考文档。 | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | timeVar | 时间变量 | 时间变量 | (6)时间日期-DateTime | | False | | timeStampStr | Unix时间戳值 | 从1970年1月1日开始所经过的秒数或毫秒数。根据需要开启或关闭使用UTC时间选项。 | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | addDays | 添加天数 | 添加指定的天数(可以为小数/负数) | (1)数字(小数)-Number | 0 | False | | addHours | 添加小时数 | 添加指定的小时数(可以为小数/负数) | (1)数字(小数)-Number | 0 | False | | addMinutes | 添加分钟数 | 添加指定的分钟数(可以为小数/负数) | (1)数字(小数)-Number | 0 | False | | addSeconds | 添加秒数 | 添加指定的秒数(可以为小数/负数) | (1)数字(小数)-Number | 0 | False | | addMonths | 添加月数 | 添加指定的月数(整数)结果不跨月,如1月31日增加1个月等于2月28日。 | (1)数字(小数)-Number | 0 | False | | format | 输出文本值格式 | 文本值的输出格式,请参考c#语言DateTime.ToString()的参数文档。 | (0)字符串-Text | yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss | False | | outputCulture | 输出语言文化 | 可选。指定将时间值格式化为文本时所使用的语言文化。如zh-CN表示中文简体,en-US表示美国英文等。 | (0)字符串-Text | CURRENT | False | | stopIfFail | 失败后停止 | 失败后是否停止动作 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | True | False |
传出参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | isSuccess | 是否成功 | 操作是否成功 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | | output | 时间值 | 日期时间类型的结果时间 | (6)时间日期-DateTime | | strValue | 文本值 | 按‘文本值格式’参数转换后的文本格式值 | (0)字符串-Text | | timeStamp | UNIX时间戳(s) | 获取Unix时间戳(1970年1月1日0时到指定时间的秒数) | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | | timeStampMs | UNIX时间戳(ms) | 获取Unix时间戳(1970年1月1日0时到指定时间的毫秒数) | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | | year | 年 | 年份值 | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | | month | 月 | 月份值 | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | | day | 日 | 日期值 | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | | hour | 时 | 当前小时数,24小时制。 | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | | minute | 分 | 当前分钟数。 | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | | second | 秒 | 当前秒数。 | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | | dayOfWeek | 周第几天 | 本周的第几天,周日为0,周一为1,以此类推。 | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | | dayOfYear | 年第几天 | 本年的第几天。 | (12)数字(整数)-Integer |
范例 **获取当前时间1天2小时3分钟后的时间** ```json { "Variables": [ { "Key": "datetime", "Type": 6, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" } ], "Steps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:getCurrentTime", "InputParams": { "source": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "currTime" }, "useUtc": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "addDays": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" }, "addHours": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "2" }, "addMinutes": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "3" }, "addSeconds": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "addMonths": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "format": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" }, "outputCulture": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "CURRENT" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "output": "datetime", "strValue": null, "timeStamp": null, "timeStampMs": null, "year": null, "month": null, "day": null, "hour": null, "minute": null, "second": null, "dayOfWeek": null, "dayOfYear": null, "errMessage": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "SubPrograms": [] } ```
*** ## 15.获取资源管理器路径/跳转路径 **功能描述** > 获取资源管理器的当前文件夹路径。 **官方文档** > https://getquicker.net/KC/Help/Doc/getexplorerpath **内部名称** > sys:getExplorerPath
传入参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | operation | 操作类型 | | (9)选项-Enum(getPath: 获取路径; setPath: 设置路径) | getPath | False | | path | 路径 | | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | stopIfFail | 失败后停止 | 失败后是否停止动作 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | True | False |
传出参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | output | 当前窗口路径 | 当前资源管理器窗口的路径 | (0)字符串-Text | | allPathList | 所有打开的路径 | 所有资源管理器窗口中打开的路径列表 | (4)文本列表-List | | lastPath | 最近访问的路径 | 最近访问的资源管理器窗口的路径 | (0)字符串-Text | | isSuccess | 是否成功 | 操作是否成功 | (2)布尔值-Boolean |
范例 **获取资源管理器当前路径** ```json { "Variables": [ { "Key": "path", "Type": 0, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" } ], "Steps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:getExplorerPath", "InputParams": { "operation": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "getPath" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "output": "path", "allPathList": null, "lastPath": null, "isSuccess": null, "errMessage": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "SubPrograms": [] } ```
*** ## 16.获取系统路径 **功能描述** > 返回指定的特殊目录路径。 **官方文档** > https://getquicker.net/KC/Help/Doc/getfolderpath **内部名称** > sys:getFolderPath
传入参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | folder | 目录类型 | Windows的特殊目录类型,详情请搜索“Environment.SpecialFolder”。 | (9)选项-Enum | | True |
传出参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | path | 路径 | 返回的完整路径 | (0)字符串-Text |
范例 **获取桌面路径** ```json { "Variables": [ { "Key": "path", "Type": 0, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" } ], "Steps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:getFolderPath", "InputParams": { "folder": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "Desktop" } }, "OutputParams": { "path": "path" }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "SubPrograms": [] } ```
*** ## 17.获取选中的文本 **功能描述** > 获取选中的文字 **官方文档** > https://getquicker.net/KC/Help/Doc/get_selected_text **内部名称** > sys:getSelectedText
传入参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | format | 文本数据格式 | 需要读取的剪贴板文本内容格式。通常请使用Unicode纯文本格式。 | (9)选项-Enum(UnicodeText: 纯文本(默认); Rtf; Html; CommaSeparatedValue: 逗号分隔的值(csv)) | UnicodeText | False | | waitMs | 等待剪贴板时间 | 模拟复制键后,等待剪贴板变化的最长时间毫秒数。 | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | 250 | False | | repeat | 重试次数 | 【已过时,仅为兼容性保留】失败后重试的次数。 | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | 0 | False | | trim | 去除前后的空白 | 去除内容前后的空白(包括空行)。 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | False | False | | tryNoClipboard | 尝试不通过剪贴板的方式获取 | 通过UIAutomation方式获取(某些情况可能出现无法完整获取文字、失去换行信息等问题) | (2)布尔值-Boolean | False | False | | useActionParam | 如果为动作传递了参数,使用参数值作为获取的结果 | 没有传递参数时仍尝试获取选中的文本。 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | False | False | | stopIfFail | 失败后中止动作 | 获取选中的文本失败后,是否停止后续动作的执行。 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | True | False |
传出参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | isSuccess | 是否成功 | 是否成功获取了文本 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | | output | 内容 | 将获得的文本写入到变量 | (0)字符串-Text | | cleanHtml | 去除封装的HTML | 剪贴板HTML的主要内容之间的部分 | (0)字符串-Text | | outputEncoded | URL编码的内容 | 对选中的内容进行URL编码处理后的结果,通常用于拼接网址。 | (0)字符串-Text | | url | 来源网址 | 从网页中复制内容时,可能会携带网址信息。 | (0)字符串-Text |
范例 **最长等待250毫秒获取选中文本并去除文本前后空白,失败后中止动作。** ```json { "Variables": [ { "Key": "text", "Type": 0, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" } ], "Steps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:getSelectedText", "InputParams": { "format": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "UnicodeText" }, "waitMs": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "250" }, "repeat": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "trim": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" }, "tryNoClipboard": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "useActionParam": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "output": "text", "outputEncoded": null, "url": null, "errMessage": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "SubPrograms": [] } ```
*** ## 18.获取系统或动作信息 **功能描述** > 返回Windows系统信息。 **官方文档** > https://getquicker.net/KC/Help/Doc/getsysinfo **内部名称** > sys:getSysInfo
传出参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | MachineName | 机器名 | | (0)字符串-Text | | userName | 用户名 | 当前登录到电脑的用户名 | (0)字符串-Text | | userDomainName | 用户域名 | 当前用户的网络域名(DomainName) | (0)字符串-Text | | OsVersion | 系统版本号 | | (0)字符串-Text | | isWin10 | 是否为Win10或以上 | | (2)布尔值-Boolean | | isWin11 | 是否为Win11 | | (2)布尔值-Boolean | | isAutoRun | 是否自动启动 | 是否开机自动启动Quicker | (2)布尔值-Boolean | | startupSeconds | 系统正常运行秒数 | 可参考任务管理器中显示的正常运行时间。 | (1)数字(小数)-Number | | isLocked | Windows是否锁定 | | (2)布尔值-Boolean | | sysEnv | 环境变量 | | (10)词典-Dict | | primaryScreenRes | 主屏分辨率 | | (0)字符串-Text | | isFullscreen | 前台窗口是否为全屏状态 | | (2)布尔值-Boolean | | isNetworkConnected | 是否联网 | | (2)布尔值-Boolean | | lanIp | 本机局域网IP | | (0)字符串-Text | | quickerVersion | Quicker版本 | | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | | isPro | 是否为专业版 | 当前用户是否使用专业版软件。 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | | unionId | UnionId | 一个标识用户身份的字符串 | (0)字符串-Text | | hasBaiduAccount | 已设置自有百度OCR帐号 | 已经在设置中添加了自有百度OCR帐号。 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | | runnedSeconds | Quicker启动秒数 | Quicker启动后运行的秒数 | (1)数字(小数)-Number | | actionId | 动作ID | 当前运行的动作ID | (0)字符串-Text | | actionName | 动作名称 | 当前运行的动作名称 | (0)字符串-Text | | sharedActionId | 动作库ID | 当前动作的动作库ID | (0)字符串-Text | | sharedActionRevision | 动作版本号 | 当前安装的动作版本 | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | | actionCount | 运行个数 | 当前动作运行中的实例个数(包含此实例) | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | | isDebugging | 是否调试运行 | 是否正在调试运行动作 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | | trigger | 触发方式 | 动作的触发方式 | (0)字符串-Text | | textParam | 文本上下文参数 | 传入动作的文本上下文参数 | (0)字符串-Text | | imageParam | 图片上下文参数 | 传入动作的图片上下文参数 | (3)图片-Image | | isWinInDarkMode | Windows是否为深色模式 | true表示深色模式,false表示浅色模式。 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | | quickerThemeMode | Quicker主题模式 | 可能为:light/dark/auto_light/auto_dark。auto_light/auto_dark表示为跟随windows,当前为浅色或深色模式。 | (0)字符串-Text |
范例 **获取当前动作名称,动作ID,电脑机器名称,是否为Quicker专业版,Quicker版本号** ```json { "Variables": [ { "Key": "MachineName", "Type": 0, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" }, { "Key": "isPro", "Type": 2, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" }, { "Key": "quickerVersion", "Type": 12, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" }, { "Key": "actionId", "Type": 0, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" }, { "Key": "actionName", "Type": 0, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" } ], "Steps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:getSysInfo", "InputParams": {}, "OutputParams": { "MachineName": "MachineName", "userName": null, "userDomainName": null, "OsVersion": null, "isWin10": null, "isWin11": null, "isAutoRun": null, "startupSeconds": null, "isLocked": null, "sysEnv": null, "primaryScreenRes": null, "isFullscreen": null, "isNetworkConnected": null, "lanIp": null, "quickerVersion": "quickerVersion", "isPro": "isPro", "unionId": null, "hasBaiduAccount": null, "runnedSeconds": null, "actionId": "actionId", "actionName": "actionName", "sharedActionId": null, "sharedActionRevision": null, "actionCount": null, "isDebugging": null, "trigger": null, "textParam": null, "imageParam": null, "isWinInDarkMode": null, "quickerThemeMode": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "SubPrograms": [] } ```
*** ## 19.获取窗口信息/查找窗口 **功能描述** > 获取指定窗口的标题等信息。 **官方文档** > https://getquicker.net/KC/Help/Doc/getwindowtitle **内部名称** > sys:getWindowTitle
传入参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | which | 目标窗口 | 判断哪个窗口的信息 | (9)选项-Enum(foreground: 前台窗口; selectWindow: 选择一个窗口; pointing: 弹出面板前鼠标位置的窗口(可能为子窗口); pointing_root: 弹出面板前鼠标位置窗口的根窗口; pointing_now: 当前鼠标位置的窗口(可能为子窗口); pointing_now_root: 当前鼠标位置窗口的根窗口; fromHwnd: 句柄指定的窗口; findWindow: 查找顶层窗口 (单个窗口); top_windows: 所有顶层窗口; findChildWindow: 查找子窗口/控件 (单个窗口); child_windows: 查找子窗口 (多个窗口)) | foreground | True | | hWnd | 窗口句柄hWnd | 未指定时使用前台窗口句柄 | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | | False | | className | 窗口类名 | 要查找窗口的类名(ClassName),为空时不检查此项。 | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | windowName | 窗口名称 | 要查找窗口的标题,为空时不检查此项。 | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | procIdOrName | 进程名/pid | 要查找窗口所属的进程名或pid,为空时不检查此项。 | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | onlyVisible | 仅可见窗口 | | (9)选项-Enum | default | False | | requireTitle | 仅名称(标题)不为空的窗口 | | (2)布尔值-Boolean | True | False | | useRegex | 使用正则匹配窗口类名和标题 | | (2)布尔值-Boolean | False | False | | winRectIncludeInvisibleBorder | 窗口位置包含不可见边框(阴影区域) | | (2)布尔值-Boolean | False | False | | stopIfFail | 失败后停止 | 失败后是否停止动作 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | True | False |
传出参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | isSuccess | 是否成功 | 操作是否成功 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | | output | 窗口标题 | 窗口的标题文字 | (0)字符串-Text | | className | 类名 | 窗口的 Class Name | (0)字符串-Text | | handle | 句柄 | 窗口的句柄 | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | | pid | 进程ID | 窗口所属进程的ID | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | | procName | 进程名 | 进程名称 | (0)字符串-Text | | path | 程序路径 | 获得的进程路径 | (0)字符串-Text | | parent | 父窗口句柄 | | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | | root | 根窗口句柄 | | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | | rootOwner | 根所有者窗口句柄 | | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | | rect | 窗口位置 | 文本值,格式为:Left,Top,Right,Bottom,Width,Height。 | (0)字符串-Text | | rectNoSize | 窗口位置(不含尺寸) | 文本值,格式为:Left,Top,Right,Bottom。如:0,0,100,100 | (0)字符串-Text | | rectDict | 窗口位置(词典值) | 词典值,属性为:Left,Top,Right,Bottom,Width,Height | (10)词典-Dict | | isTopmost | 是否置顶 | | (2)布尔值-Boolean | | isVisible | 是否可见 | | (2)布尔值-Boolean | | showState | 显示状态 | 1:普通,2:最小化,3:最大化。 | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | | alpha | 不透明度 | 窗口的透明度,范围为0-255。0表示全透明 | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | | allChildWindows | 所有子窗口 | 词典值,Key为窗口句柄,Value为窗口标题 | (10)词典-Dict | | topLevelWindows | 所有顶层窗口 | 词典值,Key为窗口句柄,Value为窗口标题 | (10)词典-Dict |
范例 **获取前台窗口句柄** ```json { "Variables": [ { "Key": "handle", "Type": 12, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" } ], "Steps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:getWindowTitle", "InputParams": { "which": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "foreground" }, "winRectIncludeInvisibleBorder": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "output": null, "className": null, "handle": "handle", "pid": null, "procName": null, "path": null, "parent": null, "root": null, "rootOwner": null, "rect": null, "rectNoSize": null, "rectDict": null, "isTopmost": null, "isVisible": null, "showState": null, "alpha": null, "allChildWindows": null, "errMessage": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "SubPrograms": [] } ``` **获取前台窗口下名称为"咿呀咿呀"的子窗口句柄和窗口位置,获取失败不会停止动作,如果获取到则显示窗口位置信息** ```json { "Variables": [ { "Key": "handle", "Type": 12, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" }, { "Key": "rectDict", "Type": 10, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" }, { "Key": "isSuccess", "Type": 2, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" } ], "Steps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:getWindowTitle", "InputParams": { "which": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "findChildWindow" }, "hWnd": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "className": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "windowName": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "咿呀咿呀" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": "isSuccess", "handle": "handle", "rectNoSize": null, "rectDict": "rectDict", "errMessage": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:simpleIf", "InputParams": { "condition": { "VarKey": "isSuccess", "Value": null } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:notify", "InputParams": { "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "Info" }, "msg": { "VarKey": "rectDict", "Value": null }, "maxLines": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "style": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "Default" }, "clickAction": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "SubPrograms": [] } ```
*** ## 20.步骤组 **功能描述** > 一组有关的模块(方便整体禁用、删除等) **官方文档** > https://getquicker.net/KC/Help/Doc/group **内部名称** > sys:group
传入参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | skipErr | 忽略错误 | 忽略内部步骤的错误,继续允许后续代码 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | False | False | | skipWhenDebugging | 调试运行时不输出调试内容 | 用以减少不必要的调试输出 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | False | False | | useMultiThread | 使用多线程 | ⚠通常不要选择! 请阅读文档详细了解后再使用。 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | False | False | | waitAny | 多线程使用WaitAny模式 | 任意一个线程结束即可。 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | False | False |
传出参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | isSuccess | 是否成功 | 内部步骤是否运行成功 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | | errorMessage | 错误消息 | | (0)字符串-Text |
范例 **多线程同时运行两个步骤组,第一个步骤组内容为:等待3000毫秒,如果用户未按下“弹窗提示或确认”模块任何按钮,则模拟按下键盘左Alt+Y组合键以快速点击第一个按钮;第二个步骤内容为“弹窗提示或确认模块”,其中有3个按钮,默认的按钮值为Yes。两个线程都运行结束后,显示按钮的值** ```json { "Variables": [ { "Key": "btn", "Type": 0, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" } ], "Steps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:group", "InputParams": { "skipErr": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "skipWhenDebugging": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "useMultiThread": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" }, "waitAny": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "errorMessage": null }, "IfSteps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:group", "InputParams": {}, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:delay", "InputParams": { "delayMs": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "3000" }, "monitorWaitWin": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:simpleIf", "InputParams": { "condition": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "$={btn}==\"\"" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:keyInput", "InputParams": { "keys": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "{\"CtrlKeys\":[164],\"Keys\":[89]}" }, "repeat": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" }, "interval": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" }, "holdMs": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "-1" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "ElseSteps": [], "Note": null, "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:group", "InputParams": {}, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:MsgBox", "InputParams": { "operation": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "custom" }, "message": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "Hello." }, "title": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "Quicker" }, "customIcon": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "Information" }, "customButtons": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "[fa:Regular_Check:#4caf50]第一个按钮(_Y)|按钮1\r\n[fa:Regular_Times:#dc3545]第二个按钮(_N)|按钮2\r\n[fa:Light_Undo:#444444]取消(_C)|Cancel" }, "defaultButton": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "Yes" }, "restoreFocus": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "result": "btn" }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "ElseSteps": [], "Note": null, "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "ElseSteps": [], "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:notify", "InputParams": { "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "Info" }, "msg": { "VarKey": "btn", "Value": null }, "maxLines": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "style": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "Default" }, "clickAction": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "SubPrograms": [] } ```
*** ## 21.HTTP请求 **功能描述** > 发送HTTP请求,并获取返回结果 **官方文档** > https://getquicker.net/KC/Help/Doc/http **内部名称** > sys:http
传入参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | url | 网址 | 要打开的网页地址 | (0)字符串-Text | https:// | True | | method | 方法 | Http请求的类型 | (9)选项-Enum(GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, PATCH, HEAD, OPTIONS) | GET | True | | header | 请求头 | 发送的HttpHeader。每行一个header,格式为Name:Value | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | cookie | Cookie | 请求的cookie内容 | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | bodyType | 请求体类型 | Http 请求体的内容 | (9)选项-Enum(JSON, FORM: 文本表单, FILE: MultiPart表单, BinaryFile: 单个文件或图片变量(二进制), Text: 纯文本) | JSON | True | | body | 请求体 | Http 请求 BODY。格式要求详见模块帮助。 | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | contentType | 内容类型 | 选填。上传内容的ContentType,适用于“单个文件或图片变量(二进制)”或“纯文本” 请求体类型。 | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | resultType | 结果类型 | Http请求的结果类型 | (9)选项-Enum(Text: 文本, Image: 图片, File: 文件) | Text | True | | ua | UserAgent | | (0)字符串-Text | Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 | False | | expireSeconds | 超时时间 | 请求超时时间(秒数) | (1)数字(小数)-Number | 100 | False | | noAutoRedirect | 禁止重定向 | 是否禁止自动跳转 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | False | False | | showProgress | 显示进度条 | 是否显示上传下载进度条 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | False | False | | skipCertVerify | 忽略HTTPS证书验证 | | (2)布尔值-Boolean | False | False | | forceProxy | 强制使用代理 | 即使系统设置中未启用代理,本步骤仍然使用代理访问。 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | False | False | | stopIfFail | 失败后停止 | 失败后是否停止动作 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | True | False | | useSSE | 启用SSE流式响应 | 调用AI接口时使用,通过子程序处理接收到的流式响应内容 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | False | False | | sseSpName | SSE流式响应处理子程序 | 用于处理接收到的流式响应消息,每次收到调用一次,通过data输入变量接收内容。 | (0)字符串-Text | | False |
传出参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | isSuccess | 是否成功 | 是否操作成功 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | | statusCode | 状态码 | 返回的http请求状态码 | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | | respHeaders | 响应头 | 返回的HTTP响应Headers | (10)词典-Dict | | respCookies | 响应Cookies | 返回的Cookies | (10)词典-Dict | | content | 文本结果 | 返回的文本内容 | (0)字符串-Text | | imgResult | 图片结果 | 返回的图片内容 | (3)图片-Image |
范例 **获取选中文本,判断选中文本是否以“熊曰开头”,是的话HTTP请求进行解密,否则HTTP请求进行加密。最后将返回的文本发送到窗口中去** ```json { "Variables": [ { "Key": "熊曰", "Type": 0, "Desc": "默认的文本变量", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null }, { "Key": "原始文本", "Type": 0, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null } ], "Steps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:getSelectedText", "InputParams": { "format": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "UnicodeText" }, "repeat": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "2" }, "useActionParam": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "output": "原始文本", "outputEncoded": null, "url": null, "isSuccess": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:comment", "InputParams": { "note": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "http://hi.pcmoe.net/index.html" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:if", "InputParams": { "condition": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "$= {原始文本}.IndexOf(\"熊曰:\", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) >= 0" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:comment", "InputParams": { "note": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "解密" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:http", "InputParams": { "url": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "http://hi.pcmoe.net/bear.php" }, "method": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "POST" }, "header": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "connection:keep-alive\r\nx-requested-with:XMLHttpRequest\r\ndnt:1\r\nx-token:07B97AA644E8\r\naccept:*/*\r\nreferer:http://hi.pcmoe.net/index.html\r\naccept-language:zh-CN,zh;q=0.9,en-US;q=0.8,en;q=0.7" }, "cookie": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "bodyType": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "FORM" }, "body": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "$$mode=Bear&code=Decode&txt={原始文本}" }, "contentType": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "resultType": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "Text" }, "ua": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 6.0; Nexus 5 Build/MRA58N) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/93.0.4577.63 Mobile Safari/537.36 Edg/93.0.961.38" }, "expireSeconds": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "100" }, "noAutoRedirect": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "showProgress": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "skipCertVerify": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "statusCode": null, "respHeaders": null, "respCookies": null, "content": "熊曰", "imgResult": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "ElseSteps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:comment", "InputParams": { "note": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "加密" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:stringProcess", "InputParams": { "data": { "VarKey": "原始文本", "Value": null }, "method": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "urlEncode" }, "srcEncoding": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "utf-8" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "output": "原始文本", "isSuccess": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:http", "InputParams": { "url": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "http://hi.pcmoe.net/bear.php" }, "method": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "POST" }, "header": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "connection:keep-alive\r\nx-requested-with:XMLHttpRequest\r\ndnt:1\r\nx-token:07B97AA644E8\r\naccept:*/*\r\nreferer:http://hi.pcmoe.net/index.html\r\naccept-language:zh-CN,zh;q=0.9,en-US;q=0.8,en;q=0.7" }, "cookie": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "bodyType": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "FORM" }, "body": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "$$mode=Bear&code=Encode&txt={原始文本}" }, "contentType": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "resultType": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "Text" }, "ua": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 6.0; Nexus 5 Build/MRA58N) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/93.0.4577.63 Mobile Safari/537.36 Edg/93.0.961.38" }, "expireSeconds": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "100" }, "noAutoRedirect": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "showProgress": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "skipCertVerify": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "statusCode": null, "respHeaders": null, "respCookies": null, "content": "熊曰", "imgResult": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:outputText", "InputParams": { "content": { "VarKey": "熊曰", "Value": null }, "method": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "paste" }, "delayBeforePaste": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "50" }, "delayAfterPaste": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "10" }, "appendReturn": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "SubPrograms": [] } ```
*** ## 22.如果/否则 **功能描述** > 依据条件执行操作 **官方文档** > https://getquicker.net/KC/Help/Doc/if **内部名称** > sys:if
传入参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | condition | 如果 | 是否符合指定的条件 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | | False |
范例 见其他模块相关即可
*** ## 23.模拟按键A(录入) **功能描述** > 模拟键盘输入 **官方文档** > https://getquicker.net/KC/Help/Doc/keyinput **内部名称** > sys:keyInput
传入参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | keys | 按键 | 模拟的按键内容 | (7)按键码 | | True | | repeat | 重复次数 | | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | 1 | False | | interval | 重复间隔(毫秒) | 每次重复之间的间隔毫秒数 | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | 1 | False | | holdMs | 保持毫秒数 | 普通键(非Ctrl/Alt/Shift/Win)在抬起前保持的时间。-1表示使用默认设置。 某些直接模拟按键无法生效的软件中可以尝试增加此值。 | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | -1 | False |
范例 **模拟按下LeftAlt+LeftCtrl+LeftShift+G并循环3次,每次间隔20毫秒** ```json { "Variables": [], "Steps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:keyInput", "InputParams": { "keys": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "{\"CtrlKeys\":[164,162,160],\"Keys\":[71]}" }, "repeat": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "3" }, "interval": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "20" }, "holdMs": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "-1" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "SubPrograms": [] } ```
*** ## 24.鼠标输入 **功能描述** > 模拟鼠标输入 **官方文档** > https://getquicker.net/KC/Help/Doc/mouse **内部名称** > sys:mouse
传入参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | type | 类型 | 操作类型 | (9)选项-Enum(restore: 还原鼠标位置; move: 移动距离; moveTo: 移动到(x,y分别指定); moveToXy: 移动到(x,y一同指定); click: 单击; dbclick: 双击; down: 按下; up: 抬起; scroll: 滚动; ctrlDown: 按下Ctrl; ctrlUp: 松开Ctrl; shiftDown: 按下Shift; shiftUp: 松开Shift; toWinTL: 移动到窗口位置:相对于窗口左上角; toWinTR: 移动到窗口位置:相对于窗口右上角; toWinBL: 移动到窗口位置:相对于窗口左下角; toWinBR: 移动到窗口位置:相对于窗口右下角; toWinCenter: 移动到窗口位置:窗口中心; moveToWinXy: 移动到窗口位置:xy一同指定; locateByBitmap: 移动到位图位置(图片文件); locateByBitmapVar: 移动到位图位置(图片变量); getMouseOriginPosition: 获取鼠标位置(弹出面板前位置); getMouseCurrentPosition: 获取鼠标位置及指针类型(当前位置); showIndicator: 显示鼠标位置提示) | restore | True | | hWnd | 窗口句柄 | 目标窗口的句柄。留空或 0 表示操作前台窗口。 | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | | False | | btn | 按钮 | 操作哪个按钮 | (9)选项-Enum(left: 左键; right: 右键; middle: 中键; x1: X1; x2: X2) | left | True | | bmp | 位图路径 | 需要在屏幕中查找的位图路径。位图必须和屏幕图像完全匹配,不能压缩。此时X、Y的值为相对于搜索位图的左上角的偏移。 | (0)字符串-Text | | True | | bmpVar | 位图变量 | 需要在屏幕中查找的位图。位图必须和屏幕图像完全匹配,不能压缩。此时X、Y的值为相对于搜索位图的左上角的偏移。 | (3)图片-Image | | True | | bmpTargetType | 查找范围 | 位图查找范围 | (9)选项-Enum(MainScreen: 主屏幕; CurrentWindow: 当前窗口; Rect: 坐标范围) | MainScreen | False | | searchRect | 查找坐标范围 | 当“查找范围”为“坐标范围”时有效,格式为:left,top,right,bottom | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | bmpPosition | 定位位置 | 查找到图片后,鼠标指针移动到的位置 | (9)选项-Enum(Center: 位图中间; TopLeft: 左上角; TopRight: 右上角; BottomLeft: 左下角; BottomRight: 右下角) | Center | False | | bmpColorError | 颜色容差 | 匹配像素时允许每个颜色通道的偏差值0-100,0表示精确匹配,速度最快。 | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | 10 | False | | maxFindCount | 最大匹配数量 | 找图的最大匹配数量。将对每个查找到的目标执行附加动作。 | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | 1 | False | | retryCount | 重试次数 | 未找到位图时的重试次数。每次重试间隔300ms。 | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | 1 | False | | x | X | 水平方向的坐标/坐标偏移/移动距离(像素) 或 滚动数量(clicks。正值向右,负值向左) | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | 0 | True | | y | Y | 垂直方向的坐标/坐标偏移/移动距离 或 滚动数量(clicks。正值向前,负值向后) | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | 0 | True | | xy | 坐标 | 格式为:x,y,如:100,200。也可以使用百分比表示,如:50%,50% 表示屏幕中心。 | (0)字符串-Text | | True | | xyForWin | 相对坐标 | 格式为:x,y,如:100,200(相对于窗口左上角向右100,向下200)。也可以使用百分比表示,如:50%,50% 表示窗口中心。 | (0)字符串-Text | | True | | slowMove | 逐渐移动到目标 | 逐渐移动而不是直接移动到目标位置。 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | False | False | | extAction | 移动后操作 | 移动位置后,需要执行的动作 | (9)选项-Enum(none: 无; left: 左键单击; leftDbClick: 左键双击; right: 右键单击; middle: 中键单击) | none | True | | restoreMousePos | 操作完成后恢复鼠标位置 | | (2)布尔值-Boolean | False | False | | stopIfFail | 失败后中止动作 | 获取位置失败后,是否停止后续动作的执行。 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | True | False |
传出参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | isSuccess | 找图定位是否成功 | | (2)布尔值-Boolean | | mouseLocation | 鼠标位置 | 格式为X,Y的文本 | (0)字符串-Text | | mouseX | 鼠标位置X | 鼠标位置X坐标 | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | | mouseY | 鼠标位置Y | 鼠标位置Y坐标 | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | | cursorType | 光标类型 | 当前的鼠标指针形状类型 | (0)字符串-Text |
范例 **鼠标移动到200,300并双击鼠标左键然后回到原位,接着逐渐移动到500,800并单击鼠标中键** ```json { "Variables": [], "Steps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:mouse", "InputParams": { "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "moveToXy" }, "xy": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "200,300" }, "slowMove": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "extAction": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "leftDbClick" }, "restoreMousePos": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:mouse", "InputParams": { "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "moveToXy" }, "xy": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "500,800" }, "slowMove": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" }, "extAction": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "middle" }, "restoreMousePos": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "SubPrograms": [] } ```
*** ## 25.提示消息 **功能描述** > 显示可以自动消失的消息提示。 **官方文档** > https://getquicker.net/KC/Help/Doc/notify **内部名称** > sys:notify
传入参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | type | 类型 | 消息的类型 | (9)选项-Enum(Success: 成功; Info: 信息; Warning: 告警; Error: 错误; WindowsToast: Windows 通知 (win10+)) | Info | True | | msg | 消息内容 | 显示的消息内容 | (0)字符串-Text | | True | | maxLines | 最大行数 | 显示内容的最大行数,0表示不限 | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | 0 | True | | style | 风格 | | (9)选项-Enum(Default: 默认(显示在屏幕底部); Style2: 风格2(显示在屏幕右侧)) | Default | True | | clickAction | 点击命令 | 点击时运行命令(如网址等可以在Win+R中执行的文本,仅支持默认风格提示)。默认为复制提示文字。 | (0)字符串-Text | | False |
范例 **弹出一条“此消息可点击”的通知,点击后带参(当前动作标题)运行当前动作,并提示** ```json { "Variables": [], "Steps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:if", "InputParams": { "condition": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "$={quicker_in_param}!=\"\"" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:notify", "InputParams": { "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "Info" }, "msg": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "$${quicker_in_param}" }, "maxLines": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "style": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "Default" }, "clickAction": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "ElseSteps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:notify", "InputParams": { "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "Info" }, "msg": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "此消息可点击" }, "maxLines": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "style": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "Default" }, "clickAction": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "$=\"quicker:runaction:\" + _context.ActionId + \"?\" + _context.ActionTitle" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "SubPrograms": [] } ```
*** ## 26.比较数字 **功能描述** > 比较数字大小。 **官方文档** > https://getquicker.net/KC/Help/Doc/numcompare **内部名称** > sys:numCompare
传入参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | param1 | 数字1 | 左侧的数字 | (1)数字(小数)-Number | 0 | True | | type | 类型 | 比较方式 | (9)选项-Enum(>; >=; =; <; <=) | > | True | | param2 | 数字2 | 右侧的数字 | (1)数字(小数)-Number | 0 | True |
传出参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | value | 值 | 比较结果是否为真 | (2)布尔值-Boolean |
范例 **判断数字1是否大于等于3** ```json { "Variables": [ { "Key": "value", "Type": 2, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" } ], "Steps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:numCompare", "InputParams": { "param1": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" }, "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": ">=" }, "param2": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "3" } }, "OutputParams": { "value": "value" }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "SubPrograms": [] } ```
*** ## 27.打开网址 **功能描述** > 打开指定的网址 **官方文档** > https://getquicker.net/KC/Help/Doc/openurl **内部名称** > sys:openUrl
传入参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | url | 网址 | 要打开的网页地址 | (0)字符串-Text | https:// | True | | browser | 浏览器 | 使用什么浏览器打开网址 | (9)选项-Enum | default | True | | exePath | 浏览器程序路径 | 浏览器exe程序路径 | (0)字符串-Text | | True | | stopIfFail | 失败后停止 | 失败后是否停止动作 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | True | False |
传出参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | isSuccess | 是否成功 | 操作是否成功 | (2)布尔值-Boolean |
范例 **默认浏览器打开https://www.baidu.com** ```json { "Variables": [], "Steps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:openUrl", "InputParams": { "url": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "https://www.baidu.com" }, "browser": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "default" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "errMessage": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "SubPrograms": [] } ```
*** ## 28.发送文本到窗口 **功能描述** > 将文本输出到活动窗口中 **官方文档** > https://getquicker.net/KC/Help/Doc/outputtext **内部名称** > sys:outputText
传入参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | content | 内容 | 要输出的内容 | (0)字符串-Text | | True | | method | 方法 | 发送内容使用的方法 | (9)选项-Enum(input: 模拟输入; paste: 复制到剪贴板后粘贴(Ctrl+V)) | paste | True | | delayBeforePaste | 粘贴前延时 | 毫秒数。写入剪贴板以后,等待指定的时间后再发送粘贴按键(Ctrl+V) | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | 50 | False | | delayAfterPaste | 粘贴后延时 | 毫秒数。发送粘贴按键(Ctrl+V)之后等待的毫秒数 | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | 10 | False | | delayBetweenChar | 字符间延迟 | 模拟输入下一个字符之前等待的毫秒数。 | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | 0 | False | | appendReturn | 在末尾添加回车 | 发送内容后,在末尾输入回车 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | False | False | | stopIfFail | 失败后停止 | 失败后是否停止动作 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | True | False |
传出参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | isSuccess | 步骤是否成功 | 步骤是否成功完成 | (2)布尔值-Boolean |
范例 **模拟输入Quicker123到窗口中去,每个字符之间等待3毫秒,输入完毕后添加回车** ```json { "Variables": [], "Steps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:outputText", "InputParams": { "content": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "Quicker123" }, "method": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "input" }, "delayBetweenChar": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "3" }, "appendReturn": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "errMessage": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "SubPrograms": [] } ```
*** ## 29.播放声音 **功能描述** > 播放声音提示或声音文件。 **官方文档** > https://getquicker.net/KC/Help/Doc/playsound **内部名称** > sys:playSound
传入参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | type | 类型 | | (9)选项-Enum(LOCAL: 内置声音提示; EXTERN: 电脑文件或网络文件; TTS: 朗读文本(系统TTS)) | LOCAL | False | | localSound | 提示音类型 | | (9)选项-Enum(info: 信息; snip: 截图; succeed: 成功; warning: 警告; wrong: 错误) | info | False | | uri | 路径或URL | 音乐文件的本地路径或网址。 | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | text | 文本内容 | 需要朗读的文本。 | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | wait | 等待播放完成 | | (2)布尔值-Boolean | | False | | stopIfFail | 失败后停止 | 失败后是否停止动作 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | True | False |
传出参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | isSuccess | 是否成功 | 操作是否成功 | (2)布尔值-Boolean |
范例 **播放内置声音提示:成功,并等待播放完成** ```json { "Variables": [], "Steps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:playSound", "InputParams": { "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "LOCAL" }, "localSound": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "succeed" }, "wait": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "errMessage": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "SubPrograms": [] } ```
*** ## 30.Quicker操作 **功能描述** > 调用Quicker的某个功能 **官方文档** > https://getquicker.net/KC/Help/Doc/quickeroperations **内部名称** > sys:quickeroperations
传入参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | type | 类型 | 操作类型 | (9)选项-Enum(showPanel: 显示面板; showSearch: 显示搜索框; closeSearch: 关闭搜索框; showCircleMenu: 显示轮盘菜单 (点击); togglePause: 禁用/启用; runLastAction: 运行最后使用的动作; startAppVoiceInput: 启动App语音输入; stopAllActions: 停止运行中的动作; reinstallMouseHook: 重新加载键鼠挂钩; ResetKeyboard: 重置键盘状态; showDashboardWindow: 显示仪表盘窗口; toggleTextFloatWindow: 开启/关闭文本悬浮窗功能; showConfigWindow: 显示配置窗口; showExeSettingWindow: 显示场景与动作管理窗口; closeAllFloatWindow: 关闭所有悬浮按钮; loadProfile: 加载动作页; loadExeProfiles: 加载指定应用程序的所有动作页(锁定切换); loadExeProfilesNoLock: 加载指定应用程序的所有动作页(不锁定切换); ToggleLockPanel: 锁定/解锁 动作页自动切换; editAction: 编辑动作; RestartQuicker: 重启Quicker; SetPushActiveClient: 推送服务:设置为活动客户端; StartSearchWithAction: 使用当前动作进行实时搜索; SearchWithCertainAction: 使用指定动作进行实时搜索; operation_show_context_menu: 显示剪贴板上下文菜单; LoadSkin: 加载外观/切换主题(专业版功能); ExitQuicker: 退出Quicker; FloatAction: 悬浮动作(专业版功能); ToggleFloatButtons: 切换所有悬浮按钮显示; ShowHideImageWindows: 显示或隐藏所有图片窗口; RemoveAction: 删除当前动作; GetActionInfo: 根据ID获取动作信息) | showPanel | True | | profileId | 动作页ID | 请在场景与动作管理中,查看动作页信息获取ID。 | (0)字符串-Text | | True | | actionId | 动作ID或名称 | 在动作上点右键->信息可以查看动作信息。使用名称时不能有重名动作。获取动作信息时仅可填写动作Id。编辑动作时,使用%%id或%%name格式,可用于编辑公共子程序。 | (0)字符串-Text | | True | | position | 位置 | 坐标,格式为:left,top | (0)字符串-Text | 200,200 | True | | exe | 场景标识 | 场景关联的exe文件名。请参考场景与动作管理窗口左侧应用列表。 | (0)字符串-Text | | True | | activatePointWindow | 自动激活鼠标位置窗口 | | (2)布尔值-Boolean | 0 | False | | followMousePosition | 跟随鼠标位置 | | (2)布尔值-Boolean | True | False | | searchText | 预置的搜索内容 | 预先放入搜索框的内容 | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | skinId | 外观ID | 请在外观网页中复制外观ID | (0)字符串-Text | | True | | theme | 主题模式 | 可选切换为浅色或暗色模式 | (9)选项-Enum("": 不改变; auto: 跟随Windows; light: 浅色; dark: 暗色; toggle: 切换浅色和暗色) | | False | | viewMode | 显示状态 | | (9)选项-Enum(HideAll: 隐藏全部; ByProcess: 自动(按关联进程切换); ShowAll: 显示全部; ToggleHideAndAuto: 切换隐藏和自动) | ByProcess | False | | stopIfFail | 失败后停止 | 失败后是否停止动作 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | True | False |
传出参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | isSuccess | 步骤是否成功 | 步骤是否成功完成 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | | actionList | 动作列表 | | (4)文本列表-List | | actionTitle | 动作标题 | | (0)字符串-Text | | actionIcon | 动作图标 | | (0)字符串-Text |
范例 **打开Quicker配置窗口** ```json { "Variables": [], "Steps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:quickeroperations", "InputParams": { "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "showConfigWindow" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "errMessage": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "SubPrograms": [] } ```
*** ## 31.重复 **功能描述** > 循环指定的次数,或符合某个条件时中止 **官方文档** > https://getquicker.net/KC/Help/Doc/repeat **内部名称** > sys:repeat
传入参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | count | 次数 | 重复次数,除非符合条件提前中止。-1表示无限循环。 | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | 1 | False | | stopCondition | 中止条件 | 选填。条件满足时停止循环(每次循环开始时检查)。 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | | False | | startIndex | 计数开始值 | 计数序号的开始值,通常应该为0。 | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | 0 | False | | repeatDelayMs | 循环间隔时间 | 每次循环之间的间隔毫秒数。如果为0,请确保循环内部有其他等待步骤,避免连续循环占用较多资源。 | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | 1 | False | | progressBarTitle | 进度条标题 | 如果设置了此参数,则在循环过程中会显示一个进度条,标题为此参数的值。 | (0)字符串-Text | | False |
传出参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | count | 计数 | 计数序号,表示第几次循环。 | (12)数字(整数)-Integer |
范例 **循环100次,每次间隔30毫秒,当前运行次数为count变量,当count等于50时终止循环** ```json { "Variables": [ { "Key": "count", "Type": 12, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" } ], "Steps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:repeat", "InputParams": { "count": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "100" }, "stopCondition": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "$={count}==50" }, "startIndex": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "repeatDelayMs": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "30" }, "progressBarTitle": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" } }, "OutputParams": { "count": "count" }, "IfSteps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:notify", "InputParams": { "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "Info" }, "msg": { "VarKey": "count", "Value": null }, "maxLines": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "style": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "Default" }, "clickAction": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "SubPrograms": [] } ```
*** ## 32.显示进度条 **功能描述** > 显示/更新进度条 **官方文档** > https://getquicker.net/KC/Help/Doc/reportProgress **内部名称** > sys:reportProgress
传入参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | type | 类型 | 操作类型 | (9)选项-Enum(REQUEST_ID: 创建进度条; UPDATE_PROGRESS: 更新进度; REMOVE: 去除进度条) | REQUEST_ID | True | | progressId | 进度条ID | 进度条的序号,用于后续更新或删除进度条 | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | 0 | False | | title | 进度条标题 | 进度条的标题(显示在进度条上方) | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | percentage | 进度百分比 | 0到100之间的数字 | (1)数字(小数)-Number | 0 | False | | text | 说明文字 | 显示在进度条下方 | (0)字符串-Text | | False |
传出参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | progressId | 进度条ID | 进度条的序号,用于后续更新或删除进度条 | (12)数字(整数)-Integer |
范例 **创建一个进度条,ID为progressId。创建一个循环100次的循环,每次间隔30毫秒,当前运行次数为count变量,每次运行更新进度条:标题为循环100次,底部文字为“这是一行底部说明文字”,当count等于50时终止循环,循环结束后移除进度条** ```json { "Variables": [ { "Key": "count", "Type": 12, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" }, { "Key": "progressId", "Type": 12, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" } ], "Steps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:reportProgress", "InputParams": { "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "REQUEST_ID" } }, "OutputParams": { "progressId": "progressId" }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:repeat", "InputParams": { "count": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "100" }, "stopCondition": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "$={count}==50" }, "startIndex": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "repeatDelayMs": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "30" }, "progressBarTitle": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" } }, "OutputParams": { "count": "count" }, "IfSteps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:reportProgress", "InputParams": { "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "UPDATE_PROGRESS" }, "progressId": { "VarKey": "progressId", "Value": null }, "title": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "循环100次" }, "percentage": { "VarKey": "count", "Value": null }, "text": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "这是一行底部说明文字" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:notify", "InputParams": { "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "Info" }, "msg": { "VarKey": "count", "Value": null }, "maxLines": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "style": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "Default" }, "clickAction": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:reportProgress", "InputParams": { "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "REMOVE" }, "progressId": { "VarKey": "progressId", "Value": null } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "SubPrograms": [] } ```
*** ## 33.恢复活动窗口 **功能描述** > 如果活动窗口改变了(比如使用了参数输入步骤),使用此动作恢复窗口焦点。 **官方文档** > https://getquicker.net/KC/Help/Doc/restoreactivewindow **内部名称** > sys:restoreActiveWindow
范例 ```json { "Variables": [], "Steps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:restoreActiveWindow", "InputParams": {}, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": null, "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "SubPrograms": [] } ```
*** ## 34.运行或停止动作 **功能描述** > 执行指定的其他动作 **官方文档** > https://getquicker.net/KC/Help/Doc/runaction **内部名称** > sys:runAction
传入参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | type | 类型 | 操作类型 | (9)选项-Enum(StartAction: 运行动作; StopAction: 停止动作; ShowActionContextMenu: 显示动作右键菜单; StartCurrentAction: 运行当前动作(注意避免产生循环或递归); StopOtherInstance: 停止当前动作的其它实例; GetRunningActionCount: 获取动作运行个数(自己编写动作时可用)) | StartAction | True | | actionId | 目标动作 | 要运行的其他动作的ID或名称(使用名称时需要完全匹配且不能有重名动作) | (0)字符串-Text | | True | | onlyCustomMenu | 仅显示动作的自定义菜单 | 不显示编辑、复制等菜单 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | False | False | | inputParam | 命令参数 | 传递给目标动作的参数。存储在该动作的quicker_in_param变量中。 | (0)字符串-Text | | True | | wait | 等待运行结束 | 是否等待此动作运行结束再执行后续动作(如需获取目标动作的输出,需选中此项) | (2)布尔值-Boolean | True | False | | debug | 调试模式运行 | 是否以调试模式运行动作 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | False | False | | hideMessage | 不显示提示消息 | 仅对非动作库安装的动作有效 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | False | False | | stopIfFail | 失败后停止 | 如果未找到目标动作,是否停止当前动作 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | True | False |
传出参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | isSuccess | 是否成功 | 操作是否成功 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | | actionTitle | 动作名称 | 运行的动作名称。 | (0)字符串-Text | | count | 运行个数 | 动作正在运行的个数 | (1)数字(小数)-Number | | output | 动作输出 | 被调用动作的输出。 | (0)字符串-Text |
范例 **本动作中有2个步骤。1:停止当前动作的其他实例;2:带参数“123”以“调试模式”运行“窗口测试”动作,并等待动作运行结束** ```json { "Variables": [], "Steps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:runAction", "InputParams": { "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "StopOtherInstance" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "errMessage": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:runAction", "InputParams": { "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "StartAction" }, "actionId": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "窗口测试" }, "inputParam": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "123" }, "wait": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" }, "debug": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "actionTitle": null, "output": null, "errMessage": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "SubPrograms": [] } ```
*** ## 35.运行或打开 **功能描述** > 运行软件或命令,打开文件、文件夹或网址。效果类似于在Windows“运行”对话框中执行命令。 **官方文档** > https://getquicker.net/KC/Help/Doc/run **内部名称** > sys:run
传入参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | path | 路径或命令 | 要运行的命令或打开的文件路径、网址、URI等。 | (0)字符串-Text | | True | | arg | 参数(可选) | 程序参数 | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | setWorkingDir | 工作目录 | 可输入 0或留空(不设置,由windows默认)、1(软件所在目录)、具体的工作目录路径。 | (0)字符串-Text | 1 | False | | windowStyle | 窗口风格 | 设置期望的窗口风格,是否有效依赖于具体的软件。 | (9)选项-Enum(0: 普通(Normal); 1: 隐藏(Hidden); 2: 最小化(Minimized); 3: 最大化(Maximized)) | 0 | False | | runas | 以管理员身份运行 | 以管理员身份运行软件或命令。 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | False | False | | waitInputIdle | 等待启动完成 | 等待进程完成后了初始化,可以接受用户输入。 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | False | False | | waitExit | 等待进程结束 | 等待进程结束后再执行后续操作步骤。 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | False | False | | activateWindowIfRunning | 如果程序已运行则尝试激活窗口 | 如果程序已经在运行,则尝试激活其窗口。 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | False | False | | activateWindowHotkey | 激活窗口快捷键 | 对于支持快捷键激活窗口的软件,设置该快捷键。支持“模拟按键B”语法。 | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | alternativePath | 备用路径 | 文件在多个电脑上路径不同时,使用备用路径填写其他电脑上的文件路径。 | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | username | 用户名 | 使用指定的用户运行 | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | password | 密码 | 用户名对应的密码 | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | outputEncoding | 控制台输出编码 | 控制台输出编码。如果输出遇到乱码,尝试修改此选项。 | (9)选项-Enum(utf8: UTF8; oem: OEM) | oem | True | | envVariables | 环境变量 | 为应用程序设置特定的环境变量值。每行一个,格式“变量名=值”,如“CONFIG_FILE=d:\config.json” | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | stopIfFail | 失败后停止 | 失败后是否停止动作 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | True | False |
传出参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | isSuccess | 是否成功 | 操作是否成功 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | | pid | PID | 进程ID | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | | mainWinHandle | 主窗口句柄 | 进程的主窗口句柄 | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | | mainWinTitle | 主窗口标题 | | (0)字符串-Text | | stdout | 控制台输出 | 慎用!仅用于控制台程序,会自动等待进程结束。输出stdout,为空时输出stderr。 | (0)字符串-Text | | stdoutOnly | stdout输出 | 慎用!捕获控制台程序的stdout输出,会自动等待进程结束 | (0)字符串-Text | | stderr | stderr输出 | 慎用!捕获控制台程序的stderr输出,会自动等待进程结束 | (0)字符串-Text | | exitCode | 退出代码 | 进程的ExitCode,会自动等待进程结束。 | (12)数字(整数)-Integer |
范例 **带参数“123”以管理员身份最小化运行“XX.exe”,返回主窗口句柄mainWinHandle,工作目录为软件所在目录,等待进程启动完成和启动结束后执行下一个步骤(输出“启动完毕”)** ```json { "Variables": [ { "Key": "mainWinHandle", "Type": 12, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" } ], "Steps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:run", "InputParams": { "path": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "XX.exe" }, "arg": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "123" }, "runas": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "true" }, "activateWindowIfRunning": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "false" }, "activateWindowHotkey": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "alternativePath": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" }, "setWorkingDir": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" }, "windowStyle": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "2" }, "waitInputIdle": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "true" }, "waitExit": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "true" }, "username": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "password": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "outputEncoding": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "oem" }, "envVariables": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "pid": null, "mainWinHandle": "mainWinHandle", "mainWinTitle": null, "stdout": null, "stdoutOnly": null, "stderr": null, "exitCode": null, "errMessage": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:notify", "InputParams": { "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "Info" }, "msg": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "启动完毕" }, "maxLines": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "style": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "Default" }, "clickAction": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "SubPrograms": [] } ```
*** ## 36.屏幕找图/找色/找字 **功能描述** > 在屏幕上查找图片里的内容出现的位置 **官方文档** > https://getquicker.net/KC/Help/Doc/searchBmp **内部名称** > sys:searchBmp
传入参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | type | 类型 | 操作类型 | (9)(locateByBitmapFile: 查找图片(文件); locateByBitmapVar: 查找图片(变量); locateByColor: 查找颜色; locateByText: 查找文字) | locateByBitmapFile | True | | bmp | 位图路径 | 需要在屏幕中查找的位图路径。位图必须和屏幕图像完全匹配,不能压缩。此时X、Y的值为相对于搜索位图的左上角的偏移。 | (0)字符串-Text | | True | | bmpVar | 位图变量 | 需要在屏幕中查找的位图。位图必须和屏幕图像完全匹配,不能压缩。此时X、Y的值为相对于搜索位图的左上角的偏移。 | (3)图片-Image | | True | | searchText | 文字 | 要查找的文字。可使用多行指定多组可选文字,找到任意一组即可。 | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | color | 颜色 | 要查找的颜色,如#FF0000 | (0)字符串-Text | #FF0000 | True | | bmpTargetType | 查找范围 | 位图查找范围 | (9)选项-Enum(AllScreens: 所有屏幕; Rect: 坐标范围; CurrentWindow: 当前窗口; MainScreen: 主屏幕) | MainScreen | False | | searchRect | 查找坐标范围 | 可选。当“查找范围”为“坐标范围”时有效,格式为:left,top,right,bottom | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | bmpPosition | 定位位置 | 定位点相对位图的位置 | (9)选项-Enum(Center: 位图中间; TopLeft: 左上角; TopRight: 右上角; BottomLeft: 左下角; BottomRight: 右下角) | Center | False | | x | X偏移 | 定位点水平坐标偏移量(正值向右) | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | 0 | True | | y | Y偏移 | 定位点垂直坐标偏移量(正值向下) | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | 0 | True | | bmpColorError | 颜色容差 | 匹配像素时允许每个颜色通道的偏差值0-100,0表示精确匹配,速度最快。 | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | 10 | False | | maxFindCount | 最大匹配 | 找图的最大匹配数量。将对每个查找到的目标执行附加动作。 | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | 1 | False | | retryCount | 重试次数 | 未找到位图时的重试次数。每次重试间隔300ms。 | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | 0 | False | | ignoreWindowsOcr | 跳过WindowsOCR引擎 | | (2)布尔值-Boolean | False | False | | ignoreBgColor | 忽略背景色 | 如果查找图片的4个顶点颜色一致,则认为是背景色,找图时忽略此颜色。 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | True | False | | stopIfFail | 失败后中止动作 | 获取位置失败后,是否停止后续动作的执行。 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | True | False |
传出参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | isSuccess | 是否成功 | | (2)布尔值-Boolean | | firstPoint | 第一个匹配点 | 第一个匹配点坐标,格式为:x坐标,y坐标 | (0)字符串-Text | | allPoints | 所有匹配点 | 所有的匹配点列表 | (4)文本列表-List | | imgIndex | 匹配序号 | 从多个图片或多组文字中查找时,返回匹配到的图片或文字组序号,从0开始。 | (12)数字(整数)-Integer |
范例 **在坐标范围200,300,800,500查找文字“王中王”,最多重试2次,跳过WindowsOCR引擎,找到后定位点XY分别偏移3和4,第一个匹配点firstPoint,所有匹配点allPoints** ```json { "Variables": [ { "Key": "firstPoint", "Type": 0, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" }, { "Key": "allPoints", "Type": 4, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" } ], "Steps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:searchBmp", "InputParams": { "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "locateByText" }, "searchText": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "王中王" }, "bmpTargetType": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "Rect" }, "searchRect": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "200,300,800,500" }, "x": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "3" }, "y": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "4" }, "retryCount": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "2" }, "ignoreWindowsOcr": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "true" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "firstPoint": "firstPoint", "allPoints": "allPoints", "imgIndex": null, "errMessage": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "SubPrograms": [] } ```
*** ## 37.在资源管理器中定位文件 **功能描述** > 在资源管理器中选中文件 **官方文档** > https://getquicker.net/KC/Help/Doc/selectfileinexplorer **内部名称** > sys:SelectFileInExplorer
传入参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | path | 路径 | 要定位的文件完整路径。 | (0)字符串-Text | | True | | stopIfFail | 失败后停止 | 失败后是否停止动作 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | True | False |
传出参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | isSuccess | 是否成功 | 操作是否成功 | (2)布尔值-Boolean |
范例 **在资源管理器中定位C:\Windows\System32\notepad.exe** ```json { "Variables": [], "Steps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:SelectFileInExplorer", "InputParams": { "path": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "C:\\Windows\\System32\\notepad.exe" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "errMessage": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "SubPrograms": [] } ```
*** ## 38.用户选择 **功能描述** > 请用户选择一个选项。 **官方文档** > https://getquicker.net/KC/Help/Doc/userselect **内部名称** > sys:select
传入参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | type | 类型 | | (9)选项-Enum(single: 单选; multi: 多选) | single | True | | prompt | 窗口标题 | | (0)字符串-Text | 请选择 | True | | note | 提示信息 | | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | items | 选项 | 每行一个选项,格式为 “文本” 或 “显示文本|值”。如需显示图标,格式请参考文档。 | (0)字符串-Text | | True | | defaultValue | 默认值 | 预先选择的项 | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | defaultValueMulti | 默认值 | 多选时默认选项,每行一个 | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | showFilter | 启用筛选 | 是否显示筛选框。仅在且使用焦点时有效。 | (9)选项-Enum | auto | False | | filterContent | 筛选内容 | 预先显示的筛选内容 | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | imeState | 输入法状态 | 筛选框输入法状态 | (9)选项-Enum(NO_CONTROL: 不控制; ON: 开启; OFF: 关闭) | NO_CONTROL | False | | operations | 右键/全局菜单 | 每行定义一个操作,具体格式请参考文档。 | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | fontsize | 字体大小 | | (1)数字(小数)-Number | 12 | True | | fontfamily | 字体名称 | 可选。设置字体名称。如有多个字体,使用逗号分隔。 | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | iconsize | 图标大小 | | (1)数字(小数)-Number | 16 | True | | autoCloseSeconds | 自动关闭 | 几秒后自动关闭选择窗口。0表示不自动关闭。 | (1)数字(小数)-Number | 0 | False | | winLocation | 窗口位置 | 在哪里显示选择窗口 | (9)选项-Enum | WithMouse1 | False | | maxWinSize | 最大尺寸/位置坐标 | 可选。设置选择窗口的最大尺寸,格式为:宽度,高度。支持像素数值或屏幕宽高百分比,详情请参考模块文档。 “窗口位置” 类型为 “自定义位置” 时用于指定显示位置,格式为:left,top,right,bottom | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | keepLastPos | 使用上次位置 | 重复显示选择窗口时,保持上次的显示位置。 | (9)选项-Enum(0: 不保持; 3: 保持本次运行的上次位置(左上角); 1: 保持本次运行的上次位置+宽度; 5: 保持本次运行的上次位置+尺寸; 7: 保持本次运行的上次窗口尺寸; 4: 总是保持上次位置(左上角); 2: 总是保持上次位置+宽度; 6: 总是保持上次位置+尺寸; 8: 总是保持上次窗口尺寸) | 1 | False | | noKeyboard | 不使用焦点 | 不抢占其他应用的焦点。此时无法使用键盘选择选项,只能用鼠标操作。 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | False | False | | closeOnDeactivated | 失去焦点后关闭窗口(仅在使用焦点时有效) | | (2)布尔值-Boolean | False | False | | restoreForeground | 恢复活动窗口到弹出前 | 将前台窗口还原为弹窗前的活动窗口。否则将会还原到最后一个活动窗口上。 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | True | False | | allowOkWhenEmpty | 允许不选择任何选项时点击确定 | | (2)布尔值-Boolean | False | False | | enableQuickConfirm | 启用快速确认(点击选项后立即确认选择并关闭窗口) | | (2)布尔值-Boolean | True | False | | topMost | 置顶显示 | | (2)布尔值-Boolean | True | False | | windowKey | 窗口标识 | 再次运行动作时,可根据标识自动关闭前一个窗口并在该位置显示新窗口。 | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | help | 帮助按钮内容 | 点击弹出显示帮助内容,MarkDown格式 | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | stopIfCancel | 取消后停止 | 取消选择后是否停止动作 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | True | False |
传出参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | isSuccess | 是否确认 | 是否成功选择了选项/点击了保存按钮 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | | textValue | 选择的项(值) | 选中选项的值 | (0)字符串-Text | | selectedIndex | 索引号 | 选择的项在列表里的序号数字,从0开始。 | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | | selectedIndexList | 索引号列表 | 所有选择的项的序号列表 | (4)文本列表-List | | multiSelected | 选择的项值列表 | 所有选择的项的值的列表 | (4)文本列表-List | | extraOperation | 选择的菜单 | 选择的右键菜单或全局菜单项的值 | (0)字符串-Text | | selectedFullItems | 选择的完整选项 | 选择选项的完整定义内容(不仅仅返回选项值) | (99)任意类型-Any | | selectedItemTitle | 选择的选项标题 | 所选中选项的标题 | (0)字符串-Text | | filterContent | 筛选内容 | 最后使用的筛选词 | (0)字符串-Text |
范例 **出现在屏幕中间的多选菜单,标题“选择想吃的”,底部提示文字“可多选”,选项有番茄香蕉苹果(苹果使用了font awesome图标),默认选中“番茄”和“香蕉”,不允许在不选择任何选项时点击确定,返回所选值multiSelected** ```json { "Variables": [ { "Key": "multiSelected", "Type": 4, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" } ], "Steps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:select", "InputParams": { "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "multi" }, "prompt": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "选择想吃的" }, "note": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "可多选" }, "items": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "番茄|Tomato\r\n香蕉|Banana\r\n[fa:Light_Pen:#99AAFF]苹果|Apple" }, "defaultValueMulti": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "Banana\r\nTomato" }, "showFilter": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "auto" }, "filterContent": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "winLocation": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "CenterScreen" }, "maxWinSize": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "keepLastPos": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" }, "closeOnDeactivated": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "restoreForeground": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" }, "allowOkWhenEmpty": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "topMost": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" }, "stopIfCancel": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" }, "imeState": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "NO_CONTROL" }, "operations": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "fontsize": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "12" }, "fontfamily": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "iconsize": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "16" }, "autoCloseSeconds": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "noKeyboard": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "false" }, "windowKey": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "help": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "selectedIndexList": null, "multiSelected": "multiSelected", "extraOperation": null, "selectedFullItems": null, "filterContent": null, "errMessage": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "SubPrograms": [] } ``` **出现在鼠标位置的单选菜单,标题“选择想玩的”,底部提示文字“双击确认”,选项有滑板旱冰跑步(跑步使用了自定义值Run),默认选中“旱冰”,不启用筛选,允许在不选择任何选项时点击确定,返回所选值textValue** ```json { "Variables": [ { "Key": "textValue", "Type": 0, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" } ], "Steps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:select", "InputParams": { "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "single" }, "prompt": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "选择想玩的" }, "note": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "双击确认" }, "items": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "滑板\r\n旱冰\r\n跑步|Run" }, "defaultValue": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "旱冰" }, "showFilter": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "filterContent": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "winLocation": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "WithMouse1" }, "maxWinSize": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "keepLastPos": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" }, "closeOnDeactivated": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "restoreForeground": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" }, "allowOkWhenEmpty": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" }, "enableQuickConfirm": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" }, "topMost": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" }, "stopIfCancel": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" }, "imeState": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "NO_CONTROL" }, "operations": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "fontsize": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "12" }, "fontfamily": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "iconsize": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "16" }, "autoCloseSeconds": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "noKeyboard": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "false" }, "windowKey": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "help": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "textValue": "textValue", "selectedIndex": null, "extraOperation": null, "selectedFullItems": null, "selectedItemTitle": null, "filterContent": null, "errMessage": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "SubPrograms": [] } ```
*** ## 39.模拟按键B(参数) **功能描述** > 发送按键和文本 **官方文档** > https://getquicker.net/KC/Help/Doc/sendKeys **内部名称** > sys:sendKeys
传入参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | keys | 按键序列 | 要发送的按键序列,使用C#语言SendKeys.Send()语法,具体请参考教程文档。 | (0)字符串-Text | | False |
范例 **模拟发送d键** ```json { "Variables": [], "Steps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:sendKeys", "InputParams": { "keys": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "d" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "SubPrograms": [] } ```
*** ## 40.向窗口发送消息 **功能描述** > 使用SendMessage Win32Api向窗口发送消息。使用方法请搜索SendMessage Win32 API接口。 **官方文档** > https://getquicker.net/KC/Help/Doc/sendMessage **内部名称** > sys:sendMessage
传入参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | operation | 操作类型 | | (9)选项-Enum(SendMessage: SendMessage(等待返回,LParam为数字); SendMessageTextLParam: SendMessage(等待返回,LParam为文本); PostMessage: PostMessage(不等待返回)) | SendMessage | False | | hWnd | 窗口句柄hWnd | 留空或0表示前台窗口 | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | | False | | wMsg | 消息 | 要发送的消息。 | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | wParam | wParam参数 | | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | lParam | lParam参数 | | (0)字符串-Text | 0 | False | | textLParam | lParam参数(文本) | 文本内容 | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | stopIfFail | 失败后停止 | 失败后是否停止动作 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | True | False |
传出参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | isSuccess | 是否成功 | 操作是否成功 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | | rtn | 返回值 | 返回值,依据消息的不同具有不同的含义,请查询对应API的文档。 | (12)数字(整数)-Integer |
范例 **对前台窗口进行“最大化”,等待1000毫秒后“最小化”,再等待1000毫秒后“还原窗口”** ```json { "Variables": [ { "Key": "hwnd", "Type": 1, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": null, "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null } ], "Steps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:getWindowTitle", "InputParams": { "which": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "foreground" } }, "OutputParams": { "output": null, "className": null, "handle": "hwnd" }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:sendMessage", "InputParams": { "hWnd": { "VarKey": "hwnd", "Value": null }, "wMsg": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0x0112" }, "wParam": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0xF030" }, "lParam": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "最大化窗口", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:delay", "InputParams": { "delayMs": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1000" }, "monitorWaitWin": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:sendMessage", "InputParams": { "hWnd": { "VarKey": "hwnd", "Value": null }, "wMsg": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0x0112" }, "wParam": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0xF020" }, "lParam": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "最小化窗口", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:delay", "InputParams": { "delayMs": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1000" }, "monitorWaitWin": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:sendMessage", "InputParams": { "hWnd": { "VarKey": "hwnd", "Value": null }, "wMsg": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0x0112" }, "wParam": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0xF120" }, "lParam": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "还原窗口", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "SubPrograms": [] } ```
*** ## 41.显示等待窗口 **功能描述** > 显示一个等待用户完成某个操作的提示窗口。用户点击等待窗口下部的按钮,窗口将关闭。点击右上角的X按钮,将会弹窗询问是否终止当前动作。 **官方文档** > https://getquicker.net/KC/Help/Doc/showwaitwin **内部名称** > sys:showWaitWin
传入参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | mode | 操作 | 请选择操作类型 | (9)选项-Enum(show: 显示窗口; update: 更新窗口; check: 检查是否关闭; close: 关闭窗口(如果还开着的话); waitClose: 等待用户关闭; showAndWaitClose: 显示窗口并等待用户关闭) | show | False | | title | 窗口标题 | | (0)字符串-Text | 完成后继续 | True | | prompt | 提示文字 | 提示文字内容 | (0)字符串-Text | 请在完成操作后点下面的按钮 | True | | winLocation | 窗口位置 | 在哪里显示选择窗口 | (9)选项-Enum | BottomRight | False | | progress | 进度条参数 | 请以 当前值/总数 的格式传入(可使用插值方式)。 比如:40/80 | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | btnText | 默认按钮上的文字 | 默认按键仅用于关闭窗口。文字内容为空时隐藏默认按钮。 | (0)字符串-Text | 完成 | True | | operations | 附加操作按钮 | 每行定义一个按钮,格式为 “文本” 或 “显示文本|值”。显示在默认按钮的左侧。 | (0)字符串-Text | | True | | fontsize | 文字大小 | 按钮上文字的大小,单位为逻辑像素。 | (1)数字(小数)-Number | 12 | True | | iconSize | 图标大小 | 按钮上图标的大小,单位为逻辑像素。 | (1)数字(小数)-Number | 16 | True | | autoCloseSeconds | 自动关闭 | 几秒后自动关闭。0表示不自动关闭。 | (1)数字(小数)-Number | 0 | False | | stopActionIfClose | 关闭窗口时(点右上角x按钮)后停止动作 | | (2)布尔值-Boolean | True | False | | activateMode | 激活模式 | | (9)选项-Enum(NotActivatable: 不支持激活(不占用焦点,仅能使用鼠标操作); NotActivated: 支持激活,打开时不抢占焦点; AutoActivate: 支持激活,打开时抢占焦点) | NotActivatable | False | | help | 帮助按钮内容 | 点击弹出显示帮助内容,MarkDown格式 | (0)字符串-Text | | False |
传出参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | isClosed | 是否已关闭 | 等待窗口是否已经关闭了 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | | selectedOperation | 选择的按钮 | 选择的后续操作项 | (0)字符串-Text |
范例 ```json { "Variables": [], "Steps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:showWaitWin", "InputParams": { "mode": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "show" }, "title": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "完成后继续" }, "prompt": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "请在完成操作后点下面的按钮" }, "winLocation": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "BottomRight" }, "progress": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "btnText": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "完成" }, "operations": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "fontsize": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "12" }, "iconSize": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "16" }, "stopActionIfClose": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" }, "autoCloseSeconds": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "activateMode": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "NotActivatable" }, "help": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "SubPrograms": [] } ```
*** ## 42.如果 **功能描述** > 依据条件执行操作 **官方文档** > https://getquicker.net/KC/Help/Doc/if **内部名称** > sys:simpleIf
传入参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | condition | 如果 | 是否符合指定的条件 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | | False |
范例 参考其他范例即可
*** ## 43.SMTP发送邮件 **功能描述** > 使用SMTP协议发送邮件 **官方文档** > https://getquicker.net/KC/Help/Doc/smtp **内部名称** > sys:smtp
传入参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | server | 邮件服务器 | 邮件服务器的域名或IP | (0)字符串-Text | | True | | port | 端口 | Smtp端口号 | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | 25 | True | | useSsl | 使用加密连接 | 是否使用TLS连接(通常为587端口)。 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | False | False | | account | 帐号 | 发信帐号 | (0)字符串-Text | | True | | password | 密码 | 发信帐号的密码 | (0)字符串-Text | | True | | sender | 发信邮箱 | 发信帐号所对应的Email地址 | (0)字符串-Text | | True | | senderName | 发件人名称 | 发件人的显示名称(可选) | (0)字符串-Text | | True | | to | 收件人 | 收件人Email地址,多个的话使用小写逗号分隔。 | (0)字符串-Text | | True | | cc | 抄送 | 抄送给的Email地址列表,多个的话使用小写逗号分隔。 | (0)字符串-Text | | True | | bcc | 密送 | 密送给的Email地址列表,多个的话使用小写逗号分隔。 | (0)字符串-Text | | True | | subject | 邮件主题 | 邮件的主题 | (0)字符串-Text | | True | | content | 邮件正文 | 邮件正文内容 | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | attachList | 附件 | 附件文件列表。多个时每行一个。 | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | isHtml | 内容为html | 邮件内容是否为HTML格式 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | False | False | | stopIfFail | 失败后停止 | 失败后是否停止动作 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | True | False |
传出参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | isSuccess | 是否成功 | 操作是否成功 | (2)布尔值-Boolean |
范例 ```json { "Variables": [], "Steps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:smtp", "InputParams": { "server": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "port": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "25" }, "useSsl": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "false" }, "account": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "acc@1.com" }, "password": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "mypwd" }, "sender": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "admin@1.com" }, "senderName": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "测试员" }, "to": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "b@1.com,a@1.com" }, "cc": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "cc@163.com" }, "bcc": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "subject": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "测试结果" }, "content": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "你好呀" }, "attachList": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "isHtml": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "false" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "errMessage": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "SubPrograms": [] } ```
*** ## 44.停止(return) **功能描述** > 停止动作或从子程序中返回 **官方文档** > https://getquicker.net/KC/Help/Doc/stop **内部名称** > sys:stop
传入参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | method | 操作类型 | | (9)选项-Enum(default: 默认:停止动作或从子程序返回; forcestop: 停止动作:停止整个动作(即使在子程序中)) | default | False | | isError | 标记为出错 | 用作子程序或被其他动作调用时,返回出错状态。 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | False | False | | return | 返回值 | 被其他动作调用时,返回的动作结果。 | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | showMessage | 提示消息 | 显示的提示信息。 | (0)字符串-Text | | False |
范例 参见其他范例
*** ## 45.比较文本 **功能描述** > 文本比较 **官方文档** > https://getquicker.net/KC/Help/Doc/strCompare **内部名称** > sys:strCompare
传入参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | param1 | 文本1 | 被比较的文本 | (0)字符串-Text | | True | | type | 类型 | 比较方式 | (9)选项-Enum(>; =; <; contains: 包含; startsWith: 以指定内容开始; endsWith: 以指定内容结束; match: 正则匹配; pinyinMatch: 包含指定内容,或匹配拼音、拼音首字母) | > | True | | param2 | 文本2 | 对比文本。拼音匹配时,也可用于指定拼音、拼音首字母。 | (0)字符串-Text | | True | | case | 区分大小写 | 是否区分大小写 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | False | False |
传出参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | value | 值 | 比较结果是否为真 | (2)布尔值-Boolean |
范例 **判断剪贴板字符串是否包含动作参数** ```json { "Variables": [], "Steps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:strCompare", "InputParams": { "param1": { "VarKey": "[cliptext]", "Value": null }, "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "contains" }, "param2": { "VarKey": "quicker_in_param", "Value": null }, "case": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" } }, "OutputParams": { "value": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "SubPrograms": [] } ```
*** ## 46.文本处理 **功能描述** > 各种文本处理功能 **官方文档** > https://getquicker.net/KC/Help/Doc/stringprocess **内部名称** > sys:stringProcess
传入参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | data | 待处理内容 | 需要进行文本处理的内容 | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | method | 处理 | 对文本进行什么处理 | (9)选项-Enum(toUpper: 英文转大写; toLower: 英文转小写; reverse: 前后反转; substring: 截取; trimStart: 去除前面空白字符; trimEnd: 去除后面空白字符; trim: 去除前后空白字符; urlEncode: URL编码; urlDecode: URL解码 (+解码为空格); urlDataDecode: URL数据解码 (保留+号); htmlEncode: Html编码; htmlDecode: Html解码; intercappedToSentence: 组合词拆分成句子(thisIsChina=>this Is China); base64Encode: Base64编码; base64Decode: Base64解码; removeEmptyLine: 去除空行; mergeEmptyLine: 合并多个空行; sortLinesAsc: 排序多行A-Z; sortLinesDesc: 排序多行Z-A; reverseLines: 翻转多行顺序; toTitleCase: 首字母大写; formatJson: 格式化JSON; md5: 计算MD5哈希; sha256Hash: 计算SHA256哈希; sha1Hash: 计算SHA1哈希; escapeJson: 转义文本为合法Json值; DecodeUnicode: 解码Unicode字串(\\uXXXX转普通字符); convertEncoding: 转换编码; toCnNum: 金额数字转换为大写; cn2num: 中文转数字; num2cn: 数字转中文; ExpandEnvironmentVariables: 替换环境变量; padLeft: 从左侧补齐长度; padRight: 从右侧补齐长度; insert: 插入内容; append: 追加内容; remove: 移除内容; removeZeroWidthChars: 移除零宽字符; html2text: HTML转纯文本) | | False | | srcEncoding | 编码 | | (0)字符串-Text | utf-8 | False | | dstEncoding | 目标编码 | | (0)字符串-Text | gbk | False | | start | 开始位置 | 开始截取/插入位置,从0开始。如果为负值,表示从文本末尾开始向前的字符数。 | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | 0 | False | | value | 内容 | 插入或追加的内容 | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | length | 长度 | 截取或移除字符个数。截取时,0表示开始位置以后的所有内容,负值表示截取到结束前的多少个字符。 | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | 0 | False | | totalWidth | 总宽度 | 补齐后的总字符数 | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | 10 | False | | paddingChar | 填充字符 | 补齐时使用的填充字符,默认为空格。 | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | stopIfFail | 失败后停止 | 失败后是否停止动作 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | True | False |
传出参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | output | 结果 | 处理后的文本 | (0)字符串-Text | | isSuccess | 是否成功 | 操作是否成功 | (2)布尔值-Boolean |
范例 **将剪贴板字符串首字母大写后写入剪贴板,并提示“over”** ```json { "Variables": [ { "Key": "output", "Type": 0, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" } ], "Steps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:stringProcess", "InputParams": { "data": { "VarKey": "[cliptext]", "Value": null }, "method": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "toTitleCase" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "output": "output", "isSuccess": null, "errMessage": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:writeClipboard", "InputParams": { "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "auto" }, "input": { "VarKey": "output", "Value": null }, "successMsg": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "over" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "errMessage": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "SubPrograms": [] } ```
*** ## 47.运行子程序 **功能描述** > 运行子程序 **官方文档** > https://getquicker.net/KC/Help/Doc/subprogram **内部名称** > sys:subprogram
传入参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | subProgram | 子程序 | 调用哪个子程序 | (0)字符串-Text | | True | | summary | Summary | 内部使用 | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | skipDebugOutput | 跳过调试输出 | 调试运行动作时,不输出子程序内部调试信息 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | False | False | | stopIfFail | 失败后停止 | 子程序运行失败后是否停止动作 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | True | False |
传出参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | isSuccess | 是否成功 | 子程序是否运行成功 | (2)布尔值-Boolean |
范例 **范例1** ```json ```
*** ## 48.临时云存储 **功能描述** > 将文本、文件、图片临时保存到云端并得到网址。 **官方文档** > https://getquicker.net/KC/Help/Doc/tempcloudstore **内部名称** > sys:tempcloudstore
传入参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | dataType | 数据类型 | | (9)选项-Enum(text: 文本内容; file: 文件; imageVar: 图片变量) | text | True | | text | 文本内容 | 要保存的文本内容 | (0)字符串-Text | | True | | imageVar | 图片变量 | 要保存的图片变量 | (3)图片-Image | | False | | file | 文件路径 | 要保存的文件路径 | (0)字符串-Text | | True | | expireSeconds | 超时时间 | 请求超时时间(秒数) | (1)数字(小数)-Number | 2.5 | False | | useRandomFileName | 生成随机文件名 | 是否使用随机的文件名(仅适用于上传文件的情况) | (2)布尔值-Boolean | False | False | | stopIfFail | 失败后停止 | 失败后是否停止动作 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | True | False |
传出参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | isSuccess | 是否成功 | 操作是否成功 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | | url | 网址 | 生成的访问网址 | (0)字符串-Text |
范例 **将图片imageVar临时上传至Quicker并获得临时访问地址** ```json { "Variables": [ { "Key": "imageVar", "Type": 3, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" }, { "Key": "url", "Type": 0, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" } ], "Steps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:tempcloudstore", "InputParams": { "dataType": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "imageVar" }, "imageVar": { "VarKey": "imageVar", "Value": null }, "expireSeconds": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "2.5" }, "useRandomFileName": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "url": "url", "errMessage": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "SubPrograms": [] } ```
*** ## 49.用户输入 **功能描述** > 请用户输入内容。 **官方文档** > https://getquicker.net/KC/Help/Doc/userInput **内部名称** > sys:userInput
传入参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | type | 类型 | 输入内容的类型 | (9)选项-Enum(text: 单行文本; multiline: 多行文本; number: 数字; date_time: 日期时间) | text | True | | prompt | 提示文字 | 提示用户输入什么内容。显示在输入框上方。 | (0)字符串-Text | 请输入内容 | True | | defaultValue | 默认值 | 默认填写到输入框中的内容 | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | texttools | 文本选择工具 | 鼠标悬浮在文本框上时显示的小工具 | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | extraSettings | 扩展设置 | 可用于自定义文本选择工具,详情请参考文档。 | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | pattern | 验证表达式 | 正则验证表达式 | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | isRequired | 必填 | 是否必须填写内容 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | False | False | | fontfamily | 字体名称 | 可选。设置字体名称。如有2个字体,使用逗号分隔。 | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | fontsize | 字体大小 | | (1)数字(小数)-Number | 14 | True | | winLocation | 窗口位置 | 在哪里显示选择窗口 | (9)选项-Enum | CenterScreen | False | | imeState | 输入法状态 | | (9)选项-Enum(NO_CONTROL: 不控制; ON: 开启; OFF: 关闭) | NO_CONTROL | False | | submitWithReturn | 回车提交结果(Shift+回车换行) | | (2)布尔值-Boolean | False | False | | restoreFocus | 恢复活动窗口 | 用户输入后,是否将焦点还原到之前的活动窗口 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | True | False | | closeOnDeactivated | 失去焦点后关闭窗口 | | (2)布尔值-Boolean | False | False | | help | 帮助按钮内容 | 点击弹出显示帮助内容,MarkDown格式 | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | topMost | 置顶显示 | | (2)布尔值-Boolean | False | False | | stopIfFail | 失败后停止 | 用户取消后是否停止动作 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | True | False |
传出参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | isSuccess | 是否成功 | 操作是否成功 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | | textValue | 文本值 | 文本类型的输入值 | (0)字符串-Text | | numberValue | 数字值 | 数字类型的输入值 | (1)数字(小数)-Number | | datetimeValue | 日期时间值 | | (6)时间日期-DateTime | | isEmpty | 是否为空 | 用户是否没有输入内容 | (2)布尔值-Boolean |
范例 **弹框要求用户输入家庭住址,必填,默认值“xx省xx市xx区xx路xx号xx小区xx栋xx单元xxx房”,输入内容返回到变量address;接着弹框要求输入出生年份,非必填,失去焦点后关闭窗口,返回内容到变量year** ```json { "Variables": [ { "Key": "address", "Type": 0, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" }, { "Key": "year", "Type": 1, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" } ], "Steps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:userInput", "InputParams": { "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "text" }, "prompt": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "输入你的家庭住址" }, "defaultValue": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "xx省xx市xx区xx路xx号xx小区xx栋xx单元xxx房" }, "pattern": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "isRequired": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" }, "restoreFocus": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" }, "closeOnDeactivated": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "topMost": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" }, "texttools": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "extraSettings": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "fontfamily": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "fontsize": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "14" }, "winLocation": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "CenterScreen" }, "imeState": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "NO_CONTROL" }, "help": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "textValue": "address", "isEmpty": null, "errMessage": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:userInput", "InputParams": { "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "number" }, "prompt": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "输入你的出生年份" }, "defaultValue": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "pattern": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "isRequired": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "restoreFocus": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" }, "closeOnDeactivated": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" }, "topMost": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" }, "fontfamily": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "fontsize": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "14" }, "winLocation": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "CenterScreen" }, "help": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "textValue": null, "numberValue": "year", "isEmpty": null, "errMessage": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "SubPrograms": [] } ```
*** ## 50.等待剪贴板内容改变 **功能描述** > 等待剪贴板的内容发生改变。等待第三方工具(如截图工具)完成操作并更新剪贴板。 **官方文档** > https://getquicker.net/KC/Help/Doc/waitclipboardchange **内部名称** > sys:waitClipboardChange
传入参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | maxWaitSeconds | 最长等待秒数 | 超过等待时间剪贴板未改变,则结束等待。 | (1)数字(小数)-Number | 10 | True | | recentChangeMs | 包含临近的改变 | 包含在此之前一定时间内(毫秒)发生的改变。 | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | 10 | True | | monitorWaitWin | 等待窗口关闭时取消 | 结合“等待窗口”模块,如果等待窗口关闭,则停止等待剪贴板变化。 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | False | False | | stopIfFail | 失败后中止动作 | 超时后剪贴板仍未改变,是否中止动作。 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | True | False |
传出参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | isSuccess | 是否改变 | 剪贴板内容是否改变了 | (2)布尔值-Boolean |
范例 **等待剪贴板内容改变,最长等待15秒,并且包含在此之前10毫秒内发生的改变** ```json { "Variables": [], "Steps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:waitClipboardChange", "InputParams": { "maxWaitSeconds": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "15" }, "recentChangeMs": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "10" }, "monitorWaitWin": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "errMessage": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "SubPrograms": [] } ```
*** ## 51.等待时间 **功能描述** > 等待指定的毫秒数 **官方文档** > https://getquicker.net/KC/Help/Doc/delay **内部名称** > sys:delay
传入参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | delayMs | 等待时间 | 等待时间毫秒数 | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | 100 | True | | monitorWaitWin | 等待窗口关闭时取消 | 结合“等待窗口”模块,如果等待窗口关闭,则停止等待。仅当等待时间超过1000ms时生效 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | False | False |
范例 **等待123毫秒** ```json { "Variables": [], "Steps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:delay", "InputParams": { "delayMs": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "123" }, "monitorWaitWin": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "SubPrograms": [] } ```
*** ## 52.窗口操作 **功能描述** > Window窗口相关操作 **官方文档** > https://getquicker.net/KC/Help/Doc/windowoperations **内部名称** > sys:windowOperations
传入参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | type | 类型 | 操作类型 | (9)选项-Enum(move: 移动窗口; move_ex: 移动窗口(增强); setTopmost: 置顶窗口; toggleTopMost: 切换置顶状态; removeTopmost: 取消置顶窗口; setBottom: 置底窗口; show: 设置显示状态; SET_FOREGROUND: 设置为前台窗口; close: 关闭; kill: 强制关闭; set_trans: 设置或更新透明度) | move | True | | hWnd | 窗口句柄 | 要操作的窗口句柄(数字)。0或留空表示操作前台窗口。 | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | | False | | x | X坐标 | 窗口左上角X坐标 | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | 100 | False | | y | Y坐标 | 窗口左上角Y坐标 | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | 100 | False | | width | 宽度 | 窗口宽度。-1时表示不更改窗口尺寸。 | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | 500 | False | | height | 高度 | 窗口高度。-1时表示不更改窗口尺寸。 | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | 500 | False | | area | 目标位置 | 窗口左,上,右,下的位置坐标 | (0)字符串-Text | 25%,25%,75%,75% | False | | showCmd | 显示状态 | 窗口显示状态,具体说明请参考Win32接口。 | (9)选项-Enum(3: 最大化(SW_MAXIMIZE); 6: 最小化(SW_MINIMIZE); 9: 显示并恢复大小(SW_RESTORE); 0: 隐藏(SW_HIDE); 5: 显示(SW_SHOW); TOGGLE_MAXMIZE: 切换最大化/恢复) | 3 | True | | alpha | 不透明度Alpha | 数字0-255:0为全透明,255为不透明。-数字:将当前透明度增加一些。+数字:将透明度减少一些。 | (0)字符串-Text | 128 | False | | stopIfFail | 失败后停止 | 失败后是否停止动作 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | True | False |
传出参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | isSuccess | 是否成功 | 操作是否成功 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | | isTopmost | 是否置顶 | 操作后窗口是否为置顶 | (2)布尔值-Boolean |
范例 **移动句柄为hWnd的窗口至x123,y456坐标,并调整窗口大小为400x600;接着将窗口透明度Alpha设为5** ```json { "Variables": [ { "Key": "hWnd", "Type": 12, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" } ], "Steps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:windowOperations", "InputParams": { "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "move" }, "hWnd": { "VarKey": "hWnd", "Value": null }, "x": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "123" }, "y": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "456" }, "width": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "400" }, "height": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "600" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "errMessage": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:windowOperations", "InputParams": { "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "set_trans" }, "hWnd": { "VarKey": "hWnd", "Value": null }, "alpha": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "50" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "errMessage": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "SubPrograms": [] } ```
*** ## 53.写入剪贴板 **功能描述** > 将文本或图片等内容写入剪贴板 **官方文档** > https://getquicker.net/KC/Help/Doc/writeClipboard **内部名称** > sys:writeClipboard
传入参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | type | 类型 | 操作类型 | (9)选项-Enum(auto; html; text; image; rtf; csv; custom: 自定义格式; clear; clearHistory: 清空剪贴板历史(Win10+)) | auto | True | | customFormat | 格式名 | 自定义的剪贴板格式名 | (0)字符串-Text | | True | | input | 输入 | 要写入剪贴板的数据 | (99)任意类型-Any | | True | | html | HTML内容 | HTML代码片段 | (0)字符串-Text | | True | | text | 文本内容 | 纯文本格式内容。 | (0)字符串-Text | | True | | imageVar | 图片(变量) | 要写入剪贴板的图片内容 | (3)图片-Image | | False | | fastMode | 快速模式 | 不需要处理图片中的透明通道时选择 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | False | False | | successMsg | 成功后提示 | 可选。写入成功后提示消息,如“XXX已写入剪贴板”。 | (0)字符串-Text | | True | | stopIfFail | 失败后停止 | 失败后是否停止动作 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | True | False |
传出参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | isSuccess | 是否成功 | 操作是否成功 | (2)布尔值-Boolean |
范例 **将图片imageVar写入剪贴板,并且启用快速模式,完成后提示over** ```json { "Variables": [ { "Key": "imageVar", "Type": 3, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" } ], "Steps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:writeClipboard", "InputParams": { "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "image" }, "imageVar": { "VarKey": "imageVar", "Value": null }, "fastMode": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" }, "successMsg": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "over" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "errMessage": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "SubPrograms": [] } ```
*** ## 54.文件放入剪贴板 **功能描述** > 将文件或文件列表存入剪贴板 **官方文档** > https://getquicker.net/KC/Help/Doc/filetoclipboard **内部名称** > sys:fileToClipboard
传入参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | file | 单个文件 | 要存入剪贴板的文件(夹)路径(与文件列表二选一) | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | list | 文件列表 | 要存入剪贴板的多个文件路径(与单个文件二选一) | (4)文本列表-List | | False | | useCut | 剪切文件 | 是否剪切文件 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | False | False | | stopIfFail | 失败后停止 | 失败后是否停止动作 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | True | False |
传出参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | isSuccess | 是否成功 | 操作是否成功 | (2)布尔值-Boolean |
范例 **将文件D:\1.js和F:\3.txt放入剪贴板** ```json { "Variables": [], "Steps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:fileToClipboard", "InputParams": { "file": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "list": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "D:\\1.js\r\nF:\\3.txt" }, "useCut": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "false" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "errMessage": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "SubPrograms": [] } ```
*** ## 55.WebView2浏览器窗口 **功能描述** > 基于微软Edge浏览器内核的组件,需要安装Edge最新预览版方可使用。 **官方文档** > https://getquicker.net/KC/Help/Doc/webview2 **内部名称** > sys:webview2
传入参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | type | 操作类型 | | (9)选项-Enum(OpenUrl: 打开网页; OpenAndWaitLoad: 打开网页并等待加载完成; OpenUrlAndWaitClose: 打开网页并等待窗口关闭; SendMessage: 发送消息; ExecuteScript: 执行脚本; CheckWindowState: 获取窗口状态; Close: 关闭窗口(如果尚未关闭); Reload: 重新加载/刷新; Stop: 停止加载; CheckInstalled: 检查是否安装WebView2; MultiTab_OpenUrl: 【多标签】打开网址; MultiColumn_OpenUrl: 【多列】打开网址) | OpenUrl | False | | url | 网址或HTML内容 | 网页地址/文件路径或html代码内容 | (0)字符串-Text | | True | | urlList | 网址列表 | 每行一个:网址,或“标题|网址”,或“[图标]标题|网址”格式。 | (4)文本列表-List | | True | | additionalBrowserArguments | 附加的浏览器参数 | 用于设置代理等用途 | (0)字符串-Text | | True | | virtualHostToFolder | 虚拟主机映射 | 将文件夹映射为虚拟主机名。格式:主机名|文件夹路径。多个时,每行一个。 在html中可以使用https://servername/path/to/file.png的格式访问文件。 | (0)字符串-Text | | True | | userAgent | User Agent | 可选。自定义UserAgent | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | title | 窗口标题 | 窗口标题文字。未设置时,自动使用网页标题。 | (0)字符串-Text | | True | | icon | 窗口图标 | 显示在窗口左上角的图标。支持fa:内置图报名:#RRGGBB或图标网址。 | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | defaultBgColor | 默认背景色 | 可选。设置窗口的默认背景色。 | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | autoCloseKey | 窗口标识 | (仅必要时使用)用于关闭之前打开的具有此标识的WebView2窗口。使用=表示当前动作ID。 | (0)字符串-Text | = | False | | modeForExists | 如果窗口已存在 | | (9)选项-Enum(SkipThisStep: 跳过此步骤; UpdateUrl: 更新网址; UpdateUrlAndPosition: 更新网址和窗口位置; RecreateWindow: 关闭并重建窗口; BringToFront: 激活窗口) | SkipThisStep | False | | script | JS脚本 | 可选。 | (0)字符串-Text | | True | | sendMessage | 消息内容 | Json格式的消息内容。词典变量会自动转换成json。 | (0)字符串-Text | | True | | winLocation | 窗口位置 | 在哪里显示选择窗口 | (9)选项-Enum | CenterScreen | False | | winSize | 窗口尺寸/位置 | 设置选择窗口的尺寸,格式为:宽度,高度。支持像素数值或屏幕宽高百分比,详情请参考模块文档。 “窗口位置” 类型为 “自定义位置” 时用于指定显示位置,格式为:left,top,right,bottom | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | defaultDownloadFolderPath | 默认下载文件夹 | 默认的文件下载存储目录 | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | profileName | Profile | 当需要同时登录一个网站的多个账号时,可以创建独立的Profile | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | topMost | 置顶显示 | | (2)布尔值-Boolean | False | False | | showInTaskbar | 显示任务栏图标 | | (2)布尔值-Boolean | True | False | | noActivate | 不占用焦点 | 不占用焦点时也无法在窗口中输入文字 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | False | False | | closeWhenLostFocus | 失去焦点后 | | (9)选项-Enum(false: 不执行操作; true: 关闭窗口; hide: 隐藏窗口; minimize: 最小化窗口; close_if_not_topmost: 如果未置顶,关闭窗口; hide_if_not_topmost: 如果未置顶,隐藏窗口; minimize_if_not_topmost: 如果未置顶,最小化窗口) | False | False | | escCloseWindow | 按Esc关闭窗口 | | (2)布尔值-Boolean | False | False | | showToolbar | 显示工具栏 | | (2)布尔值-Boolean | False | False | | windowStyle | 窗口风格 | | (9)选项-Enum(normal: 正常; none: 无边框) | normal | False | | clearCookies | 关闭窗口时清理Cookie | | (2)布尔值-Boolean | False | False | | addDevTool | 添加DevTools桥 | | (2)布尔值-Boolean | False | False | | stopIfFail | 失败后停止 | 失败后是否停止动作 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | True | False |
传出参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | isSuccess | 是否成功 | 操作是否成功。获取窗口信息时,窗口是否存在。 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | | isInstalled | 是否安装WebView2 | | (2)布尔值-Boolean | | hWnd | 窗口句柄 | | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | | webView | WebView2对象 | 可用于在C#脚本中使用,需运行在UI线程中。注意避免循环引用。 | (98)对象(Object)-Object | | lastLocation | 窗口位置 | 返回窗口坐标范围。格式为:left,top,right,bottom | (0)字符串-Text | | currUri | 当前网址 | 浏览器当前网址 | (0)字符串-Text | | docTitle | 网页标题 | | (0)字符串-Text | | sourceCode | 网页代码 | | (0)字符串-Text | | cookies | Cookie | | (0)字符串-Text | | previewImage | 预览图 | | (3)图片-Image | | isNavCompleted | 导航是否已结束 | 是否已完成网页加载过程 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | | scriptResult | 脚本运行结果 | json编码的脚本运行结果内容 | (0)字符串-Text |
范例 **在WebView中更新动作变量与调用子程序** ```json { "Variables": [ { "Key": "text", "Type": 0, "Desc": "默认的文本变量", "DefaultValue": "这是默认值。", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null }, { "Key": "dict", "Type": 10, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "a:111\r\nb:2222\r\nc:3333", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null }, { "Key": "list", "Type": 4, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "aaaa\r\nbbb\r\nccc\r\nddd\r\neee", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null } ], "Steps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:webview2", "InputParams": { "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "OpenUrlAndWaitClose" }, "url": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "\r\n\r\nQuicker测试\r\n\r\n\r\n


\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n" }, "virtualHostToFolder": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "title": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "测试浏览器插件" }, "autoCloseKey": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "okok" }, "script": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "winLocation": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "CenterScreen" }, "winSize": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "topMost": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "showInTaskbar": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" }, "noActivate": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "closeWhenLostFocus": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:notify", "InputParams": { "msg": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "$$js修改后的变量值:\r\n{text}\r\n====\r\n{list}\r\n====\r\n{dict}" }, "maxLines": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "Info" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "SubPrograms": [] } ``` **一键获取临时邮箱** ```json { "Variables": [ { "Key": "返回结果", "Type": 0, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" }, { "Key": "email", "Type": 0, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" }, { "Key": "配置_保存的邮箱", "Type": 4, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": true, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" }, { "Key": "选择的操作", "Type": 0, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" }, { "Key": "res", "Type": 99, "Desc": "返回结果的JObject", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" } ], "Steps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:group", "InputParams": { "skipErr": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "skipWhenDebugging": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "useMultiThread": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "waitAny": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "errorMessage": null }, "IfSteps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:simpleIf", "InputParams": { "condition": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "$= String.Equals({quicker_in_param}, \"已保存邮箱列表\", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:manageList", "InputParams": { "list": { "VarKey": "配置_保存的邮箱", "Value": null }, "winTitle": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" 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\r\n \r\n
\r\n \r\n
\r\n \r\n
\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
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*** ## 56.屏幕取色/颜色转换与计算 **功能描述** > 转换颜色值及相关计算处理 **官方文档** > https://getquicker.net/KC/Help/Doc/color **内部名称** > sys:color
传入参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | type | 类型 | 比较方式 | (9)选项-Enum(fromString: 通过文本指定颜色; selectFromScreen: 从屏幕选取颜色; fromScreenPosition: 取屏幕指定位置颜色; editOrSelectColor: 编辑/选择颜色) | fromString | True | | colorStr | 颜色 | 颜色的文本值, 格式支持:#223344, #FF223344(ARGB顺序), Red, rgb(200,200,200), rgba(200,200,200,0.5), CMYK(0,0,0,0)或CMYK:0,0,0,0 | (0)字符串-Text | | True | | location | 坐标 | 格式为:“横坐标X,纵坐标Y” | (0)字符串-Text | 0,0 | True | | format | 输出文本格式 | 输出的颜色文本值格式,用以转换颜色值的格式 | (9)选项-Enum(HEX_RGB: 十六进制RGB: #6496C8; HEX_ARGB: 十六进制ARGB: #FF6496C8; rgba: HTML: rgba(100,150,200,1); rgb: HTML: rgb(100,150,200); DOT_RGB: RGB: 100,150,200; DOT_RGBA: RGBA: 100,150,200,255; DOT_ARGB: ARGB: 255,100,150,200; float_rgba: 浮点: 0.39f, 0.59f, 0.78f, 1.00f; Swift: Swift: UIColor(red:0.39, green:0.59, blue:0.78, alpha:1.00); CMYK: CMYK: 50,25,0,22; HSL: hsl(210,47.6%,58.8%); hsla: hsla(210,47.6%,58.8%,1); HSV_HSB: HSV/HSB: 210°,50,78.4) | HEX_RGB | True | | stopIfFail | 失败后停止 | 失败后是否停止动作 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | True | False |
传出参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | isSuccess | 是否成功 | 操作是否成功 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | | A | 透明度值 | Alpha值(0-255)0表示透明 | (1)数字(小数)-Number | | R | 红色值 | R值(0-255) | (1)数字(小数)-Number | | G | 绿色值 | G值(0-255) | (1)数字(小数)-Number | | B | 蓝色值 | B值(0-255) | (1)数字(小数)-Number | | Hue | 色相 | Hue值(0-360) | (1)数字(小数)-Number | | HslS | HSL.S | HSL颜色空间的饱和度S | (1)数字(小数)-Number | | HslL | HSL.L | HSL颜色空间的亮度值L | (1)数字(小数)-Number | | HsvS | HSV.S | HSV颜色空间的饱和度S | (1)数字(小数)-Number | | HsvV | HSV.V | HSV颜色空间的明度V | (1)数字(小数)-Number | | textValue | 文本值 | 输出颜色的文本值,格式请在输入参数中选择 | (0)字符串-Text |
范例 **选中文本格式的颜色代码,并将其转为16进制RGB颜色值,然后发送文本到窗口** ```json { "Variables": [ { "Key": "color", "Type": 0, "Desc": "默认的文本变量", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null } ], "Steps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:getSelectedText", "InputParams": { "format": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "UnicodeText" }, "repeat": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" } }, "OutputParams": { "output": "color", "isSuccess": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:color", "InputParams": { "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "editOrSelectColor" }, "colorStr": { "VarKey": "color", "Value": null }, "format": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "HEX_RGB" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "A": null, "R": null, "G": null, "B": null, "Hue": null, "HslS": null, "HslL": null, "HsvS": null, "HsvV": null, "textValue": "color" }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:outputText", "InputParams": { "content": { "VarKey": "color", "Value": null }, "method": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "paste" }, "delayBeforePaste": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "50" }, "delayAfterPaste": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "10" }, "appendReturn": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "SubPrograms": [] } ```
*** ## 57.计算时间 **功能描述** > 时间相关的计算操作 **官方文档** > https://getquicker.net/KC/Help/Doc/computetime **内部名称** > sys:computeTime
传入参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | type | 类型 | 比较方式 | (9)选项-Enum(getdate: 取日期值(去除当天的时间部分); timespan: 计算时间差(日期时间2 减 日期时间); endtime: 计算结束时间; localToUtc: 本地时间转换为UTC时间; utcToLocal: UTC时间转换为本地时间) | getdate | True | | time1 | 日期时间 | 要计算的时间值 | (6)时间日期-DateTime | | True | | time2 | 日期时间2 | 要计算的第二个时间值 | (6)时间日期-DateTime | | True | | formatString | 格式化字符串 | 时间差转换为文本时的格式化字符串。d:天数,hh:小时,mm:分钟,ss:秒。符号.:需要使用\转义 | (0)字符串-Text | d\.hh\:mm\:ss | True | | addYears | 添加年数 | 添加指定的年数(整数) | (1)数字(小数)-Number | 0 | False | | addMonths | 添加月数 | 添加指定的月数(整数)结果不跨月,如1月31日增加1个月等于2月28日。 | (1)数字(小数)-Number | 0 | False | | addDays | 添加天数 | 添加指定的天数(可以为小数) | (1)数字(小数)-Number | 0 | False | | addHours | 添加小时数 | 添加指定的小时数(可以为小数) | (1)数字(小数)-Number | 0 | False | | addMinutes | 添加分钟数 | 添加指定的分钟数(可以为小数) | (1)数字(小数)-Number | 0 | False | | addSeconds | 添加秒数 | 添加指定的秒数(可以为小数) | (1)数字(小数)-Number | 0 | False | | stopIfFail | 失败后停止 | 失败后是否停止动作 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | True | False |
传出参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | isSuccess | 是否成功 | 操作是否成功 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | | resultTime | 结果时间 | 计算的结果时间 | (6)时间日期-DateTime | | totalDays | 总天数 | 间隔的总天数值 | (1)数字(小数)-Number | | totalHours | 总小时数 | 间隔的总小时数 | (1)数字(小数)-Number | | totalMinutes | 总分钟数 | 间隔的总分钟数值 | (1)数字(小数)-Number | | totalSeconds | 总秒数 | 间隔的总秒数数值 | (1)数字(小数)-Number | | textValue | 文本值 | 时间间隔的文本结果 | (0)字符串-Text |
范例 **获取time1经过2年3个月4天5小时6分钟后的时间并存入time2变量,接下来计算time2减去time1总共有多少个小时并存入totalHours变量** ```json { "Variables": [ { "Key": "time1", "Type": 6, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" }, { "Key": "time2", "Type": 6, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" }, { "Key": "totalHours", "Type": 1, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" } ], "Steps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:computeTime", "InputParams": { "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "endtime" }, "time1": { "VarKey": "time1", "Value": null }, "addYears": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "2" }, "addMonths": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "3" }, "addDays": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "4" }, "addHours": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "5" }, "addMinutes": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "6" }, "addSeconds": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "resultTime": "time2", "errMessage": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:computeTime", "InputParams": { "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "timespan" }, "time1": { "VarKey": "time2", "Value": null }, "time2": { "VarKey": "time1", "Value": null }, "formatString": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "d\\.hh\\:mm\\:ss" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "totalDays": null, "totalHours": "totalHours", "totalMinutes": null, "totalSeconds": null, "textValue": null, "errMessage": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "SubPrograms": [] } ```
*** ## 58.词典操作 **功能描述** > 对词典变量进行添加、删除等操作 **官方文档** > https://getquicker.net/KC/Help/Doc/dictoperations **内部名称** > sys:dictOperations
传入参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | type | 操作类型 | | (9)选项-Enum(get: 取值; set: 设置值 (文本类型); setOriginValue: 设置值 (变量原始类型); remove: 删除一项; clear: 清空; keyList: 获取键(Key)列表; valueList: 获取值列表; reverse: 翻转键值; queryStringToDict: 查询字符串转换为词典(name1=value1&name2=value2...); dictToQueryString: 词典转换为查询字符串; dictToQueryStringNoEncode: 词典转换为查询字符串(不对键和值进行URL编码)) | setOriginValue | False | | dict | 词典 | 要操作的词典变量 | (10)词典-Dict | | False | | queryString | 查询字符串 | 要解析的查询字符串 | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | key | 键 | 要操作元素的键值。 | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | value | 值 | 要保存的内容 | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | returnEmptyIfKeyNotExist | 键不存在时返回空值 | 此时不作为失败处理 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | False | False | | ignoreCase | 忽略键的大小写 | | (2)布尔值-Boolean | False | False | | stopIfFail | 失败后停止 | 失败后是否停止动作 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | False | False |
传出参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | isSuccess | 是否成功 | 操作是否成功 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | | value | 结果 | 操作后的输出(取的元素值、键列表、值列表等) | (99)任意类型-Any |
范例 ```json { "Variables": [ { "Key": "示例词典", "Type": 10, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": null, "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null }, { "Key": "示例列表", "Type": 4, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": null, "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null }, { "Key": "x的值", "Type": 0, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": null, "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null }, { "Key": "词典的键列表", "Type": 0, "Desc": "书名列表", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": null, "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null }, { "Key": "词典的值列表", "Type": 0, "Desc": "书的内容", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": null, "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null } ], "Steps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:comment", "InputParams": { "note": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "赋值:把词典当作一个作文全集,现在开始把作文放进去,一篇一篇的放。一个作文名(键),对作文的内容(值)。注意!!!放的时候作文名(键)不能重复,否则会直接无视,放不进来。但是作文的内容(值)可以一样。" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:assign", "InputParams": { "input": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "111:词典里面的第一个值\r\n222:第2 个了\r\n333:我只能是3了\r\nup:我是上\r\ndown:我是下的坐标\r\nx:我是x坐标999\r\ny:我是一y坐标222" } }, "OutputParams": { "output": "示例词典" }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "赋值给词典", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:assign", "InputParams": { "input": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "AAA:aaa\r\nbbb:BBB\r\nCCC:ccc" } }, "OutputParams": { "output": "示例列表" }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "给列表赋值", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:comment", "InputParams": { "note": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "设置值:词典里面可以放文本,数字,时间,列表,甚至是词典(词典里面放词典)等等。放列表就相当与直接把某一类型的很多篇作文当进去。取的时候就要知道类型名,然后再取作文名。" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:dictOperations", "InputParams": { "dict": { "VarKey": "示例词典", "Value": null }, "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "set" }, "key": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "我是示例列表" }, "value": { "VarKey": "示例列表", "Value": null }, "ignoreCase": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" } }, "OutputParams": { "value": null, "isSuccess": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "把列表放到词典里,并且把键名设置为:我是示例列表", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:comment", "InputParams": { "note": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "取值:键就相当于作文名,值就相当于作文的内容。你要取作文就先要知道作文名,我有作文名了,就能取到作文,就能得到内容,也就是值。" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:dictOperations", "InputParams": { "dict": { "VarKey": "示例词典", "Value": null }, "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "get" }, "key": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "x" }, "value": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "ignoreCase": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" } }, "OutputParams": { "value": "x的值", "isSuccess": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:comment", "InputParams": { "note": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "删除值:一些不需要的作文就要从作文全集拿出去。通过作文名找到,然后把这篇作文拿出去,查找目录上消除这篇作文名(键),当然作文的内容(值)自然也就没了。" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:dictOperations", "InputParams": { "dict": { "VarKey": "示例词典", "Value": null }, "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "remove" }, "key": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "y" }, "value": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "ignoreCase": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" } }, "OutputParams": { "value": null, "isSuccess": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "删除名叫y的作文", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:comment", "InputParams": { "note": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "取列表:就相当与开篇的目录,得到作文名列表(键列表),同样的,可以获取到作文的内容列表。" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:dictOperations", "InputParams": { "dict": { "VarKey": "示例词典", "Value": null }, "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "keyList" }, "key": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "value": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "ignoreCase": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" } }, "OutputParams": { "value": "词典的键列表", "isSuccess": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:dictOperations", "InputParams": { "dict": { "VarKey": "示例词典", "Value": null }, "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "valueList" }, "key": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "value": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "ignoreCase": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" } }, "OutputParams": { "value": "词典的值列表", "isSuccess": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:showText", "InputParams": { "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "NO_WAIT" }, "text": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "$$x的值:\r\n{x的值}\r\n\r\n键列表:\r\n{词典的键列表}\r\n\r\n值列表:\r\n{词典的值列表}\r\n\r\n最后这个词典的样子,示例词典:\r\n{示例词典}\r\n\r\n" }, "title": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "结果内容" }, "operations": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "winLocation": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "CenterScreen" } }, "OutputParams": { "selectedOperation": null, "resultText": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "SubPrograms": [] } ```
*** ## 59.使用Everything搜索文件 **功能描述** > 调用Everything提供的接口搜索文件 **官方文档** > https://getquicker.net/KC/Help/Doc/everythingsearch **内部名称** > sys:everythingsearch
传入参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | search | 搜索内容 | 要搜索的内容,格式与直接在everything软件中搜索时相同。 | (0)字符串-Text | | True | | folder | 限定目录 | 可选。在指定目录下搜索(包含子目录)。 | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | ext | 扩展名 | 可选。半角分号分隔的扩展名列表。如“txt;docx;xslx;” | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | matchWholeFilename | 匹配完整文件名 | 匹配整个文件名。0表示否,1表示是。 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | 0 | False | | matchWholeWord | 匹配整个单词 | 匹配整个单词。如 quicker.exe 将会匹配:quicker.exe, quicker.exe.config等。0表示否,1表示是。 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | 1 | False | | matchPath | 匹配路径 | 匹配路径的不同部分,而不仅是文件名。 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | 0 | False | | matchCase | 匹配大小写 | 是否大小写敏感。0表示否,1表示是。 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | 0 | False | | useRegex | 使用正则匹配 | 是否使用正则匹配。0表示否,1表示是。 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | 0 | False | | maxCount | 最大结果数量 | -1表示不限制 | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | 100 | True | | sort | 排序方式 | | (9)选项-Enum(1: 名称顺序 NAME_ASCENDING; 2: 名称倒序 NAME_DESCENDING; 3: 路径顺序 PATH_ASCENDING; 4: 路径倒序 PATH_DESCENDING; 5: 大小顺序 SIZE_ASCENDING; 6: 大小倒序 SIZE_DESCENDING; 7: 扩展名顺序 EXTENSION_ASCENDING; 8: 扩展名倒序 EXTENSION_DESCENDING; 9: 类型名顺序 TYPE_NAME_ASCENDING; 10: 类型名倒序 TYPE_NAME_DESCENDING; 11: 创建时间顺序 DATE_CREATED_ASCENDING; 12: 创建时间倒序 DATE_CREATED_DESCENDING; 13: 修改时间顺序 DATE_MODIFIED_ASCENDING; 14: 修改时间倒序 DATE_MODIFIED_DESCENDING; 15: 属性顺序 ATTRIBUTES_ASCENDING; 16: 属性倒序 ATTRIBUTES_DESCENDING; 17: 文件列表文件名顺序 FILE_LIST_FILENAME_ASCENDING; 18: 文件列表文件名倒序 FILE_LIST_FILENAME_DESCENDING; 19: 运行次数顺序 RUN_COUNT_ASCENDING; 20: 运行次数倒序 RUN_COUNT_DESCENDING; 21: 最后变更时间顺序 DATE_RECENTLY_CHANGED_ASCENDING; 22: 最后变更时间倒序 DATE_RECENTLY_CHANGED_DESCENDING; 23: 最后访问时间顺序 DATE_ACCESSED_ASCENDING; 24: 最后访问时间倒序 DATE_ACCESSED_DESCENDING; 25: 最后运行时间顺序 DATE_RUN_ASCENDING; 26: 最后运行时间倒序 DATE_RUN_DESCENDING) | 1 | True | | stopIfFail | 失败后停止 | 失败后是否停止动作 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | True | False |
传出参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | isSuccess | 是否成功 | 操作是否成功 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | | pathList | 路径列表 | | (4)文本列表-List | | resultCount | 结果个数 | | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | | rawResult | 原始结果 | | (98)对象(Object)-Object |
范例 **在D:\Zr下搜索a.txt,匹配完整文件名,匹配整个单词,匹配大小写,最大结果数量为1,结果存入pathList;然后输出pathList的第一个元素** ```json { "Variables": [ { "Key": "pathList", "Type": 4, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" } ], "Steps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:everythingsearch", "InputParams": { "search": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "a.txt" }, "folder": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "D:\\Zr" }, "ext": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "matchWholeFilename": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" }, "matchWholeWord": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" }, "matchPath": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "matchCase": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" }, "useRegex": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "maxCount": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" }, "sort": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "pathList": "pathList", "resultCount": null, "rawResult": null, "errMessage": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:notify", "InputParams": { "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "Info" }, "msg": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "$={pathList}[0]" }, "maxLines": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "style": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "Default" }, "clickAction": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "SubPrograms": [] } ```
*** ## 60.文件和目录操作 **功能描述** > 文件和目录操作。请确保路径是合法的。 **官方文档** > https://getquicker.net/KC/Help/Doc/fileoperation **内部名称** > sys:fileOperation
传入参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | type | 操作类型 | 操作类型 | (9)选项-Enum(copyInto: 复制到指定目录下; copyIntoWithShell: 复制到指定目录下(Windows); copyTo: 复制为(指定结果名称或路径); moveInto: 移动到指定目录下; moveIntoWithShell: 移动到指定目录下(Windows); rename: 移动/重命名为(指定结果名称或完整路径); deleteFile: 删除文件(不支持文件夹); deleteEmptyFolder: 删除空文件夹; recycle: 移入回收站; recycleNoUi: 移入回收站(安静模式,自动确认操作); makeDir: 创建文件夹; createFile: 创建空文件; enumFiles: 获取文件夹内的文件; enumDirs: 获取文件夹内的子文件夹; copyFile: 复制文件/文件夹(自动)【不建议使用】; moveFile: 移动/重命名文件(夹)(自动)【不建议使用】) | | True | | path | 路径 | 要操作的文件或文件夹路径 | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | dstPath | 目标路径/名称 | 复制/移动的目标路径或新文件、文件名。详情请参考文档。 | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | searchPattern | 搜索内容 | 筛选文件或目录名。可以包含通配符*和?,或“regex:正则表达式”。搜索文件时也可以为分号隔开的多个后缀名如.jpg;.png;.bmp | (0)字符串-Text | * | False | | isAll | 包含子目录 | 包含子目录中的(否则只搜索顶层目录) | (2)布尔值-Boolean | False | False | | overwrite | 覆盖已有 | 如果目标位置已存在文件,是否覆盖? | (2)布尔值-Boolean | False | False | | stopIfFail | 失败后中止动作 | 如果操作异常,是否终止动作 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | True | False |
传出参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | isSuccess | 是否成功 | 操作是否成功 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | | files | 路径列表 | 搜索到的文件或文件夹列表 | (4)文本列表-List | | resultPath | 结果路径 | 结果文件路径 | (0)字符串-Text |
范例 **在当前文件夹下创建指定名称的docx文件并打开** ```json { "Variables": [ { "Key": "path", "Type": 0, "Desc": "当前路径", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": null, "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null }, { "Key": "filename", "Type": 0, "Desc": "用户输入的文件名,不包含扩展名", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": null, "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null }, { "Key": "isSuccess", "Type": 2, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": null, "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null }, { "Key": "fullPath", "Type": 0, "Desc": "完整路径", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": null, "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null }, { "Key": "quickerVersion", "Type": 1, "Desc": "Quicker版本号", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": null, "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null } ], "Steps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:getSysInfo", "InputParams": {}, "OutputParams": { "MachineName": null, "userName": null, "userDomainName": null, "OsVersion": null, "isWin10": null, "startupSeconds": null, "sysEnv": null, "quickerVersion": "quickerVersion", "runnedSeconds": null, "actionId": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:if", "InputParams": { "condition": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "$${quickerVersion} < 1000011" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:notify", "InputParams": { "msg": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "需要Quicker 1.0.11或更新版本支持。" }, "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "Warning" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:stop", "InputParams": {}, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "ElseSteps": [], "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:getExplorerPath", "InputParams": {}, "OutputParams": { "output": "path" }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:comment", "InputParams": { "note": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "得到当前文件夹路径" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:userInput", "InputParams": { "prompt": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "请输入文件名" }, "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "text" }, "defaultValue": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "xxx文件" }, "pattern": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "restoreFocus": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" } }, "OutputParams": { "textValue": "filename", "numberValue": null, "isEmpty": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:comment", "InputParams": { "note": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "组合成完整文件名" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:assign", "InputParams": { "input": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "$${path}/{filename}.docx" } }, "OutputParams": { "output": "fullPath" }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:comment", "InputParams": { "note": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "创建文件" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:fileOperation", "InputParams": { "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "createFile" }, "path": { "VarKey": "fullPath", "Value": null }, "dstPath": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "searchPattern": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "*" }, "isAll": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "overwrite": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" } }, "OutputParams": { "files": null, "isSuccess": "isSuccess" }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:comment", "InputParams": { "note": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "如果创建成功了,则打开" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:if", "InputParams": { "condition": { "VarKey": "isSuccess", "Value": null } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:run", "InputParams": { "path": { "VarKey": "fullPath", "Value": null }, "arg": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "setWorkingDir": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "windowStyle": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "runas": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "waitInputIdle": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "waitExit": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "alternativePath": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" } }, "OutputParams": { "pid": null, "mainWinHandle": null, "mainWinTitle": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "ElseSteps": [], "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "SubPrograms": [] } ```
*** ## 61.生成临时文件路径 **功能描述** > 根据指定的扩展名生成一个随机的临时文件名(完整路径),供后续步骤写入文件使用。 **官方文档** > https://getquicker.net/KC/Help/Doc/gentempfilepath **内部名称** > sys:GenTempFilePath
传入参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | ext | 扩展名 | 生成临时文件的扩展名 | (0)字符串-Text | .txt | True |
传出参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | filePath | 文件路径 | 生成的临时文件路径 | (0)字符串-Text |
范例 **生成txt临时文件名称到filePath变量** ```json { "Variables": [ { "Key": "filePath", "Type": 0, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" } ], "Steps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:GenTempFilePath", "InputParams": { "ext": { "VarKey": null, "Value": ".txt" } }, "OutputParams": { "filePath": "filePath" }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "SubPrograms": [] } ```
*** ## 62.获取选择的文件(夹)/选择特定文件 **功能描述** > 获取资源管理器、桌面等位置选择的文件或文件夹的路径 **官方文档** > https://getquicker.net/KC/Help/Doc/getselectedfiles **内部名称** > sys:getSelectedFiles
传入参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | operation | 操作类型 | | (9)选项-Enum(getSelection: 获取选择的文件; setSelection: 设置选择的文件) | getSelection | False | | waitMs | 等待剪贴板时间 | 通过复制方式获取选择文件时,等待剪贴板变化的最长时间毫秒数。 | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | 200 | False | | sortType | 排序文件列表 | 获取多个文件时,根据需要可以对文件列表进行排序。仅支持文件。 | (9)选项-Enum(Default: 默认(文件名自然排序); Origin: 原始(系统返回顺序); FileName: 文件名(字母顺序); FileNameNature: 文件名(自然顺序); FileSizeAsc: 文件大小(从小到大); FileSizeDesc: 文件大小(从大到小); CreationTimeDesc: 创建时间(从新到旧); CreationTimeAsc: 创建时间(从旧到新); LastAccessTimeDesc: 最后访问时间(从晚到早); LastAccessTimeAsc: 最后访问时间(从早到晚); LastWriteTimeDesc: 最后写入时间(从晚到早); LastWriteTimeAsc: 最后写入时间(从早到晚)) | Default | False | | pathList | 路径或文件名 | 要选中的路径或文件名。支持使用 “regex:表达式” “pinyin:筛选” 选择匹配的文件。 | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | stopIfFail | 失败后中止动作 | 获取失败后,是否停止后续动作的执行。 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | True | False | | winHandle | 指定窗口句柄 | 指定要操作的资源管理器窗口,留空时表示前台窗口。(仅支持资源管理器) | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | | False |
传出参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | isSuccess | 是否成功 | 是否成功获得文件列表 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | | files | 路径列表 | 所有选中的文件和文件夹的路径列表 | (4)文本列表-List | | firstFile | 首个路径 | 选择1个文件(夹)时,返回其路径;选择多个时,返回第一个的路径。 | (0)字符串-Text | | fileNames | 文件(夹)名列表 | 所有选中的文件和文件夹的名称的列表(不包含所在路径) | (4)文本列表-List | | firstFileName | 首个文件(夹)名 | 选择1个文件(夹)时,返回其名称;选择多个时,返回第一个的名称。 | (0)字符串-Text | | fileCount | 文件个数 | 选择的文件个数 | (12)数字(整数)-Integer |
范例 **获取选择的第一个文件** ```json { "Variables": [ { "Key": "firstFile", "Type": 0, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" } ], "Steps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:getSelectedFiles", "InputParams": { "operation": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "getSelection" }, "waitMs": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "200" }, "sortType": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "Default" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "files": null, "firstFile": "firstFile", "fileNames": null, "firstFileName": null, "fileCount": null, "errMessage": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "SubPrograms": [] } ```
*** ## 63.读取文件 **功能描述** > 将读取的文本或图片内容写入变量。 **官方文档** > https://getquicker.net/KC/Help/Doc/readFile **内部名称** > sys:readFile
传入参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | path | 文件路径 | 要读取的文件的完整路径。 | (0)字符串-Text | | True | | type | 格式 | 文件内容类型 | (9)选项-Enum(text: 文本; image: 图片) | text | True | | encoding | 文件编码 | 文件的编码格式 | (9)选项-Enum | utf-8 | True | | stopIfFail | 失败后停止 | 失败后是否停止动作 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | True | False |
传出参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | txt | 文本内容 | 读取的文本文件的内容 | (0)字符串-Text | | image | 图片内容 | 读取的图片文件的内容 | (3)图片-Image | | isSuccess | 是否成功 | 操作是否成功 | (2)布尔值-Boolean |
范例 **读取下载目录下的a.txt并用文本窗口显示出来** ```json { "Variables": [ { "Key": "folder", "Type": 0, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null }, { "Key": "filePath", "Type": 0, "Desc": "文件路径", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null }, { "Key": "fileContent", "Type": 0, "Desc": "文件内容", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null }, { "Key": "isSuccess", "Type": 2, "Desc": "读取文件是否成功", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": null, "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null } ], "Steps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:getFolderPath", "InputParams": { "folder": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "Downloads" } }, "OutputParams": { "path": "folder" }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "获取下载目录路径", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:pathExtraction", "InputParams": { "operation": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "combine" }, "path": { "VarKey": "folder", "Value": null }, "path2": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "a.txt" } }, "OutputParams": { "resultPath": "filePath" }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "生成 a.txt 的完整路径", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:readFile", "InputParams": { "path": { "VarKey": "filePath", "Value": null }, "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "text" }, "encoding": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "utf-8" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" } }, "OutputParams": { "txt": "fileContent", "isSuccess": "isSuccess", "errMessage": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "读取文件内容", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:if", "InputParams": { "condition": { "VarKey": "isSuccess", "Value": null } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:showText", "InputParams": { "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "NO_WAIT" }, "text": { "VarKey": "fileContent", "Value": null }, "title": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "a.txt 内容" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "显示文件内容", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "ElseSteps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:notify", "InputParams": { "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "Error" }, "msg": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "无法读取 a.txt 文件" }, "maxLines": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "style": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "Default" }, "clickAction": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "显示错误消息", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "Note": "检查读取是否成功", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "SubPrograms": [] } ```
*** ## 64.选择文件 **功能描述** > 用文件选择对话框选择要打开或保存的文件 **官方文档** > https://getquicker.net/KC/Help/Doc/selectfile **内部名称** > sys:selectFile
传入参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | type | 操作类型 | 打开文件:选择一个已存在的文件。保存文件:选择文件要保存的目标位置。 | (9)选项-Enum(saveFile: 保存文件; openFile: 打开文件; openMultiFile: 打开多个文件) | openFile | True | | filter | 文件类型筛选器 | 文件类型筛选器,格式为:类型1|扩展名1|类型2|扩展名2。如:文本文件(*.txt)|*.txt|C#文件|*.cs|所有文件|*.* | (0)字符串-Text | 文本文件|*.txt|所有文件|*.* | False | | defaultExt | 默认扩展名 | 默认的文件扩展名,应该是筛选器里的一种 | (0)字符串-Text | .txt | False | | initDir | 初始路径 | 初始文件夹路径 | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | initFileName | 初始文件名 | 预选选择或设置的文件名 | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | title | 对话框标题 | 选择窗口的标题 | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | topMost | 置顶显示 | 是否置置顶显示窗口。 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | True | False | | stopIfFail | 取消后停止 | 取消后是否停止动作运行 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | True | False |
传出参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | isSuccess | 是否成功 | 是否成功选择了路径。 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | | path | 路径 | 选择的文件路径。 | (0)字符串-Text | | pathList | 路径列表 | 选择的文件路径列表。 | (4)文本列表-List |
范例 **选择多个文件,返回选择的文件名列表pathList** ```json { "Variables": [ { "Key": "pathList", "Type": 4, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" } ], "Steps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:selectFile", "InputParams": { "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "openMultiFile" }, "filter": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "文本文件|*.txt|所有文件|*.*" }, "defaultExt": { "VarKey": null, "Value": ".txt" }, "initDir": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "initFileName": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "title": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "topMost": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "pathList": "pathList", "errMessage": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "SubPrograms": [] } ```
*** ## 65.选择文件夹 **功能描述** > 文件夹选择对话框 **官方文档** > https://getquicker.net/KC/Help/Doc/selectfolder **内部名称** > sys:selectFolder
传入参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | prompt | 提示文字 | 选择窗口的标题 | (0)字符串-Text | 请选择文件夹 | True | | initDir | 初始路径 | 初始文件夹路径 | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | showOpenedDirs | 显示已打开的文件夹 | 显示当前在资源管理器窗口中打开的文件夹。 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | True | False | | stopIfFail | 取消后停止 | 取消后是否停止动作运行 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | True | False |
传出参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | isSuccess | 是否成功 | 是否成功选择了路径。 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | | path | 路径 | 选择的文件夹路径。 | (0)字符串-Text |
范例 **让用户在D:\\选择文件夹,返回选择的path** ```json { "Variables": [ { "Key": "path", "Type": 0, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" } ], "Steps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:selectFolder", "InputParams": { "prompt": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "请选择文件夹" }, "initDir": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "D:\\" }, "showOpenedDirs": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "path": "path", "errMessage": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "SubPrograms": [] } ```
*** ## 66.写入文本文件 **功能描述** > 将内容写入文本文件 **官方文档** > https://getquicker.net/KC/Help/Doc/writetextfile **内部名称** > sys:WriteTextFile
传入参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | content | 内容 | 要写入文件的内容 | (0)字符串-Text | | True | | filePath | 文件路径 | 要写入的完整文件路径(包含文件名) | (0)字符串-Text | | True | | encoding | 文件编码 | 写入文件的编码格式 | (9)选项-Enum | utf-8 | True | | addUtf8Bom | 添加UTF-BOM | UTF8编码文件是否写入BOM标记 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | False | False | | appendMode | 添加到文件末尾 | 如果文件已存在,则添加到文件的末尾 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | False | False | | addNewLine | 添加空行 | 在文件末尾添加空行 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | False | False | | newLineChars | 统一换行字符 | | (9)选项-Enum(: 默认(不处理); \r\n; \r; \n) | | True | | stopIfFail | 失败后停止 | 失败后是否停止动作 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | True | False |
传出参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | isSuccess | 是否成功 | 操作是否成功 | (2)布尔值-Boolean |
范例 **将“abcdefg”写入D:\\1.txt,统一换行字符为\r\n,如果文件已存在,则添加到文件末尾** ```json { "Variables": [], "Steps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:WriteTextFile", "InputParams": { "content": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "abcdefg" }, "filePath": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "D:\\1.txt" }, "encoding": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "utf-8" }, "addUtf8Bom": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "appendMode": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" }, "addNewLine": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "newLineChars": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "\r\n" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "errMessage": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "SubPrograms": [] } ```
*** ## 67.Zip压缩打包 **功能描述** > Zip压缩或解压缩 **官方文档** > https://getquicker.net/KC/Help/Doc/zip **内部名称** > sys:zip
传入参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | type | 操作类型 | | (9)选项-Enum(Zip: 创建Zip文件; Unzip: 解压缩Zip文件) | Zip | False | | sourcePath | 源路径 | 待压缩的文件夹或文件路径。多个文件时每个文件一行。 | (0)字符串-Text | | True | | targetZipFile | Zip文件路径 | 压缩时:目标文件的路径。留空时自动生成临时文件。点(.)表示待压缩的文件夹或文件所在位置。 | (0)字符串-Text | | True | | sourceZipFile | Zip文件路径 | 待解压的文件路径。 | (0)字符串-Text | | True | | keepBaseFolder | 源路径为单个文件夹时,压缩整个文件夹(保留文件夹名称) | | (2)布尔值-Boolean | False | False | | outputPath | 目标路径 | 解压缩的目标路径, 点(.)表示zip文件所在的文件夹, 星(*)表示以zip文件名创建的子文件夹。 | (0)字符串-Text | | True | | password | 密码 | 压缩文件密码 | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | comment | 备注 | 压缩文件注释内容 | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | level | 级别 | 压缩级别,0-9。0表示不压缩(速度快),9表示压缩到最小(速度慢) | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | 1 | False | | overwrite | 自动覆盖文件 | | (2)布尔值-Boolean | False | False | | skipOverwriteError | 覆盖失败时忽略 | 忽略掉无法覆盖的情况 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | False | False | | showProgress | 显示进度条 | 仅支持解压缩或压缩单个文件夹。 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | False | False | | stopIfFail | 失败后停止 | 失败后是否停止动作 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | True | False |
传出参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | isSuccess | 是否成功 | 操作是否成功 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | | resultPath | 结果路径 | 生成的zip文件完整路径,或解压缩后的完整路径 | (0)字符串-Text |
范例 ```json { "Variables": [ { "Key": "savedPath", "Type": 0, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null }, { "Key": "解压成功", "Type": 2, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" }, { "Key": "resultPath", "Type": 0, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" } ], "Steps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:zip", "InputParams": { "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "Unzip" }, "sourceZipFile": { "VarKey": "savedPath", "Value": null }, "outputPath": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "." }, "password": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "overwrite": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" }, "skipOverwriteError": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "showProgress": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": "解压成功", "resultPath": "resultPath", "errMessage": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "SubPrograms": [] } ```
*** ## 68.屏幕截图 **功能描述** > 截取屏幕区域 **官方文档** > https://getquicker.net/KC/Help/Doc/screencapture **内部名称** > sys:screenCapture
传入参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | type | 截图类型 | 截取图片的屏幕区域类型 | (9)选项-Enum(select: 选择区域; full_screen: 所有屏幕; primary_screen: 主屏幕; fixed_area: 固定区域; window: 窗口 (屏幕可见内容); windowBackground: 窗口 (支持后台显示)) | select | False | | area | 截图区域 | 要截取的屏幕坐标位置(像素值),格式为:left,top,right,bottom。默认不包含右边和底边像素。 | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | windowHandle | 窗口句柄 | 要截取的窗口句柄数字。0或留空表示截取前台窗口。 | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | 0 | False | | delay | 截图前延迟时间 | 等待多少毫秒后开始截图 | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | 0 | True | | preSelectArea | 预选截图区域 | 非必要请勿设置。预先选择的截图区域,格式为:left,top,right,bottom。默认不包含右边和底边像素。 | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | includeRightBottomBorder | 预选截图区域包含右边和底边像素 | 包含时,当指定 0,0,2,2 的时候,截图的大小为3*3, 否则为2*2 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | True | False | | toClip | 写入剪贴板 | 截屏图片是否写入到剪贴板中 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | False | False | | stopIfFail | 失败后停止 | 失败后是否停止动作 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | True | False |
传出参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | img | 图片 | 截图的图片 | (3)图片-Image | | rect | 截图区域 | 图片的截取区域(left,top,right,bottom)。 | (0)字符串-Text | | isSuccess | 是否成功 | 操作是否成功 | (2)布尔值-Boolean |
范例 **等待30毫秒后截图屏幕上200,300,500,800的区域存入变量img和剪贴板,并将所截图区域坐标存入rect变量** ```json { "Variables": [ { "Key": "rect", "Type": 0, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" }, { "Key": "img", "Type": 3, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" } ], "Steps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:screenCapture", "InputParams": { "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "fixed_area" }, "area": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "200,300,500,800" }, "delay": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "30" }, "toClip": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" }, "includeRightBottomBorder": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "img": "img", "rect": "rect", "isSuccess": null, "errMessage": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "SubPrograms": [] } ```
*** ## 69.生成二维码 **功能描述** > 将文本转换为二维码 **官方文档** > https://getquicker.net/KC/Help/Doc/createqrcode **内部名称** > sys:createQrCode
传入参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | code | 文本 | 要转换为二维码的内容 | (0)字符串-Text | | True | | pixelsPerModule | 每模块像素数 | | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | 4 | False | | darkColor | 暗色 | #AARRGGBB格式的颜色值 | (0)字符串-Text | #FF000000 | False | | lightColor | 亮色 | #AARRGGBB格式的颜色值 | (0)字符串-Text | #FFFFFFFF | False | | icon | 图标 | 图片变量或图标文件路径 | (3)图片-Image | | False | | iconPercent | 图标占比 | 百分比数字(只填数字,不写百分号) | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | 15 | False | | iconBorderWidth | 图标边框宽度 | 最小为1 | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | 6 | False | | drawQuietZones | 绘制外框 | | (2)布尔值-Boolean | 1 | False | | saveToPdfPath | 输出pdf文件 | | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | stopIfFail | 失败后停止 | 失败后是否停止动作 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | True | False |
传出参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | isSuccess | 是否成功 | 操作是否成功 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | | img | 二维码图片 | 生成的二维码图片对象 | (3)图片-Image | | svg | SVG格式结果 | Svg格式结果代码 | (0)字符串-Text | | ascii | Ascii格式结果 | Ascii字符格式结果代码 | (0)字符串-Text |
范例 **将文本abcd转为二维码图片img** ```json { "Variables": [ { "Key": "img", "Type": 3, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" } ], "Steps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:createQrCode", "InputParams": { "code": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "abcd" }, "pixelsPerModule": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "4" }, "darkColor": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "#FF000000" }, "lightColor": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "#FFFFFFFF" }, "icon": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "iconPercent": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "15" }, "iconBorderWidth": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "6" }, "drawQuietZones": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" }, "saveToPdfPath": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "img": "img", "svg": null, "ascii": null, "errMessage": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "SubPrograms": [] } ```
*** ## 70.手写板 **功能描述** > 手写内容,生成图片对象。 **官方文档** > https://getquicker.net/KC/Help/Doc/whiteboard **内部名称** > sys:whiteboard
传入参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | winPosition | 窗口位置 | 可选。指定显示位置,格式为:left,top,right,bottom。支持像素数值或屏幕宽高百分比。 | (0)字符串-Text | 15%,30%,85%,70% | False | | bgColor | 绘图区背景颜色 | 绘图窗口的背景颜色。格式为#AARRGGBB | (0)字符串-Text | #FFFFFFFF | False | | penColor | 画笔颜色 | 画笔颜色。格式为#AARRGGBB | (0)字符串-Text | #FFFF0000 | False | | enableTransparent | 使用透明无边框窗口 | 不显示窗口标题栏,绘图区透明,可以看到底层窗口内容。 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | False | False | | imageWithBackground | 图片包含背景内容 | 使用透明窗口时,结果图片是否包含背景内容。 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | False | False | | stopIfFail | 取消后停止动作 | | (2)布尔值-Boolean | True | False |
传出参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | isSuccess | 是否成功 | 操作是否成功 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | | result | 结果图片 | | (3)图片-Image |
范例 ```json { "Variables": [ { "Key": "img", "Type": 3, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null }, { "Key": "rect", "Type": 0, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null }, { "Key": "isSuccess", "Type": 2, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null } ], "Steps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:whiteboard", "InputParams": { "winPosition": { "VarKey": "rect", "Value": null }, "bgColor": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "#0F5B89F5" }, "penColor": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "#FFFF0000" }, "enableTransparent": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" }, "imageWithBackground": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": "isSuccess", "result": "img", "errMessage": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "SubPrograms": [] } ```
*** ## 71.读取图片信息 **功能描述** > 获取图片的尺寸或exif信息 **官方文档** > https://getquicker.net/KC/Help/Doc/imageinfo **内部名称** > sys:imageinfo
传入参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | sourceType | 图片来源 | | (9)选项-Enum(var: 图片变量; file: 图片文件) | var | False | | bmpFile | 文件路径 | 图片文件的完整路径 | (0)字符串-Text | | True | | bmpVar | 图片变量 | | (3)图片-Image | | True | | autoRotate | 计算旋转后的宽高 | 如果Exif中包含旋转角度信息,则获取旋转后的宽高 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | False | False | | stopIfFail | 失败后停止 | 失败后是否停止动作 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | True | False |
传出参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | isSuccess | 是否成功 | 操作是否成功 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | | width | 宽度 | | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | | height | 高度 | | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | | rotateDegree | 旋转角度 | | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | | dateTimeOriginal | 拍摄时间 | | (6)时间日期-DateTime | | exifData | Exif数据 | 转换为文本格式的exif数据(词典格式,请参考模块文档) | (10)词典-Dict | | rawExifData | 原始属性数据 | 原始Exif数据(词典格式,请参考模块文档) | (10)词典-Dict | | fileTypeFromData | 内容图片格式 | 根据文件内容判断的文件格式(可能不准确),用于在无法根据扩展名得到图片格式的情况下使用。 | (0)字符串-Text |
范例 ```json { "Variables": [ { "Key": "width", "Type": 12, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" }, { "Key": "height", "Type": 12, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" } ], "Steps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:imageinfo", "InputParams": { "sourceType": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "file" }, "bmpFile": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "D:\\1.png" }, "autoRotate": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "width": "width", "height": "height", "rotateDegree": null, "dateTimeOriginal": null, "exifData": null, "rawExifData": null, "fileTypeFromData": null, "errMessage": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "SubPrograms": [] } ```
*** ## 72.图片处理 **功能描述** > 图片处理和变换 **官方文档** > https://getquicker.net/KC/Help/Doc/imgprocess **内部名称** > sys:imgProcess
传入参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | img | 图片 | 要转换的图片 | (3)图片-Image | | True | | type | 操作类型 | 对图片的转换操作类型 | (9)选项-Enum(resize_percent: 缩放图片(指定比例); resize_pixel: 缩小图片(指定像素); Clone: 复制图片; Invert: 反色; GrayScale: 灰度; Rotate: 旋转; Filters: 组合处理; GenerateIco: 生成图标文件(.ico)) | resize_percent | False | | resizePercent | 缩放比例 | 缩小或放大到原来的百分之多少 | (1)数字(小数)-Number | 50 | False | | maxWidth | 最大宽度 | 最大宽度(像素数),0表示自动 | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | 0 | False | | maxHeight | 最大高度 | 最大高度(像素数),0表示自动 | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | 0 | False | | rotation | 旋转方式 | 顺时针角度。0:不旋转, 1:90°, 2:180°, 3:270°, 其他值请参考模块文档。 | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | 0 | False | | filterParams | 处理参数 | 每行设定一个处理步骤,具体设置请参考文档 | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | iconFilePath | 图标文件保存路径 | 保存图标文件(.ico)的完整路径 | (0)字符串-Text | | True | | iconSize | 图标大小 | 图标中的位图大小,单位为像素。多尺寸图标可用英文逗号风格 | (0)字符串-Text | 256,48,32,16 | True | | stopIfFail | 失败后停止 | 失败后是否停止动作 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | True | False |
传出参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | isSuccess | 是否成功 | 操作是否成功 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | | result | 结果图片 | 处理后的图片 | (3)图片-Image |
范例 **列表文件亮度增加30%,对比对比度增加30%,注释掉的行(用于生成灰度图像),自动旋转,高于指定亮度的像素修改为白色** ```json { "Variables": [ { "Key": "path", "Type": 0, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null }, { "Key": "fileList", "Type": 4, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null }, { "Key": "prefix", "Type": 0, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "processed_", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null }, { "Key": "savePath", "Type": 0, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null } ], "Steps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:getSelectedFiles", "InputParams": { "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "files": "fileList", "firstFile": "path", "isSuccess": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:each", "InputParams": { "input": { "VarKey": "fileList", "Value": null }, "useMultiThread": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "threadDelay": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "5" } }, "OutputParams": { "item": "path", "count": null }, "IfSteps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:assign", "InputParams": { "input": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "$= Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName({path}), {prefix}+Path.GetFileName({path}))" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "output": "savePath" }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:imgProcess", "InputParams": { "img": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "Filters" }, "filterParams": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "$$\r\nLoad:{path}\r\nBrightness:30\r\nContrast:30\r\nAutoRotate:\r\nWhiteThreshold:220\r\nSave:{savePath}" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "result": null, "errMessage": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "SubPrograms": [] } ```
*** ## 73.识别二维码 **功能描述** > 识别图片中的二维码 **官方文档** > https://getquicker.net/KC/Help/Doc/readqrcode **内部名称** > sys:readQrCode
传入参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | img | 输入图片 | 要识别二维码的图片 | (3)图片-Image | | True | | tryNetwork | 本地识别失败后尝试在线识别服务 | 在线服务拥有更强识别能力(频率限制2秒/次,仅专业版提供)。 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | False | False | | stopIfFail | 失败后停止 | 失败后是否停止动作 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | True | False |
传出参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | isSuccess | 是否成功 | 操作是否成功 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | | code | 值 | 识别出的二维码内容 | (0)字符串-Text | | codeList | 全部二维码值 | 当一个图片含有多个二维码,且需要返回所有结果时使用。 | (4)文本列表-List |
*** ## 74.显示图片 **功能描述** > 在屏幕上显示图片。输入文件路径/url或图片变量。 **官方文档** > https://getquicker.net/KC/Help/Doc/showImage **内部名称** > sys:showImage
传入参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | source | 操作/来源 | 图片来源类型 | (9)选项-Enum(file: 显示:图片文件或网络图片; var: 显示:变量中的图片; clipboard: 显示:剪贴板图片; closeWindow: 关闭图片窗口; getState: 获取图片窗口信息; getImageWindows: 获取所有图片窗口标识) | var | False | | path | 路径/网址 | 图片文件的路径或网址。 | (0)字符串-Text | | True | | imgVar | 图片变量 | 从指定变量中加载图片 | (3)图片-Image | | True | | scale | 初始缩放比例 | 可以为小数,1表示原始大小,-1表示对大图自动调整缩放比例 | (1)数字(小数)-Number | 1 | True | | opacity | 不透明度 | 0-1之间的小数,1为完全不透明,0为完全透明。 | (1)数字(小数)-Number | 1 | True | | autoCloseKey | 唯一性标识 | (仅必要时使用)自动关闭之前打开的具有此标识的图片窗口。 | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | autoCloseTime | 自动关闭时间 | 几秒后自动关闭,可以为小数。0:不自动关闭。 | (1)数字(小数)-Number | 0 | True | | winLocation | 显示位置 | 图片显示位置 | (9)选项-Enum | Auto | False | | winPosition | 位置坐标 | 仅用于位置为“自定义位置”类型。格式为:left,top或left,top,right,bottom | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | waitClose | 等待图片关闭 | 是否等待图片关闭后再执行后续步骤 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | False | False | | showDropShadow | 显示阴影 | 是否显示边框阴影 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | True | False | | showTaskbarIcon | 显示任务栏图标 | 是否显示任务栏图标 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | True | False | | topMost | 是否置顶显示 | 是否置顶显示图片 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | True | False | | noActivate | 不激活窗口 | 图片窗口显示时不抢占焦点(无法通过Esc关闭) | (2)布尔值-Boolean | False | False | | closeWhenLostFocus | 丢失焦点时自动关闭 | | (2)布尔值-Boolean | False | False | | tooltip | ToolTip提示文字 | | (0)字符串-Text | | False |
传出参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | isExists | 是否存在 | 是否存在指定标识的窗口 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | | hwnd | 窗口句柄 | 新创建的图片窗口的句柄 | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | | finalPosition | 最终贴图位置 | 移动窗口后的贴图位置格式为left,top,right,bottom。显示图片(开启“等待图片关闭” 选项)或获取当前打开的图片窗口信息时有效。 | (0)字符串-Text | | windowIdList | 窗口标识列表 | | (4)文本列表-List |
范例 **显示剪贴板图片,并在按下W后关闭图片显示** ```json { "Variables": [], "Steps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:showImage", "InputParams": { "source": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "clipboard" }, "scale": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "-1" }, "opacity": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0.7" }, "autoCloseKey": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "abc" }, "autoCloseTime": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "winLocation": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "CenterScreen" }, "winPosition": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "waitClose": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "false" }, "showDropShadow": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "true" }, "showTaskbarIcon": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "true" }, "topMost": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "true" }, "noActivate": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "closeWhenLostFocus": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "tooltip": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" } }, "OutputParams": { "hwnd": null, "finalPosition": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:waitKeyboard", "InputParams": { "operation": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "waitKeyDown" }, "waitingKeys": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "W" }, "modifierKeys": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "maxWaitSeconds": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "filterEvent": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" }, "waitKeyUp": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "ignoreSimulated": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "help": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "请按键..." }, "winLocation": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "TopCenter" }, "mouseThrough": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" }, "fontfamily": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "keyCode": null, "keyValue": null, "holdTimeMs": null, "errMessage": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:showImage", "InputParams": { "source": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "closeWindow" }, "autoCloseKey": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "abc" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "SubPrograms": [] } ```
*** ## 75.临时图床 **功能描述** > 将图片上传到临时(1分钟后删除)的图床,用以搜图等场景。勿上传非法内容。 **官方文档** > https://getquicker.net/KC/Help/Doc/tempImgBed **内部名称** > sys:tempImgBed
传入参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | imgVar | 图片变量 | 指定要上传的图片变量。 | (3)图片-Image | | False | | stopIfFail | 失败后停止 | 失败后是否停止动作 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | True | False |
传出参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | isSuccess | 是否成功 | 操作是否成功 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | | url | 网址 | 图片的临时网址 | (0)字符串-Text |
范例 ```json { "Variables": [ { "Key": "imgVar", "Type": 3, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" }, { "Key": "url", "Type": 0, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" } ], "Steps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:tempImgBed", "InputParams": { "imgVar": { "VarKey": "imgVar", "Value": null }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "url": "url", "errMessage": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "SubPrograms": [] } ```
*** ## 76.图片/Base64 转换 **功能描述** > 图片和Base64转换 **官方文档** > https://getquicker.net/KC/Help/Doc/imgtobase64 **内部名称** > sys:imgToBase64
传入参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | type | 操作类型 | 转换操作类型 | (9)选项-Enum(imgToBase64: 图片或文件转Base64文本; base64ToImg: Base64文本转图片) | imgToBase64 | False | | img | 图片 | 要转换的图片(图片变量或文件路径) | (3)图片-Image | | True | | addHeader | 添加data头 | 是否添加“data:image/png;base64,”头 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | False | False | | base64 | Base64编码 | 要转换的编码文本 | (0)字符串-Text | | True |
传出参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | code | Base64编码 | Base64编码结果 | (0)字符串-Text | | img | 图片 | 转换输出的图片 | (3)图片-Image |
范例 ```json { "Variables": [ { "Key": "imgVar", "Type": 3, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" }, { "Key": "code", "Type": 0, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" } ], "Steps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:imgToBase64", "InputParams": { "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "imgToBase64" }, "img": { "VarKey": "imgVar", "Value": null }, "addHeader": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" } }, "OutputParams": { "code": "code" }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:imgToBase64", "InputParams": { "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "base64ToImg" }, "base64": { "VarKey": "code", "Value": null } }, "OutputParams": { "img": "imgVar" }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "SubPrograms": [] } ```
*** ## 77.写入图片文件 **功能描述** > 将图片内容写入文件 **官方文档** > https://getquicker.net/KC/Help/Doc/writeimagefile **内部名称** > sys:WriteImageFile
传入参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | content | 内容图片 | 要写入文件的图片(变量) | (3)图片-Image | | True | | filePath | 文件路径 | 要写入的文件完整路径(包含文件名) | (0)字符串-Text | | True | | quality | 图片质量 | 保存为JPG格式时的图片质量参数。范围10-100。 | (0)字符串-Text | 95 | True | | stopIfFail | 失败后停止 | 失败后是否停止动作 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | True | False |
传出参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | isSuccess | 是否成功 | 操作是否成功 | (2)布尔值-Boolean |
范例 ```json { "Variables": [ { "Key": "img", "Type": 3, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" } ], "Steps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:WriteImageFile", "InputParams": { "content": { "VarKey": "img", "Value": null }, "filePath": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "D:\\1.jpg" }, "quality": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "95" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "errMessage": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "SubPrograms": [] } ```
*** ## 78.列表操作 **功能描述** > 对列表变量进行添加、删除等操作 **官方文档** > https://getquicker.net/KC/Help/Doc/listoperations **内部名称** > sys:listOperations
传入参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | list | 列表 | 要操作的列表变量 | (4)文本列表-List | | False | | type | 操作类型 | | (9)选项-Enum(none: 无操作(仅用于获取列表信息); getAt: 读取某位置元素; append: 添加元素到末尾; insertAt: 插入元素; setAt: 设置/更新某序号元素; remove: 去除元素(指定值,有多个时去除第一个); removeAllByValue: 去除元素(指定值,有多个时去除全部); removeAt: 去除元素(指定位置); removeByMatch: 去除元素(匹配正则表达式的项); removeByNotMatch: 去除元素(不匹配正则表达式的项); clear: 清空列表; sortAsc: 排序A-Z(输出到结果); sortDesc: 排序Z-A(输出到结果); sortAscNature: 自然排序A-Z(输出到结果); FileSizeAsc: 排序文件列表:文件大小(从小到大); FileSizeDesc: 排序文件列表:文件大小(从大到小); CreationTimeDesc: 排序文件列表:创建时间(从新到旧); CreationTimeAsc: 排序文件列表:创建时间(从旧到新); LastAccessTimeDesc: 排序文件列表:最后访问时间(从晚到早); LastAccessTimeAsc: 排序文件列表:最后访问时间(从早到晚); LastWriteTimeDesc: 排序文件列表:最后写入时间(从晚到早); LastWriteTimeAsc: 排序文件列表:最后写入时间(从早到晚); reverse: 倒置; sub: 截取(输出到结果); concat: 拼接(输出到结果); distinct: 去除重复(输出到结果); indexOf: 获取值的序号; filterByRegex: 筛选(正则,输出到结果); filterByDefault: 筛选(模糊匹配,输出到结果); filterByContains: 筛选(包含); filterByStarts: 筛选(开始); filterByEnds: 筛选(结束)) | none | False | | list2 | 列表2 | 要拼接的列表 | (4)文本列表-List | | False | | pos | 序号 | 目标元素的序号,从0开始。负值表示从后向前的第几个。 | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | 0 | False | | length | 长度 | 操作元素的数量 | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | 1 | False | | item | 值 | 要插入或更新的值,或筛选关键词 | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | orderByScore | 按匹配程度排序 | 筛选结果按匹配程度倒序排列 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | False | False | | pattern | 正则表达式 | 要匹配的正则表达式。 | (0)字符串-Text | | False |
传出参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | value | 结果 | 操作后的输出(取的元素值、排序、切片或拼接后的列表等) | (99)任意类型-Any | | isEmpty | 是否为空 | 空返回true,非空返回false | (2)布尔值-Boolean | | length | 列表长度 | 列表包含的元素数量,截断或拼接后输出结果列表的长度 | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | | index | 序号 | 值在列表里的序号,-1表示不存在 | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | | filterOutItems | 剩余项列表 | 不符合筛选条件的项的列表 | (99)任意类型-Any |
范例 **显示结果为:小明,19,跑步\r\n小红,18,走路** ```json { "Variables": [ { "Key": "选中的姓名们", "Type": 4, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" }, { "Key": "姓名们", "Type": 4, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "小红\r\n小明\r\n小西", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" }, { "Key": "年龄们", "Type": 4, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "18\r\n19\r\n20", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" }, { "Key": "爱好们", "Type": 4, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "走路\r\n跑步\r\n飞行", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" }, { "Key": "姓名", "Type": 0, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" }, { "Key": "年龄", "Type": 0, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" }, { "Key": "爱好", "Type": 0, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" }, { "Key": "i", "Type": 12, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" }, { "Key": "结果", "Type": 4, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" } ], "Steps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:assign", "InputParams": { "input": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "小明\r\n小红" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "output": "选中的姓名们", "errMessage": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:each", "InputParams": { "input": { "VarKey": "选中的姓名们", "Value": null }, "useMultiThread": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "item": "姓名", "count": null, "isSuccess": null, "errMessage": null }, "IfSteps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:listOperations", "InputParams": { "list": { "VarKey": "姓名们", "Value": null }, "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "indexOf" }, "item": { "VarKey": "姓名", "Value": null } }, "OutputParams": { "isEmpty": null, "length": null, "index": "i" }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:listOperations", "InputParams": { "list": { "VarKey": "年龄们", "Value": null }, "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "getAt" }, "pos": { "VarKey": "i", "Value": null } }, "OutputParams": { "value": "年龄", "isEmpty": null, "length": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:listOperations", "InputParams": { "list": { "VarKey": "爱好们", "Value": null }, "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "getAt" }, "pos": { "VarKey": "i", "Value": null } }, "OutputParams": { "value": "爱好", "isEmpty": null, "length": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:listOperations", "InputParams": { "list": { "VarKey": "结果", "Value": null }, "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "append" }, "item": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "$${姓名},{年龄},{爱好}" } }, "OutputParams": { "isEmpty": null, "length": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:comment", "InputParams": { "note": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "↓ 展示数据" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:showText", "InputParams": { "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "NO_WAIT" }, "text": { "VarKey": "结果", "Value": null }, "title": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "文本窗口" }, "autoCloseKey": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "=" }, "topMost": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "false" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" }, "operations": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "winLocation": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "CenterScreen" }, "winSize": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "fontsize": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "14" }, "fontfamily": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "bgColor": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "textColor": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "highlight": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "autoSaveToState": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "enableEscClose": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "true" }, "closeWhenLostFocus": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "false" }, "showLineNum": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "true" }, "autoWrap": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "true" }, "showBuildInToolbar": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "true" }, "copyWholeLine": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "false" }, "caretPosition": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "advancedSettings": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "updateIfExists": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "windowHandle": null, "errMessage": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "SubPrograms": [] } ```
*** ## 79.管理和排序列表 **功能描述** > 对列表内容进行手工排序、添加、删除等操作 **官方文档** > https://getquicker.net/KC/Help/Doc/managelist **内部名称** > sys:manageList
传入参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | list | 列表 | 要操作的列表变量。直接选择对应变量,不要使用表达式。 | (4)文本列表-List | | False | | winTitle | 窗口标题 | | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | note | 提示信息 | | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | parseData | 解析菜单数据 | 解析 “[图标]标题(tooltip)|值” 格式的数据并显示图标。 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | False | False | | seperator | 分隔符 | 解析菜单数据时,显示内容与值之间的分隔符,默认为竖线'|' | (0)字符串-Text | | | False | | windowSize | 窗口宽度 | 可选,在需要自定义窗口宽度的情况下使用。最小值为200。 | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | allowAdd | 允许添加项 | | (2)布尔值-Boolean | True | False | | allowEdit | 允许编辑项 | | (2)布尔值-Boolean | True | False | | allowDelete | 允许删除项 | | (2)布尔值-Boolean | True | False | | stopIfFail | 取消后停止动作 | | (2)布尔值-Boolean | False | False | | help | 帮助按钮内容 | 点击弹出显示帮助内容,MarkDown格式 | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | titleDelegate | 显示内容提取表达式 | 可选,在不解析菜单数据时自定义每一项的显示内容。使用方式请参考模块文档。 | (0)字符串-Text | | False |
传出参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | isSuccess | 是否确认 | 是否点击了确认按钮 | (2)布尔值-Boolean |
范例 **将选中文本文件手动调整拼接顺序后进行合并** ```json { "Variables": [ { "Key": "选中文件", "Type": 4, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" }, { "Key": "每个文件路径", "Type": 0, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" }, { "Key": "文本内容", "Type": 0, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" }, { "Key": "路径", "Type": 0, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" }, { "Key": "保存", "Type": 0, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" }, { "Key": "确定", "Type": 2, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" }, { "Key": "文件数", "Type": 12, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" } ], "Steps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:getSelectedFiles", "InputParams": { "operation": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "getSelection" }, "waitMs": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "200" }, "sortType": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "Origin" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "files": "选中文件", "firstFile": "路径", "fileNames": null, "firstFileName": null, "fileCount": "文件数", "errMessage": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:if", "InputParams": { "condition": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "$= {文件数} <= 1" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:notify", "InputParams": { "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "Error" }, "msg": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "文件数量错误" }, "maxLines": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "style": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "Default" }, "clickAction": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "ElseSteps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:manageList", "InputParams": { "list": { "VarKey": "选中文件", "Value": null }, "winTitle": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "排序或删除" }, "note": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, 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false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:selectFile", "InputParams": { "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "saveFile" }, "filter": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "文本文件|*.txt|所有文件|*.*" }, "defaultExt": { "VarKey": null, "Value": ".txt" }, "initDir": { "VarKey": "路径", "Value": null }, "initFileName": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "拼接文本" }, "title": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "topMost": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "path": "保存", "errMessage": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:WriteTextFile", "InputParams": { "content": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "filePath": { "VarKey": "保存", "Value": null }, "encoding": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "utf-8" }, "addUtf8Bom": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "appendMode": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "addNewLine": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "newLineChars": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "errMessage": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:each", "InputParams": { "input": { "VarKey": "选中文件", "Value": null }, "useMultiThread": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "item": "每个文件路径", "count": null, "isSuccess": null, "errMessage": null }, "IfSteps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:readFile", "InputParams": { "path": { "VarKey": "每个文件路径", "Value": null }, "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "text" }, "encoding": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "auto" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "txt": "文本内容", "isSuccess": null, "errMessage": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { 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"Value": "" }, "escapeOld": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "false" }, "replaceEscapes": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "false" }, "useRegex": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "true" }, "ignoreCase": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "false" }, "singleLine": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "false" }, "multiLine": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "true" } }, "OutputParams": { "output": "文本内容" }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "查找^\\n替换空", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:WriteTextFile", "InputParams": { "content": { "VarKey": "文本内容", "Value": null }, "filePath": { "VarKey": "保存", "Value": null }, "encoding": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "utf-8" }, "addUtf8Bom": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "appendMode": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "addNewLine": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" }, "newLineChars": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "errMessage": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "SubPrograms": [] } ```
*** ## 80.赋值 **功能描述** > 为变量赋值。使用频率最高的模块,支持文本字符串或插值格式或C#代码模式。 **官方文档** > https://getquicker.net/KC/Help/Doc/assign **内部名称** > sys:assign
传入参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | input | 输入 | 要赋值给变量的内容,可以直接是其他变量,也可以直接输入值或使用插值格式。 | (99)任意类型-Any | | True | | stopIfFail | 失败后停止 | 失败后是否停止动作 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | True | False |
传出参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | isSuccess | 是否成功 | 操作是否成功 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | | output | 输出 | 将数据写入到变量中 | (99)任意类型-Any |
范例 **num最终值会是“233”,text最终值将是“233.abc”** ```json { "Variables": [ { "Key": "list", "Type": 4, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "233\r\n123", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" }, { "Key": "num", "Type": 12, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" }, { "Key": "text", "Type": 0, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" } ], "Steps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:assign", "InputParams": { "input": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "$=int.Parse({list}[0])" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "output": "num", "errMessage": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:assign", "InputParams": { "input": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "$${num}.abc" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "output": "text", "errMessage": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "SubPrograms": [] } ```
*** ## 81.注释 **功能描述** > 使用注释来描述后续步骤的目的。 **官方文档** > https://getquicker.net/KC/Help/Doc/comment **内部名称** > sys:comment
传入参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | note | 注释内容 | 注释内容 | (0)字符串-Text | | False |
范例 ```json { "Variables": [], "Steps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:comment", "InputParams": { "note": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "这是一行注释" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "SubPrograms": [] } ```
*** ## 82.计算 **功能描述** > 对表达式进行计算。 **官方文档** > https://getquicker.net/KC/Help/Doc/compute **内部名称** > sys:compute
传入参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | expression | 表达式 | 要计算的表达式 | (0)字符串-Text | 1+1 | True | | evalVar | 增强模式 | 支持在表达式中使用{变量名}和Math对象 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | False | False | | stopIfFail | 失败后停止 | 失败后是否停止动作 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | True | False |
传出参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | isSuccess | 是否成功 | 操作是否成功 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | | output | 结果 | 将表达式计算结果写入变量 | (99)任意类型-Any |
范例 **简单范例** ```json { "Variables": [ { "Key": "result", "Type": 99, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null }, { "Key": "a", "Type": 12, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "5", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null }, { "Key": "b", "Type": 12, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "6", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null } ], "Steps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:comment", "InputParams": { "note": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "计算数学公式" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:compute", "InputParams": { "expression": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1+1" }, "evalVar": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "output": "result" }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:notify", "InputParams": { "msg": { "VarKey": "result", "Value": null }, "maxLines": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "Info" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:comment", "InputParams": { "note": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "计算包含变量的表达式" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:compute", "InputParams": { "expression": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "{a} * {b} " 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null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:notify", "InputParams": { "msg": { "VarKey": "result", "Value": null }, "maxLines": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "Info" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "SubPrograms": [] } ``` **对每行计算后,在后面显示结果** ```json { "Variables": [ { "Key": "context", "Type": 0, "Desc": "默认的文本变量", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": null, "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null }, { "Key": "lines", "Type": 4, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": null, "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null }, { "Key": "result", "Type": 0, "Desc": "", 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*** ## 83.生成Guid **功能描述** > 生成一个新的Guid(全局唯一ID标示符),并转换为文本格式。 **官方文档** > https://getquicker.net/KC/Help/Doc/newguid **内部名称** > sys:newGuid
传入参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | format | 格式 | 转换为文本时使用的格式 | (9)选项-Enum(D: 默认:00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000; N: 去除连字符:00000000000000000000000000000000; B: 大括号包围:{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}; P: 小括号包围:(00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000); X: 十六进制:{0x00000000,0x0000,0x0000,{0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00}}) | D | False | | upper | 大写 | 字母输出为大写格式。 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | False | False |
传出参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | output | 内容 | 将获得的文本写入到变量 | (0)字符串-Text |
*** ## 84.多字段表单 **功能描述** > 使用表单窗口编辑多个变量的值。 **官方文档** > https://getquicker.net/KC/Help/Doc/form **内部名称** > sys:form
传入参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | operation | 工作模式 | 工作模式:编辑某个词典的值,或编辑一些变量的值 | (9)选项-Enum(variables: 编辑动作变量的值; dict: 编辑词典数据; dict_dynamic: 编辑词典数据(动态)) | variables | False | | dictVar | 词典变量 | 表单需要编辑的词典变量 | (10)词典-Dict | | False | | title | 窗口标题 | 表单窗口标题文字 | (0)字符串-Text | 填写表单 | True | | formDef | 表单定义 | | (11)表单-Form | | True | | formForDictDef | 表单定义(词典) | | (14)表单(词典)-FormForDict | | True | | dynamicFormForDictDef | 表单定义(词典) | JSON格式的表单定义数据。格式说明请参考模块文档。 | (0)字符串-Text | | True | | help | 提示文字 | 帮助用户填写表单的提示文字。 | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | markdownhelp | 帮助按钮内容 | 点击弹出显示帮助内容,MarkDown格式。 | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | titleColumnWidth | 标题列宽度 | 左侧字段标题区域的宽度(逻辑像素)。负值,如-200表示自适应列宽且最大宽度为200。 | (1)数字(小数)-Number | 100 | False | | windowWidth | 窗口宽度 | 逻辑像素,最小400。 | (1)数字(小数)-Number | 500 | True | | defaultInputWidth | 输入框默认宽度 | 逻辑像素,0表示自动宽度。 | (1)数字(小数)-Number | 0 | True | | windowHeight | 窗口最大高度 | 逻辑像素,0表示默认。设置时请填写大于100的值。 | (1)数字(小数)-Number | 0 | True | | restoreFocus | 恢复活动窗口 | 用户输入后,是否将焦点还原到之前的活动窗口 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | False | False | | topMost | 置顶显示 | | (2)布尔值-Boolean | False | False | | confirm | 自定义“确定”按钮标题 | 仅在需要时填写。使用"_字符"的形式定义触发字符,如"_S"表示Alt+S可直接触发按钮 | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | customButtons | 自定义按钮 | 使用"标题|返回值"的形式定义按钮,多个按钮用换行分隔。 | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | selectedGroup | 选择的分组 | 使用分组标签页时,默认选择的分组。 | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | winLocation | 窗口位置类型 | 在哪里显示选择窗口 | (9)选项-Enum | CenterScreen | False | | winSize | 位置 | 当 “窗口位置” 类型为 “自定义位置” 时用于指定显示位置,格式为:left,top,right,bottom | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | disableEnterSubmit | 关闭Enter提交表单功能 | | (2)布尔值-Boolean | False | False | | stopIfFail | 取消后停止 | 取消后是否停止动作 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | True | False |
传出参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | isSuccess | 是否成功 | 操作是否成功 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | | button | 点击的按钮 | 默认的确认按钮返回值为空,自定义按钮返回值为自定义的值。 | (0)字符串-Text | | selectedGroup | 选择的分组 | 关闭时所选择的标签页分组。 | (0)字符串-Text |
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"填写表单" }, "dynamicFormForDictDef": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "$=new List{\r\n\tnew Quicker.Public.Forms.FormField(){\r\n\t\tFieldKey = \"name\",\r\n\t\tLabel = \"姓名\",\r\n\t\tDictVarType = Quicker.Public.Actions.VarType.Text,\r\n\t\tInputMethod = Quicker.Public.Forms.InputMethod.TextBox,\r\n\t\tGroup = \"基本信息\",\r\n\t\tIsRequired = true\r\n\t},\r\n\tnew Quicker.Public.Forms.FormField(){\r\n\t\tFieldKey = \"age\",\r\n\t\tLabel = \"年龄\",\r\n\t\tDictVarType = Quicker.Public.Actions.VarType.Integer,\r\n\t\tInputMethod = Quicker.Public.Forms.InputMethod.TextBox,\r\n\t\tGroup = \"基本信息\",\t\t\r\n\t\tIsRequired = true\r\n\t},\r\n\tnew Quicker.Public.Forms.FormField(){\r\n\t\tFieldKey = \"favor\",\r\n\t\tLabel = \"爱好\",\r\n\t\tDictVarType = Quicker.Public.Actions.VarType.Text,\r\n\t\tInputMethod = Quicker.Public.Forms.InputMethod.DropDown,\r\n\t\tSelectionItems = \"足球\\r\\n篮球\\r\\n排球\\r\\n\",\r\n\t\tGroup = \"隐私信息\",\r\n\t\tIsRequired = true\r\n\t},\r\n\tnew 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"Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:showText", "InputParams": { "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "NO_WAIT" }, "text": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "$={userInfo}.ToJson(true);" }, "title": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "结果内容" }, "topMost": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "false" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" }, "operations": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "autoCloseKey": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "winLocation": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "CenterScreen" }, "winSize": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "fontsize": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "14" }, "fontfamily": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "bgColor": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "textColor": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "highlight": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "autoSaveToState": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "closeWhenLostFocus": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "false" }, "showLineNum": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "true" }, "autoWrap": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "true" }, "showBuildInToolbar": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "true" }, "copyWholeLine": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "false" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "windowHandle": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "SubPrograms": [] } ```
*** ## 85.重放键鼠操作 **功能描述** > 重放录制好的键鼠操作数据。 **官方文档** > https://getquicker.net/KC/Help/Doc/playrecord **内部名称** > sys:playRecords
传入参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | data | 录制数据 | 录制的键鼠操作数据 | (0)字符串-Text | | True | | speed | 重放速度 | 重放操作的速度 | (1)数字(小数)-Number | 2 | True |
范例 **简单示例** ```json { "Variables": [], "Steps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:playRecords", "InputParams": { "data": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "816;\tMC;\tLeft,693,2130,1;\r\n559;\tMC;\tLeft,1531,1274,1;\r\n707;\tKP;\tSpace;\r\n207;\tKD;\tLShiftKey;\r\n184;\tKP;\tH;\r\n59;\tKU;\tLShiftKey;\r\n103;\tKP;\tE;\r\n106;\tKP;\tL;\r\n152;\tKP;\tL;\r\n192;\tKP;\tO;\r\n152;\tKP;\tSpace;\r\n130;\tKD;\tLShiftKey;\r\n88;\tKP;\tW;\r\n72;\tKU;\tLShiftKey;\r\n76;\tKP;\tO;\r\n126;\tKP;\tR;\r\n83;\tKP;\tL;\r\n147;\tKP;\tD;\r\n216;\tKD;\tLShiftKey;\r\n131;\tKP;\tD1;\r\n80;\tKU;\tLShiftKey;\r\n71;\tKD;\tLShiftKey;\r\n40;\tKU;\tLShiftKey;" }, "speed": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "2" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "SubPrograms": [] } ```
*** ## 86.录制键鼠操作 **功能描述** > 录制键鼠操作过程,录制的数据使用绝对坐标 **官方文档** > https://getquicker.net/KC/Help/Doc/record **内部名称** > sys:record
传入参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | autoStart | 自动开始录制 | 2秒后是否自动开始录制 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | True | False | | recordMouseMove | 录制鼠标移动过程 | 是否录制鼠标的中间移动过程,仅必要时开启。关闭时仅记录点击位置。 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | True | False | | prepareSeconds | 准备时间 | 开始录制前的倒计时秒数(支持小数) | (1)数字(小数)-Number | 2 | False | | stopIfFail | 失败后停止 | 失败后是否停止动作 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | True | False |
传出参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | isSuccess | 是否成功 | 操作是否成功 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | | output | 录制数据 | 录制的结果数据 | (0)字符串-Text |
范例 **录制并重放一遍** ```json { "Variables": [ { "Key": "output", "Type": 0, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" } ], "Steps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:record", "InputParams": { "autoStart": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "true" }, "recordMouseMove": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "false" }, "prepareSeconds": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "3.6" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "output": "output", "errMessage": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:playRecords", "InputParams": { "data": { "VarKey": "output", "Value": null }, "speed": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "2.5" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "SubPrograms": [] } ```
*** ## 87.运行脚本 **功能描述** > 此模块用于执行一段脚本代码。除了CMD命令,其他脚本类型将会在执行时先将脚本存入临时文件,然后执行此临时文件。 **官方文档** > https://getquicker.net/KC/Help/Doc/runScript **内部名称** > sys:runScript
传入参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | script | 脚本内容 | 要运行的脚本内容 | (0)字符串-Text | | True | | type | 脚本类型 | 要执行的脚本类型 | (9)选项-Enum(CMD_K: CMD命令 (完成后保留窗口); CMD_C: CMD命令 (完成后关闭窗口); CMD_H: CMD命令 (隐藏命令行窗口); BAT: BAT批处理脚本(.bat); CMD_F: CMD批处理脚本(.cmd); PS: PowerShell脚本(.ps1); AHK: AutoHotKey脚本(.ahk); CUSTOM: 自定义脚本类型) | CMD_K | True | | ext | 扩展名 | 自定义脚本文件的扩展名(如: .ps1 ) | (0)字符串-Text | | True | | encoding | 文件编码 | 写入文件的编码格式 | (9)选项-Enum | default | True | | runner | 使用指定软件 | 使用指定的程序运行脚本。如果双击脚本可以直接运行,则不需要指定。 | (0)字符串-Text | | True | | argTemplate | 命令行参数模板 | 使用指定软件时指定命令行参数的格式。%FILE% 代替脚本文件的路径。 | (0)字符串-Text | %FILE% | True | | outputEncoding | 控制台输出编码 | 控制台输出编码。如果输出遇到乱码,尝试修改此选项。 | (9)选项-Enum | oem | True | | workingDir | 工作目录 | 不填写(自动为资源管理器的当前目录或桌面目录)或具体的工作目录路径。 | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | runAsAdmin | 以管理员身份运行 | 是否以管理员身份运行脚本。隐藏窗口或输出控制台内容时,不支持以管理员身份运行。 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | False | False | | waitToExit | 等待进程结束 | 等待此进程结束后再进行后续操作 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | False | False |
传出参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | stdout | 控制台输出 | 捕获控制台输出(输出stdout,为空时输出stderr),会自动等待进程结束。输出此内容时,命令行窗口将不显示。 | (0)字符串-Text | | stdoutOnly | 标准输出 | 捕获标准输出(stdout),会自动等待进程结束。输出此内容时,命令行窗口将不显示。 | (0)字符串-Text | | stderr | 错误输出 | 捕获错误输出(stderr),会自动等待进程结束。输出此内容时,命令行窗口将不显示。 | (0)字符串-Text |
范例 **一键断开网络,又一键开启网络** ```json { "Variables": [ { "Key": "text", "Type": 0, "Desc": "默认的文本变量", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": true, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null }, { "Key": "text2", "Type": 0, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" }, { "Key": "状态开", "Type": 2, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": true, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" } ], "Steps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:getCurrentTime", "InputParams": { "source": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "currTime" }, "useUtc": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "addDays": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "addHours": { "VarKey": 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"Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "SubPrograms": [] } ``` **安装grep存放在C:\Windows\grep目录下** ```json { "Variables": [ { "Key": "cache", "Type": 0, "Desc": "缓存", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null }, { "Key": "cache2", "Type": 0, "Desc": "缓存2号", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" } ], "Steps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:notify", "InputParams": { "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "Info" }, "msg": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "开始下载grep" }, "maxLines": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "style": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "Default" }, "clickAction": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:download", "InputParams": { "url": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "http://www.interlog.com/~tcharron/grep20d_win.zip" }, "savePath": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "C:\\ProgramData\\Quicker" }, "saveName": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "ua": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "header": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "cookie": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "expireSeconds": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "10" }, "skipCertVerify": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "showProgress": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" }, "autoRename": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "savedPath": "cache2", "contentMd5": null, "eTag": null, "errMessage": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "下载并把文件路径 -->{cache2}", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:notify", "InputParams": { "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "Success" }, "msg": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "下载完成!" }, "maxLines": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "style": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "Default" }, "clickAction": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:zip", "InputParams": { "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "Unzip" }, "sourceZipFile": { "VarKey": "cache2", "Value": null }, "outputPath": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "C:\\Windows\\grep" }, "password": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "overwrite": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "skipOverwriteError": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "showProgress": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "resultPath": "cache", "errMessage": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "{cache} --> 解压压缩包", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:runScript", "InputParams": { "script": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "$$setx Path \"%Path%;{cache}\" /m" }, "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "CMD_H" }, "encoding": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "default" }, "outputEncoding": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "oem" }, "workingDir": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "runAsAdmin": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" }, "waitToExit": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "stdout": null, "stdoutOnly": null, "stderr": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "添加系统环境变量", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:notify", "InputParams": { "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "Success" }, "msg": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "安装完成!现在你可以在命令行中使用grep命令了!" }, "maxLines": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "style": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "Default" }, "clickAction": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:fileOperation", "InputParams": { "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "deleteFile" }, "path": { "VarKey": "cache2", "Value": null }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "errMessage": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "删除压缩包", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "SubPrograms": [] } ``` **EXCEL将相邻的相同内容单元格合并,支持多列,合并后不破坏原始数据和单元格格式(文本,日期,货币)** ```json { "Variables": [], "Steps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:runScript", "InputParams": { "script": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "Dim app, sh, rng, i, k, m\r\n'数组不需要申明,如果申明了,下面赋值时会报错:未引用设置到对象的实例。\r\nSet app = GetObject(, \"Excel.Application\")\r\n'2019WPS是ket.Application;2021WPS是excel.Application\r\n'EXCEL是Excel.Application\r\napp.ScreenUpdating = False\r\napp.DisplayAlerts = False\r\nSet sh = app.ActiveSheet\r\nSet rng = app.Selection\r\n'数组赋值时,要用对象.value\r\narr = rng.value\r\ncolnum = rng.Columns.Count\r\nrownum = rng.Rows.Count\r\nncol = rng.Column\r\nnrow = rng.Row\r\n'HH列有内容时,请修改为无内容列号\r\nLinShiLie = \"HH\"\r\n'If sh.cells(1,linshilie) <> \"\" then\r\n 'MsgBox \"临时调用HH1单元格,发现已有内容存在,请修改列号\",,\"Quicker提示 \"\r\n 'WScript.Quit\r\n'End If\r\nFor j = 1 To colnum\r\n k = 1\r\n For i = rownum To 2 Step -1\r\n If arr(i, j) = arr(i - 1, j) Then\r\n 'k合并几个单元格\r\n k = k + 1\r\n If sh.Cells(nrow + rownum - (rownum - i + 1), ncol + j - 1).NumberFormatLocal <> \"G/通用格式\" Then\r\n CellFormat = sh.Cells(nrow + rownum - (rownum - i + 1), ncol + j - 1).NumberFormatLocal\r\n End If\r\n Else\r\n If k > 1 Then\r\n up_no = rownum - k - kk + 1\r\n sh.Cells(1, LinShiLie).Resize(k, 1).Merge\r\n sh.Cells(1, LinShiLie).Resize(k, 1).Copy\r\n sh.Cells(nrow + up_no - 1, ncol + j - 1).Resize(k, 1).PasteSpecial -4122\r\n sh.Cells(1, LinShiLie).Resize(k, 1).UnMerge\r\n If CellFormat <> \"\" Then\r\n sh.Cells(nrow + up_no - 1, ncol + j - 1).NumberFormatLocal = CellFormat\r\n CellFormat = \"\"\r\n End If\r\n End If\r\n kk = k + kk\r\n k = 1\r\n End If\r\n Next\r\n '以下不能删,否则一列最后数据相同时不会合并\r\n If k > 1 Then\r\n up_no = rownum - k - kk + 1\r\n sh.Cells(1, LinShiLie).Resize(k, 1).Merge\r\n sh.Cells(1, LinShiLie).Resize(k, 1).Copy\r\n sh.Cells(nrow + up_no - 1, ncol + j - 1).Resize(k, 1).PasteSpecial -4122\r\n sh.Cells(1, LinShiLie).Resize(k, 1).UnMerge\r\n If CellFormat <> \"\" Then\r\n sh.Cells(nrow + up_no - 1, ncol + j - 1).NumberFormatLocal = CellFormat\r\n CellFormat = \"\"\r\n End If\r\n End If\r\n kk = 0\r\nNext\r\napp.ScreenUpdating = True\r\napp.DisplayAlerts = True\r\nSet app = Nothing\r\nSet sh = Nothing\r\nSet rng = Nothing" }, "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "CUSTOM" }, "ext": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "VBS" }, "encoding": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "utf-16" }, "runner": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "argTemplate": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "%FILE%" }, "outputEncoding": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "oem" }, "workingDir": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "runAsAdmin": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "waitToExit": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "stdout": null, "stdoutOnly": null, "stderr": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "SubPrograms": [] } ```
*** ## 88.状态存取 **功能描述** > 存取状态数据;更新动作的徽标文字;设置附加的动作右键菜单项 **官方文档** > https://getquicker.net/KC/Help/Doc/stateStorage **内部名称** > sys:stateStorage
传入参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | type | 操作类型 | | (9)选项-Enum(readActionState: 读取动作状态; saveActionState: 写入动作状态; UpdateActionBadge: 设置徽标文字; UpdateOverlyIcon: 设置徽标图标; UpdateContextMenu: 设置附加的右键菜单项; readGlobalState: 【谨慎使用】读取全局状态; saveGlobalState: 【谨慎使用】写入全局状态) | readActionState | True | | key | 名称 | 存储或读取的状态条目名称。 | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | defaultValue | 默认值 | 读取失败的时候返回的值 | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | value | 值 | 要保存的状态值。使用*NULL*删除此状态的存储。 | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | inputIfEmpty | 为空时请用户输入 | 如果读到的状态值为空,则弹出对话框请用户输入值。启用此选项时,请保持默认值为空。 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | False | False | | prompt | 用户输入提示 | 需要用户输入变量内容时,给用户的输入提示。 | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | badgeText | 徽标文字 | 在动作右上角显示的提示文字 | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | badgeColor | 徽标颜色 | 在动作右上角显示的徽标底色。留空表示透明。 | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | badgeTextColor | 徽标文字颜色 | | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | actionContextMenu | 附加的右键菜单项 | 附加的动作右键菜单,格式请参考文档 | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | overlayIcon | 徽标图标 | 使用内置矢量图标:“fa:图标名称:图标颜色”。如:“fa:Solid_Circle:#FF0000” | (0)字符串-Text | | False |
传出参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | isSuccess | 是否成功 | 是否成功获取了值 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | | value | 值 | 读取到的值 | (99)任意类型-Any | | isEmpty | 是否为空 | 读取到的值是否为空 | (2)布尔值-Boolean |
范例 **将123存入状态abc;读取存储的状态abc,如果读取不到就返回-1,结果保存在value变量** ```json { "Variables": [ { "Key": "value", "Type": 0, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" } ], "Steps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:stateStorage", "InputParams": { "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "saveActionState" }, "key": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "abc" }, "value": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "123" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:stateStorage", "InputParams": { "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "readActionState" }, "key": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "abc" }, "defaultValue": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "-1" }, "inputIfEmpty": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "prompt": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "value": "value", "isEmpty": null, "errMessage": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "SubPrograms": [] } ```
*** ## 89.下载文件 **功能描述** > 下载网络文件(请勿用于下载大文件) **官方文档** > https://getquicker.net/KC/Help/Doc/download **内部名称** > sys:download
传入参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | url | 网址 | 要下载的文件网址 | (0)字符串-Text | https:// | True | | savePath | 保存文件夹 | 下载文件的保存位置(文件夹的路径) | (0)字符串-Text | | True | | saveName | 保存文件名 | 可选。为空时自动判断文件名。 | (0)字符串-Text | | True | | ua | UserAgent | 可选。 | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | header | 请求头 | 发送的HttpHeader。每行一个header,格式为Name:Value | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | cookie | Cookie | 请求的cookie内容 | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | expireSeconds | 超时秒数 | 长时间未接收到数据时,中止下载。 | (1)数字(小数)-Number | 10 | False | | skipCertVerify | 忽略HTTPS证书验证 | | (2)布尔值-Boolean | False | False | | showProgress | 显示进度条 | 是否显示下载进度条 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | False | False | | autoRename | 如果文件已存在,自动重命名下载的文件 | 在文件名后面增加“_序号”避免重复。否则将会覆盖已有文件。 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | False | False | | stopIfFail | 失败后停止 | 失败后是否停止动作 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | True | False |
传出参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | isSuccess | 是否成功 | 是否成功下载了文件 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | | savedPath | 文件路径 | 文件的完整保存路径 | (0)字符串-Text | | contentMd5 | 内容MD5 | 内容MD5值,不是所有请求都会返回此内容。 | (0)字符串-Text | | eTag | ETag | 响应头Etag值,不是所有请求都会返回此内容。 | (0)字符串-Text | | downloadSize | 下载大小 | 下载文件的大小(字节数) | (0)字符串-Text |
范例 **下载并运行** ```json { "Variables": [ { "Key": "savedPath", "Type": 0, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": true, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" }, { "Key": "path", "Type": 0, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" } ], "Steps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:getFolderPath", "InputParams": { "folder": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "ApplicationData" } }, "OutputParams": { "path": "path" }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:download", "InputParams": { "url": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "https://gitee.com/jinxi100/one/raw/master/%E5%89%AA%E5%88%87%E6%9D%BF%E5%B7%A5%E5%85%B7%20(1).exe" }, "savePath": { "VarKey": "path", "Value": null }, "saveName": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "剪切板工具.exe" }, "ua": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "header": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "cookie": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "expireSeconds": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "10" }, "skipCertVerify": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" }, "showProgress": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" }, "autoRename": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "savedPath": "savedPath", "contentMd5": null, "eTag": null, "errMessage": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:run", "InputParams": { "path": { "VarKey": "savedPath", "Value": null }, "arg": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "runas": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "false" }, "activateWindowIfRunning": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "false" }, "activateWindowHotkey": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "alternativePath": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" }, "setWorkingDir": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" }, "windowStyle": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "waitInputIdle": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "false" }, "waitExit": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "false" }, "username": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "password": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "outputEncoding": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "oem" }, "envVariables": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "pid": null, "mainWinHandle": null, "mainWinTitle": null, "stdout": null, "stdoutOnly": null, "stderr": null, "exitCode": null, "errMessage": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "SubPrograms": [] } ```
*** ## 90.基础OCR **功能描述** > 获取图片中的文字 **官方文档** > https://getquicker.net/KC/Help/Doc/basic-ocr **内部名称** > sys:basic-ocr
传入参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | operation | 接口/引擎 | OCR接口或引擎。离线引擎安装方式请参考模块文档。 | (9)选项-Enum(QuickerServerOcr: Quicker OCR引擎; WindowsOcr: Windows10/11 内置OCR引擎; baidu-basic: 百度通用文字识别(自定义帐号); baidu-quicker: 百度通用文字识别(Quicker帐号); baidu-custom: 百度自定义接口识别(自定义帐号); table_quicker: 表格识别(Quicker服务)) | QuickerServerOcr | True | | apiKey | ApiKey | 请填写OCR帐号的ApiKey | (0)字符串-Text | | True | | secretKey | SecretKey | 请填写OCR帐号的SecretKey | (0)字符串-Text | | True | | imgVar | 图片变量 | 从指定变量中加载图片 | (3)图片-Image | | True | | punctuationType | 转换标点符号 | 合并文本时,是否转换标点符号 | (9)选项-Enum(no: 不转换; sbc: 全角符号; dbc: 半角符号) | no | True | | mergeChapter | 合并段落 | 是否智能合并段落。 | (9)选项-Enum(no: 不合并; merge: 合并) | no | True | | interface | 接口名称或网址 | 接口的完整网址,或 https://aip.baidubce.com/rest/2.0/ocr/v1/ 后面的部分 | (0)字符串-Text(general_basic: 通用文字识别(标准版); general: 通用文字识别(标准含位置版); accurate_basic: 通用文字识别(高精度版); accurate: 通用文字识别(高精度含位置版); handwriting: 手写文字识别; numbers: 数字识别; doc_analysis_office: 办公文档识别; form: 表格文字识别(同步接口); qrcode: 二维码识别) | | False | | options | 附加参数 | 请参考百度官方/Quicker服务接口说明。每行一个参数,使用option:value的格式。 | (10)词典-Dict | | False | | lang | 语言 | 待识别内容的语言。表格识别仅支持中英混合和英文。 | (0)字符串-Text(CHN_ENG: 中英混合; ENG: 英语; KOR: 韩语; JAP: 日语; CHT: 繁体中文; LAT: 拉丁语; ARA: 阿拉伯语) | | False | | offlineMode | 离线模式 | 是否使用离线引擎。自动:安装离线引擎时使用离线,否则使用在线。 | (9)选项-Enum(Auto: 自动; OnlineOnly: 仅使用在线服务; OfflineOnly: 仅使用离线引擎) | Auto | False | | stopIfFail | 失败后停止 | 失败后是否停止动作 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | True | False |
传出参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | isSuccess | 是否成功 | 操作是否成功 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | | content | 合并后结果 | 合并在一起的的文本内容 | (0)字符串-Text | | textList | 行列表 | OCR识别结果,列表格式,每行一项。 | (4)文本列表-List | | rawData | 原始结果 | API接口返回的完整内容 | (0)字符串-Text | | rawObject | 原始结果JObject对象 | 返回结果的JObject对象 | (98)对象(Object)-Object |
范例 **截图识别并自动复制结果** ```json { "Variables": [ { "Key": "text", "Type": 0, "Desc": "默认的文本变量", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": null, "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null }, { "Key": "img", "Type": 3, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null }, { "Key": "showWindow", "Type": 2, "Desc": "是否显示文本窗口", "DefaultValue": "1", "SaveState": true, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null }, { "Key": "autoCopy", "Type": 2, "Desc": "自动复制", "DefaultValue": "1", "SaveState": true, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null }, { "Key": "lang", "Type": 0, "Desc": "语言", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": true, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null } ], "Steps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:comment", "InputParams": { "note": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "设置处理" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:simpleIf", "InputParams": { "condition": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "$= {quicker_in_param} == \"settings\"" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:form", "InputParams": { "operation": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "variables" }, "title": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "动作设置" }, "formDef": { "VarKey": null, "Value": 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*** ## 91.弹窗提示或确认 **功能描述** > 弹窗显示提示或确认对话框,这个对话框会占用焦点,并且会在手动关闭之前一直显示在屏幕上。动作也会停留在这个步骤,等待关闭后再继续执行。标准模式:类似于windows内置弹窗,支持固定图标和按钮组合;自定义模式:可自定义图标和按钮,显示内容比较灵活。 **官方文档** > https://getquicker.net/KC/Help/Doc/msgbox **内部名称** > sys:MsgBox
传入参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | operation | 模式 | | (9)选项-Enum(default: 标准; custom: 自定义) | default | False | | message | 消息内容 | 弹窗显示的消息内容。“自定义”模式时,也支持“MD:Markdown内容”。 | (0)字符串-Text | Hello. | True | | title | 标题 | 消息窗口标题。留空时自动使用动作名称。 | (0)字符串-Text | Quicker | True | | icon | 图标 | 消息窗口图标 | (9)选项-Enum(: 无; Information: 信息; Question: 疑问; Warning: 警告; Error: 错误) | Asterisk | True | | customIcon | 图标 | 消息窗口图标。 | (0)字符串-Text | Information | True | | buttons | 按钮 | 消息窗口图标 | (9)选项-Enum | OK | True | | customButtons | 按钮 | 每行定义一个按钮,格式为 “文本” 或 “[图标]显示文本(提示内容)|值”。 | (0)字符串-Text | [fa:Regular_Check:#4caf50]是(_Y)|Yes [fa:Regular_Times:#dc3545]否(_N)|No [fa:Light_Undo:#444444]取消(_C)|Cancel | True | | defaultButton | 默认按钮 | 指定默认按钮的值。默认按钮以高亮颜色显示,可直接回车选择。 | (0)字符串-Text | Yes | True | | restoreFocus | 恢复活动窗口 | 关闭弹窗后,是否将焦点还原到之前的活动窗口 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | True | False |
传出参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | result | 选择的按钮 | 点击的按钮,标准模式下结果可能为OK,Cancel,Yes,No,自定义模式下为按钮的值。 | (0)字符串-Text | | okOrYes | 是否确认 | 选择的按钮是否为“确定”或“是” | (2)布尔值-Boolean |
范例 ```json { "Variables": [ { "Key": "选择的结果", "Type": 0, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": null, "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null }, { "Key": "是否确认", "Type": 2, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": null, "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null }, { "Key": "result", "Type": 0, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null } ], "Steps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:MsgBox", "InputParams": { "operation": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "default" }, "message": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "Hello. 你好,这是一条弹窗提示消息。\r\n两个结果选一个哦~" }, "title": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "标准风格弹窗" }, "icon": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "Question" }, "buttons": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "OKCancel" }, "restoreFocus": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "result": "选择的结果", "okOrYes": "是否确认" }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:notify", "InputParams": { "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "Info" }, "msg": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "$$标准弹窗选择的结果:{选择的结果}\r\n是否确认:{是否确认}" }, "maxLines": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "style": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "Default" }, "clickAction": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:MsgBox", "InputParams": { "operation": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "custom" }, "message": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "你好,这是一条自定义弹窗提示消息。\r\n第二行。" }, "title": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "自定义弹窗" }, "customIcon": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "fa:Solid_InfoCircle:#FF0000" }, "customButtons": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "[fa:Light_Check:#28a745]是(_Y)|Yes\r\n[fa:Light_Times:#dc3545]否(_N)|No\r\n[fa:Light_Undo:#28a745]取消(_C)|Cancel\r\n测试" }, "defaultButton": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "Yes" }, "restoreFocus": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "result": "result" }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:notify", "InputParams": { "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "Info" }, "msg": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "$$自定义弹窗选择的结果:{result}" }, "maxLines": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "style": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "Default" }, "clickAction": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "SubPrograms": [] } ```
*** ## 92.生成随机数 **功能描述** > 生成随机数 **官方文档** > https://getquicker.net/KC/Help/Doc/randomnum **内部名称** > sys:randomNum
传入参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | min | 最小值 | 随机数范围的最小值(结果大于或等于此值) | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | 0 | True | | max | 最大值 | 随机数范围的最大值(结果小于此值) | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | 100 | True |
传出参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | output | 随机数 | 生成的随机数 | (12)数字(整数)-Integer |
范例 ```json { "Variables": [ { "Key": "output", "Type": 12, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" } ], "Steps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:randomNum", "InputParams": { "min": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "max": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "100" } }, "OutputParams": { "output": "output" }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "SubPrograms": [] } ```
*** ## 93.Excel对象操作 **功能描述** > 操作Excel的某个对象 **官方文档** > https://getquicker.net/KC/Help/Doc/excelobjects **内部名称** > sys:excelObjects
传入参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | operation | 操作类型 | 操作类型 | (9)选项-Enum(ApplicationInfo: 获取当前Excel应用信息; OpenFile: 工作簿: 打开工作簿; SaveWorkbook: 工作簿: 保存工作簿; CloseWorkbook: 工作簿: 关闭工作簿; CreateWorkbook: 工作簿: 创建工作簿; SelectWorksheet: 工作表:选择工作表) | | True | | path | 文件/模板路径 | 完整路径。创建工作簿时,用于指定模板文件。 | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | workbook | 工作簿对象 | 根据具体操作,可用参数不同。请参考文档。 | (98)对象(Object)-Object | | False | | params | 参数 | 根据具体操作,可用参数不同。请参考文档。 | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | stopIfFail | 失败后停止 | 失败后是否停止动作 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | True | False |
传出参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | isSuccess | 是否成功 | 操作是否成功 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | | activeWorkbook | 活动工作簿 | ActiveWorkbook | (98)对象(Object)-Object | | activeSheet | 活动工作表 | ActiveSheet | (98)对象(Object)-Object | | worksheetNames | 工作表名称的列表 | Worksheets | (4)文本列表-List | | worksheets | 工作表对象列表 | Worksheets | (98)对象(Object)-Object | | workbookPath | 工作簿路径 | Worksheets | (0)字符串-Text | | application | Application对象 | Application对象的引用 | (98)对象(Object)-Object |
范例 **选择一个或多个excel文件使用Quicker的excel模块打开,从而可以在Quicker中控制该文件** ```json { "Variables": [ { "Key": "filePath", "Type": 0, "Desc": "一个文件的路径", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null }, { "Key": "isSuccess", "Type": 2, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null }, { "Key": "files", "Type": 4, "Desc": "选择的文件列表", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null }, { "Key": "isOpened", "Type": 2, "Desc": "是否打开了文件", "DefaultValue": "0", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null } ], "Steps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:getSelectedFiles", "InputParams": { "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" } }, "OutputParams": { "files": "files", "firstFile": "filePath", "isSuccess": "isSuccess" }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:comment", "InputParams": { "note": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "获取选择的文件,如果有的话,依次打开" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:simpleIf", "InputParams": { "condition": { "VarKey": "isSuccess", "Value": null } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:each", "InputParams": { "input": { "VarKey": "files", "Value": null }, "useMultiThread": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "threadDelay": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "5" } }, "OutputParams": { "item": 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"DelayMs": 0 } ], "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "ElseSteps": [], "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:comment", "InputParams": { "note": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "如果没有打开任何文件,则创建一个" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:simpleIf", "InputParams": { "condition": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "$= !{isOpened}" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:excelObjects", "InputParams": { "operation": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "CreateWorkbook" }, "path": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "params": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "activeWorkbook": null, "activeSheet": null, "worksheets": null, "application": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "SubPrograms": [] } ``` **从工作表中选择一个** ```json { "Variables": [ { "Key": "useMenu", "Type": 2, "Desc": "是否使用菜单方式", "DefaultValue": "0", "SaveState": true, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null }, { "Key": "hideCurrent", "Type": 2, "Desc": "隐藏当前工作表", "DefaultValue": "0", "SaveState": true, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null }, { "Key": "list", "Type": 4, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null }, { "Key": "worksheet", "Type": 0, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null }, { "Key": "isSuccessUsingExcelObj", "Type": 2, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null }, { "Key": "activeSheet", "Type": 99, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null }, { "Key": "activeSheetName", "Type": 0, "Desc": "当前工作表名称", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null } ], "Steps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:comment", "InputParams": { "note": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "先取回当前活动工作簿的Sheet名称列表。\r\n第一项为活动工作表名称,后面为所有工作表的名称" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:simpleIf", "InputParams": { "condition": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "$={quicker_in_param} == \"settings\"" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:form", "InputParams": { "operation": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "variables" }, "title": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "动作设置" }, "formDef": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "{\"Fields\":[{\"FieldKey\":\"useMenu\",\"DictVarType\":null,\"Label\":\"使用菜单方式选择(否则使用选择列表)\",\"HelpText\":\"是:菜单方式选择; 否:列表方式选择;\",\"HelpLink\":null,\"InputMethod\":6,\"SelectionItems\":\"\",\"IsRequired\":false,\"MinValue\":\"\",\"MaxValue\":\"\",\"Pattern\":\"\",\"InputWidth\":\"\",\"MaxLength\":0,\"ImeState\":null,\"TextTools\":\"\",\"VisibleExpression\":\"\",\"DefaultValue\":null,\"ColumnWidth\":0.0,\"Group\":\"\"},{\"FieldKey\":\"hideCurrent\",\"DictVarType\":null,\"Label\":\"隐藏当前工作表\",\"HelpText\":\"在菜单或选择中不显示当前工作表\",\"HelpLink\":null,\"InputMethod\":6,\"SelectionItems\":\"\",\"IsRequired\":false,\"MinValue\":\"\",\"MaxValue\":\"\",\"Pattern\":\"\",\"InputWidth\":\"\",\"MaxLength\":0,\"ImeState\":null,\"TextTools\":\"\",\"VisibleExpression\":\"\",\"DefaultValue\":null,\"ColumnWidth\":0.0,\"Group\":\"\"}]}" }, "help": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "titleColumnWidth": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "100" }, "windowWidth": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "500" }, "windowHeight": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "restoreFocus": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "topMost": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "false" }, "disableEnterSubmit": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" }, "markdownhelp": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "confirm": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "customButtons": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "selectedGroup": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "button": null, "selectedGroup": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:stop", "InputParams": { "method": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "default" }, "isError": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "return": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "showMessage": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "已保存设置" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:excelObjects", "InputParams": { "operation": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "ApplicationInfo" }, "params": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": "isSuccessUsingExcelObj", "activeWorkbook": null, "activeSheet": "activeSheet", "worksheetNames": "list", "worksheets": null, "workbookPath": null, "application": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:if", "InputParams": { "condition": { "VarKey": "isSuccessUsingExcelObj", "Value": null } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:assign", "InputParams": { "input": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "$={activeSheet}.Name" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "output": "activeSheetName" }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "ElseSteps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:comment", "InputParams": { "note": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "低权限模式. 列表第一项为当前活动工作表名称。" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:csscript", "InputParams": { "mode": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "low_permission_roslyn" }, "scriptForLp": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "//.cs 文件类型,便于外部编辑时使用\r\n// 引用必要的命名空间\r\nusing System.Windows.Forms;\r\nusing System.Runtime.InteropServices;\r\nusing Excel = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel;\r\nusing Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel;\r\n\r\n// Quicker将会调用的函数\r\npublic static string Exec(string paramValue)\r\n{\r\n\t\r\n\tExcel.Application xlApp = (Excel.Application)Marshal.GetActiveObject(\"Excel.Application\");\r\n\t\r\n\t\r\n\tvar list = new List();\r\n\t\r\n\tlist.Add(((Excel.Worksheet)xlApp.ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet).Name);\r\n\t\r\n\tforeach (Worksheet sheet in xlApp.ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets)\r\n\t{\r\n\t\tlist.Add(sheet.Name);\r\n\t}\r\n\r\n\tstring sheets = String.Join(\"\\r\\n\", list);\r\n\t\r\n\t// 不要忘记释放COM对象\r\n\tMarshal.ReleaseComObject(xlApp);\r\n\t\r\n\treturn sheets;\r\n}\r\n" }, "paramValue": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "reference": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.dll\r\n" }, "waitResp": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" }, "waitMs": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "10000" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "resp": "list" }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:assign", "InputParams": { "input": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "$={list}[0]" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "output": "activeSheetName" }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:assign", "InputParams": { "input": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "$={list}.Skip(1)" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "output": "list" }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:comment", "InputParams": { "note": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "隐藏当前工作表名称时,从列表中滤除" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:simpleIf", "InputParams": { "condition": { "VarKey": "hideCurrent", "Value": null } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:assign", "InputParams": { "input": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "$={list}.Where(x => x != {activeSheetName})" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "output": "list" }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "ElseSteps": [], "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:comment", "InputParams": { "note": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "选择工作表" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:if", "InputParams": { "condition": { "VarKey": "useMenu", "Value": null } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:showmenu", "InputParams": { "menuData": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "$={list}" }, "fontsize": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "12" }, "iconsize": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "16" }, "maxHeight": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "useFocus": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "waitMenuClose": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "selectedItemData": "worksheet", "selectedItem": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "ElseSteps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:select", "InputParams": { "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "single" }, "prompt": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "切换工作表" }, "note": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "items": { "VarKey": "list", "Value": null }, "defaultValue": { "VarKey": "activeSheetName", "Value": null }, "showFilter": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" }, "filterContent": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "winLocation": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "WithMouse1" }, "maxWinSize": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "keepLastPos": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" }, "closeOnDeactivated": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "restoreForeground": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" }, "allowOkWhenEmpty": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "enableQuickConfirm": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" }, "stopIfCancel": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" }, "imeState": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "NO_CONTROL" }, "operations": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "fontsize": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "12" }, "fontfamily": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "iconsize": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "16" }, "autoCloseSeconds": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "noKeyboard": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "windowKey": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "help": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "textValue": "worksheet", "selectedIndex": null, "extraOperation": null, "selectedFullItems": null, "selectedItemTitle": null, "filterContent": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:comment", "InputParams": { "note": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "选择工作表" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:if", "InputParams": { "condition": { "VarKey": "isSuccessUsingExcelObj", "Value": null } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:comment", "InputParams": { "note": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "高权限模式" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:excelObjects", "InputParams": { "operation": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "SelectWorksheet" }, "workbook": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "params": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "$$name={worksheet}" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "ElseSteps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:csscript", "InputParams": { "mode": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "low_permission_roslyn" }, "scriptForLp": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "//.cs 文件类型,便于外部编辑时使用\r\n// 引用必要的命名空间\r\nusing System.Windows.Forms;\r\nusing System.Runtime.InteropServices;\r\nusing Excel = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel;\r\nusing Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel;\r\n\r\n// Quicker将会调用的函数\r\npublic static string Exec(string paramValue)\r\n{\r\n\t\r\n\tExcel.Application xlApp = (Excel.Application)Marshal.GetActiveObject(\"Excel.Application\");\r\n\t\r\n\t\r\n\t((Excel.Worksheet)xlApp.ActiveWorkbook.Sheets[paramValue]).Activate();\r\n\t\r\n\t// 不要忘记释放COM对象\r\n\tMarshal.ReleaseComObject(xlApp);\r\n\t\r\n\treturn \"\";\r\n}\r\n" }, "paramValue": { "VarKey": "worksheet", "Value": null }, "reference": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.dll\r\n" }, "waitResp": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" }, "waitMs": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "10000" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "resp": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "SubPrograms": [] } ```
*** ## 94.Excel区域操作 **功能描述** > 操作Excel的某个区域或单元格,只能操作通过Quicker打开的excel工作簿 **官方文档** > https://getquicker.net/KC/Help/Doc/excelrange **内部名称** > sys:excelRange
传入参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | range | 区域 | 可以输入区域变量、留空(表示当前选择区域)、used(表示当前工作表的使用区域)或区域范围如A1:E9等,请参考文档。 | (98)对象(Object)-Object | | False | | subRange | 限定子范围 | 根据需要,将要操作的目标限定为一个子区域 | (9)选项-Enum(FullArea: 整个区域; FirstRow: 区域内的第一行; FirstColumn: 区域内的第一列; LastRow: 区域内最后一行; LastColumn: 区域内最后一列; ActiveCell: 活动单元格; EntireRow: 整行(包含区域外); EntireColumn: 整列(包含区域外); Rows: 所有行(区域范围内); Columns: 所有列(区域范围内)) | FullArea | True | | operation | 操作类型 | 操作类型 | (9)选项-Enum(SetValue: 设置值; SetFormula: 设置公式; SetNumberFormat: 设置数值格式; SetCellSize: 行高,列宽; SetStyle: 设置格式; CallMethod: 调用方法; Replace: 替换内容; GetRangeInfo: 获取区域信息) | SetValue | True | | value | 参数 | 要设置的内容 | (99)任意类型-Any | | False | | cellSize | 行高,列宽 | -表示不改变,auto表示自动,数字表示具体值。如auto,auto表示自适应高度和宽度 | (99)任意类型-Any | | False | | style | 格式 | 要设置的格式内容。每行一个格式设置,请参考模块文档了解详细参数设置。 | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | methods | 方法 | 要调用的方法,每行一个。格式请参考文档。 | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | replaceWhat | 查找内容 | 要替换的内容 | (0)字符串-Text | | True | | replaceTo | 替换为 | 替换成的内容 | (0)字符串-Text | | True | | replaceEscapeWhat | 转义“查找内容” | 替换“查找内容”中的转义字符(\r,\n,\t) | (2)布尔值-Boolean | False | False | | replaceEscapeTo | 转义“替换为” | 替换“替换为”中的转义字符(\r,\n,\t) | (2)布尔值-Boolean | True | False | | replaceMatchCase | 区分大小写 | | (2)布尔值-Boolean | False | False | | stopIfFail | 失败后停止 | 失败后是否停止动作 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | True | False |
传出参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | isSuccess | 是否成功 | 操作是否成功 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | | value | 值 | 单元格的值 | (99)任意类型-Any | | text | 文本 | 单元格的显示文本 | (0)字符串-Text | | formula | 公式 | 单元格的公式值 | (0)字符串-Text | | numberFormat | 数值格式 | 单元格数值格式值 | (0)字符串-Text | | address | 位置引用 | 区域位置范围 | (0)字符串-Text | | column | 列号 | 左上角单元格从1开始的列数 | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | | row | 行号 | 左上角单元格从1开始的行数 | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | | colNum | 列数 | 区域包含的列数 | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | | rowNum | 行数 | 区域包含的行数 | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | | style | 格式信息 | 单元格的格式 | (0)字符串-Text | | range | 区域对象 | Range对象 | (98)对象(Object)-Object | | sheet | 工作表对象 | WorkSheet对象 | (98)对象(Object)-Object |
范例 **为区域设置序号** ```json { "Variables": [ { "Key": "row", "Type": 12, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null } ], "Steps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:excelRange", "InputParams": { "range": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "subRange": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "FullArea" }, "operation": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "GetRangeInfo" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "value": null, "text": null, "formula": null, "numberFormat": null, "address": null, "column": null, "row": "row", "colNum": null, "rowNum": null, "style": null, "range": null, "sheet": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:excelRange", "InputParams": { "range": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "subRange": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "FullArea" }, "operation": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "SetFormula" }, "value": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "$= \"=row() - \" + ({row} -1)" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "SubPrograms": [] } ```
*** ## 95.输入法状态 **功能描述** > 获取或更改当前的输入法中英文状态,避免在发送热键时受影响。 **官方文档** > https://getquicker.net/KC/Help/Doc/imecontrol **内部名称** > sys:imeControl
传入参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | operation | 操作类型 | 要执行的操作。所有操作仅在输入法启用的情况下有效。 | (9)选项-Enum(ENABLE: 切换为中文; DISABLE: 切换为英文; RESTORE: 恢复; GET_STATE: 是否为中文状态?) | GET_STATE | True |
传出参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | isEnabled | 是否为中文状态 | | (2)布尔值-Boolean |
范例 **切换为英文输入法** ```json { "Variables": [], "Steps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:imeControl", "InputParams": { "operation": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "DISABLE" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "SubPrograms": [] } ```
*** ## 96.运行C#代码 **功能描述** > 执行C#代码片段。代码中应包含主函数Exec(stepContext),请参考文档说明。 **官方文档** > https://getquicker.net/KC/Help/Doc/csscript **内部名称** > sys:csscript
传入参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | mode | 运行模式 | 普通模式:在Quicker进程中执行;低权限模式:在单独的进程中执行,可用于COM操作。 | (9)选项-Enum(normal_roslyn: 普通模式v2 (Roslyn); normal: 普通模式v1 (CodeDOM); low_permission_roslyn: 低权限模式v2 (Roslyn); low_permission: 低权限模式v1 (CodeDOM); generate_assembly: 生成程序集) | normal | True | | script | 脚本内容 | 要运行的脚本内容 | (0)字符串-Text | //.cs 文件类型,便于外部编辑时使用
// 引用必要的命名空间
using System.Windows.Forms;

// Quicker将会调用的函数。可以根据需要修改返回值类型。
public static void Exec(Quicker.Public.IStepContext context)
//var oldValue = context.GetVarValue("varName"); // 读取动作里的变量值
//MessageBox.Show(oldValue as string);
//context.SetVarValue("varName", "从脚本输出的内容。"); // 向变量里输出值
MessageBox.Show("Hello World!");
| True |
| scriptForLp | 脚本内容 | 要运行的脚本内容 | (0)字符串-Text | //.cs 文件类型,便于外部编辑时使用
// 引用必要的命名空间
using System.Windows.Forms;

// Quicker将会调用的函数
public static string Exec(string paramValue)
System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Hello World!");
return "Hello World!";
| True |
| scriptForAssembly | 脚本内容 | 要运行的脚本内容 | (0)字符串-Text | //.cs 文件类型,便于外部编辑时使用
// 引用必要的命名空间
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace MyNamespace
// Quicker将会调用的函数
public static class MyClass
public static string Exec(string paramValue)
System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Hello World!");
return "Hello World!";
| True | | paramValue | 参数值 | 传递给Exec的参数 | (0)字符串-Text | | True | | reference | 引用DLL库 | 要引用的DLL文件,每行一个。 | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | waitResp | 等待返回 | 是否等待脚本返回结果 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | True | False | | runOnUiThread | 执行线程 | 是否在界面线程上运行代码。如果在脚本中使用了wpf窗口,请选中此项。 | (9)选项-Enum | auto | False | | enableCache | 允许缓存程序集 | 是否使用缓存的程序集 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | False | False | | stopIfFail | 失败后停止 | 失败后是否停止动作 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | True | False | | waitMs | 最长等待时间(ms) | 最长的等待返回结果的,毫秒数 | (1)数字(小数)-Number | 10000 | True |
传出参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | isSuccess | 是否成功 | 操作是否成功 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | | resp | 返回内容 | 脚本执行返回的结果文本 | (0)字符串-Text | | rtn | 返回内容 | Exec方法的返回值 | (0)字符串-Text | | rtnAssembly | 程序集对象 | 生成的Assembly对象(已经加载) | (98)对象(Object)-Object | | assemblyPath | 程序集路径 | 生成的Assembly路径 | (0)字符串-Text |
范例 **获取SSL证书到期时间** ```json { "Variables": [ { "Key": "domainList", "Type": 4, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "getquicker.net\r\nbaidu.com", "SaveState": true, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" }, { "Key": "result", "Type": 0, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" }, { "Key": "domain", "Type": 0, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" }, { "Key": "expireTime", "Type": 0, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" }, { "Key": "port", "Type": 12, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" }, { "Key": "domainWithPort", "Type": 0, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" } ], "Steps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:simpleIf", "InputParams": { "condition": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "$={quicker_in_param} == \"settings\"" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:userInput", "InputParams": { "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "multiline" }, "prompt": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "请输入域名,每行一个,如:baidu.com" }, "defaultValue": { "VarKey": "domainList", "Value": null }, "pattern": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "isRequired": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" }, "submitWithReturn": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "restoreFocus": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" }, "closeOnDeactivated": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "topMost": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" }, "texttools": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "extraSettings": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "fontfamily": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "fontsize": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "14" }, "winLocation": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "CenterScreen" }, "imeState": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "NO_CONTROL" }, "help": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "textValue": "domainList", "isEmpty": null, "errMessage": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:each", "InputParams": { "input": { "VarKey": "domainList", "Value": null }, "useMultiThread": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "item": "domainWithPort", "count": null, "isSuccess": null, "errMessage": null }, "IfSteps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:assign", "InputParams": { "input": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "output": "expireTime", "errMessage": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:if", "InputParams": { "condition": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "$={domainWithPort}.Contains(\":\")" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:assign", "InputParams": { "input": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "$=int.Parse({domainWithPort}.SplitToList(':')[1])" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "output": "port", "errMessage": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:assign", "InputParams": { "input": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "$={domainWithPort}.SplitToList(':')[0]" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "output": "domain", "errMessage": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "ElseSteps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:assign", "InputParams": { "input": { "VarKey": "domainWithPort", "Value": null }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "output": "domain", "errMessage": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:assign", "InputParams": { "input": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "443" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "output": "port", "errMessage": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:csscript", "InputParams": { "mode": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "normal" }, "script": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "//.cs 文件类型,便于外部编辑时使用\r\n// 引用必要的命名空间\r\nusing System;\r\nusing System.Net.Security;\r\nusing System.Net.Sockets;\r\nusing System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;\r\n\r\n// Quicker将会调用的函数。可以根据需要修改返回值类型。\r\npublic static void Exec(Quicker.Public.IStepContext context)\r\n{\r\n\t//var oldValue = context.GetVarValue(\"varName\"); // 读取动作里的变量值\r\n\t//MessageBox.Show(oldValue as string);\r\n\t//context.SetVarValue(\"varName\", \"从脚本输出的内容。\"); // 向变量里输出值\r\n\t//MessageBox.Show(\"Hello World!\");\r\n\t\r\n\tstring host = (string)context.GetVarValue(\"domain\");\r\n\tint port = (int)(long)context.GetVarValue(\"port\"); // SSL端口通常为443\r\n\tvar client = new TcpClient(host, port);\r\n\tvar sslStream = new SslStream(client.GetStream(), false,\r\n\t new RemoteCertificateValidationCallback(ValidateServerCertificate), null);\r\n\r\n\ttry\r\n\t{\r\n\t\tsslStream.AuthenticateAsClient(host);\r\n\t\tvar certificate = sslStream.RemoteCertificate;\r\n\t\tvar x509Certificate = new X509Certificate2(certificate);\r\n\t\t//Console.WriteLine(\"Certificate Expiry Date: \" + x509Certificate.GetExpirationDateString());\r\n\t\tcontext.SetVarValue(\"expireTime\", x509Certificate.GetExpirationDateString());\r\n\t}\r\n\tcatch (Exception e)\r\n\t{\r\n\t\tConsole.WriteLine(e.Message);\r\n\t\t\r\n\t\tcontext.SetVarValue(\"expireTime\", \"Error:\" + e.Message);\r\n\t}\r\n\tfinally\r\n\t{\r\n\t\tsslStream.Close();\r\n\t\tclient.Close();\r\n\t}\r\n\t\r\n\t\r\n}\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n// 用于SSL验证的回调方法,这里简单通过所有验证\r\npublic static bool ValidateServerCertificate(\r\n\tobject sender,\r\n\tX509Certificate certificate,\r\n\tX509Chain chain,\r\n\tSslPolicyErrors sslPolicyErrors)\r\n{\r\n\treturn true; // 通过所有服务器证书\r\n }" }, "reference": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "runOnUiThread": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "auto" }, "enableCache": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "rtn": null, "errMessage": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:assign", "InputParams": { "input": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "$={result} + {domainWithPort} + \":\\t\" + {expireTime} + \"\\t\" + ((int)(DateTime.Parse({expireTime}) - DateTime.Now).TotalDays) + \"天\" + \"\\r\\n\"" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "output": "result", "errMessage": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:showText", "InputParams": { "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "NO_WAIT" }, "text": { "VarKey": "result", "Value": null }, "title": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "证书到期时间" }, "autoCloseKey": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "=" }, "topMost": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "false" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" }, "operations": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "winLocation": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "CenterScreen" }, "winSize": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "fontsize": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "14" }, "fontfamily": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "bgColor": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "textColor": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "highlight": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "autoSaveToState": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "enableEscClose": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "true" }, "closeWhenLostFocus": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "false" }, "showLineNum": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "true" }, "autoWrap": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "true" }, "showBuildInToolbar": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "true" }, "copyWholeLine": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "false" }, "caretPosition": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "advancedSettings": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "updateIfExists": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "windowHandle": null, "errMessage": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "SubPrograms": [] } ```
*** ## 97.运行Javascript代码 **功能描述** > 执行Js代码片段。代码中应包含主函数exec(),请参考文档。 **官方文档** > https://getquicker.net/KC/Help/Doc/jsscript **内部名称** > sys:jsscript
传入参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | script | 脚本内容 | 要运行的脚本内容 | (0)字符串-Text | //.js 主函数 exec()
function exec(){
var localName = quickerGetVar('text'); // 读取text变量值, (text 是动作里的变量)
'text', 'Hello, ' + localName ); //输出修改后的值到text变量中。
return 0; //返回0表示成功。返回其他数字表示失败。
| True | | allClr | 允许访问.Net程序集 | 是否需要在js代码中访问.Net程序集 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | False | False | | stopIfFail | 失败后停止 | 失败后是否停止动作 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | True | False |
传出参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | isSuccess | 是否成功 | 操作是否成功 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | | return | 返回值 | 脚本代码返回的数字值。 | (12)数字(整数)-Integer |
范例 **将这种格式:3(NH4)2S + Sb2S5 -> 6NH4+ + 2SbS4 3+转换为:3(NH₄)₂S + Sb₂S₅ → 6NH₄⁺ + 2SbS₄³⁺;自动转换元素符号大小写(避免输入时频繁切换大小写字符,在输入后由动作统一处理替换)。** ```json { "Variables": [ { "Key": "origin", "Type": 0, "Desc": "ASC格式书写的", "DefaultValue": "3(NH4)2S + Sb2S5 -> 6NH4+ + 2SbS4 3+", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null }, { "Key": "result", "Type": 0, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null }, { "Key": "resultHtml", "Type": 0, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null }, { "Key": "元素表", "Type": 10, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "氢:H\r\n氦:He\r\n锂:Li\r\n铍:Be\r\n硼:B\r\n碳:C\r\n氮:N\r\n氧:O\r\n氟:F\r\n氖:Ne\r\n钠:Na\r\n镁:Mg\r\n铝:Al\r\n硅:Si\r\n磷:P\r\n硫:S\r\n氯:Cl\r\n氩:Ar\r\n钾:K\r\n钙:Ca\r\n钪:Sc\r\n钛:Ti\r\n钒:V\r\n铬:Cr\r\n锰:Mn\r\n铁:Fe\r\n镍:Ni\r\n铜:Cu\r\n锌:Zn\r\n镓:Ga\r\n锗:Ge\r\n砷:As\r\n硒:Se\r\n溴:Br\r\n氪:Kr\r\n铷:Rb\r\n锶:Sr\r\n钇:Y\r\n锆:Zr\r\n铌:Nb\r\n钼:Mo\r\n锝:Tc\r\n钌:Ru\r\n铑:Rh\r\n钯:Pd\r\n银:Ag\r\n镉:Cd\r\n铟:In\r\n锡:Sn\r\n锑:Sb\r\n碲:Te\r\n碘:I\r\n氙:Xe\r\n铯:Cs\r\n钡:Ba\r\n镧:La\r\n铈:Ce\r\n镨:Pr\r\n钕:Nd\r\n钷:Pm\r\n钐:Sm\r\n铕:Eu\r\n钆:Gd\r\n铽:Tb\r\n镝:Dy\r\n钬:Ho\r\n铒:Er\r\n铥:Tm\r\n镱:Yb\r\n镥:Lu\r\n铪:Hf\r\n钽:Ta\r\n钨:W\r\n铼:Re\r\n锇:Os\r\n铱:Ir\r\n铂:Pt\r\n金:Au\r\n汞:Hg\r\n铊:Tl\r\n铅:Pb\r\n铋:Bi\r\n砹:At\r\n氡:Rn\r\n钫:Fr\r\n镭:Ra\r\n锕:Ac\r\n钍:Th\r\n镤:Pa\r\n铀:U\r\n镎:NP\r\n钚:Pu\r\n镅:Am\r\n锔:Cm\r\n锫:Bk\r\n锎:Cf\r\n锿:Es\r\n镄:Fm\r\n钔:Md\r\n铹:Lr", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null }, { "Key": "format", "Type": 0, "Desc": "选择的输出格式", "DefaultValue": "unicode", "SaveState": true, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null }, { "Key": "enableReplaceChar", "Type": 2, "Desc": "自动转换大小写", "DefaultValue": "0", "SaveState": true, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null } ], "Steps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:comment", "InputParams": { "note": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "动作设置处理" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:simpleIf", "InputParams": { "condition": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "$={quicker_in_param} == \"settings\"" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:form", "InputParams": { "title": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "填写表单" }, "formDef": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "{\"Fields\":[{\"FieldKey\":\"enableReplaceChar\",\"Label\":\"自动转换大小写\",\"HelpText\":\"自动转换化学元素的大小写\",\"HelpLink\":null,\"InputMethod\":6,\"SelectionItems\":\"\",\"IsRequired\":false,\"MinValue\":\"\",\"MaxValue\":\"\",\"Pattern\":\"\",\"MaxLength\":0,\"ImeState\":null,\"TextTools\":\"\",\"VisibleExpression\":\"\"},{\"FieldKey\":\"format\",\"Label\":\"输出格式\",\"HelpText\":\"选择的输出格式\",\"HelpLink\":null,\"InputMethod\":3,\"SelectionItems\":\"Unicode特殊符号(纯文本,支持所有编辑器)|unicode\\r\\nHTML上下标标记(支持word编辑器)|html\",\"IsRequired\":true,\"MinValue\":\"\",\"MaxValue\":\"\",\"Pattern\":\"\",\"MaxLength\":0,\"ImeState\":null,\"TextTools\":\"\",\"VisibleExpression\":\"\"}]}" }, "help": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "titleColumnWidth": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "100" }, "windowWidth": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "500" }, "restoreFocus": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "topMost": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "false" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:stop", "InputParams": { "method": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "default" }, "isError": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "return": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "showMessage": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:getSelectedText", "InputParams": { "format": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "UnicodeText" }, "repeat": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "output": "origin", "isSuccess": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:comment", "InputParams": { "note": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "转换为unicode符号" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:jsscript", "InputParams": { "script": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "\r\nfunction ord(s)\r\n{\r\n return s.charCodeAt();\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction chr(i)\r\n{\r\n return String.fromCharCode(i);\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction Script(s)\r\n{\r\n this[\"+\"] = s[0];\r\n this[\"-\"] = s[1];\r\n for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {\r\n var c = chr(ord(\"0\") + i)\r\n this[c] = s[2 + i];\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\nScript.prototype.translate = function(s) {\r\n var script = this;\r\n var trans_char = function(c) {\r\n var t = script[c];\r\n if (t === undefined)\r\n t = c;\r\n return t;\r\n }\r\n return s.replace(/./g, trans_char);\r\n}\r\n\r\nvar sup = new Script(\"⁺⁻⁰¹²³⁴⁵⁶⁷⁸⁹\");\r\nvar sub = new Script(\"₊₋₀₁₂₃₄₅₆₇₈₉\");\r\nvar misc = {\r\n \"->\": \"→\",\r\n \"=\": \"⇌\",\r\n \".\": \"·\",\r\n \"*\": \"·\",\r\n};\r\n\r\nvar _regexp = [\r\n /([\\]\\)A-Za-z])([0-9]*)([+-]?)/,\r\n /(\\s+)([0-9]+[+-])/,\r\n /(->|[=.*])/\r\n];\r\n_regexp = _regexp.map(function(re) { return re.source }).join(\"|\");\r\n_regexp = new RegExp(_regexp, \"g\");\r\n\r\nfunction translate(formula)\r\n{\r\n var translate_one = function(match, g1, g1a, g1b, g2, g2a, g3)\r\n {\r\n if (g1 !== undefined)\r\n return g1 + sub.translate(g1a) + sup.translate(g1b);\r\n if (g2 !== undefined)\r\n return sup.translate(g2a);\r\n if (g3 !== undefined)\r\n return misc[g3];\r\n }\r\n return formula.replace(_regexp, translate_one);\r\n}\r\n\r\n\r\n// 主函数 exec()\r\nfunction exec(){\r\n var asc = quickerGetVar('origin'); // 读取context变量值, (context 是动作里的变量)\r\n var result = translate(asc);\r\n quickerSetVar('result', result ); //输出修改后的值到name变量中。\r\n return 0; //返回0表示成功。返回其他数字表示失败。\r\n}\r\n" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "return": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:simpleIf", "InputParams": { "condition": { "VarKey": "enableReplaceChar", "Value": null } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:comment", "InputParams": { "note": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "除 (C|N|P)o 中的 o,所有字母大写" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:jsscript", "InputParams": { "script": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "//.js 主函数 exec()\r\nfunction exec(){\r\n var input = quickerGetVar('result'); // 读取text变量值, (text 是动作里的变量)\r\n var temp = input.replace(/(?().Where(s => s.Length > 1).ToList();\r\n\r\nvar text = {result};\r\nforeach(var item in yuansuList){\r\n\ttext = text.Replace(item.ToUpper(), item);\r\n}\r\n\r\nreturn text;" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "output": "result" }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:comment", "InputParams": { "note": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "选择输出哪种格式" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:if", "InputParams": { "condition": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "$= {format} == \"unicode\"" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:outputText", "InputParams": { "content": { "VarKey": "result", "Value": null }, "method": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "paste" }, "delayBeforePaste": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "50" }, "delayAfterPaste": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "10" }, "appendReturn": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "ElseSteps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:comment", "InputParams": { "note": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "使用上下标格式,则替换为html代码,写入剪贴板后粘贴" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:strReplace", "InputParams": { "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "batch" }, "input": { "VarKey": "result", "Value": null }, "batchReplaceData": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "([⁺⁻⁰¹²³⁴⁵⁶⁷⁸⁹]+)|||$1\r\n([₊₋₀₁₂₃₄₅₆₇₈₉]+)|||$1" }, "escapeOld": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "replaceEscapes": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" }, "useRegex": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" }, "ignoreCase": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "singleLine": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" }, "multiLine": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" } }, "OutputParams": { "output": "resultHtml" }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:strReplace", "InputParams": { "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "batch" }, "input": { "VarKey": "resultHtml", "Value": null }, "batchReplaceData": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "⁺|+\r\n⁻|-\r\n⁰|0\r\n¹|1\r\n²|2\r\n³|3\r\n⁴|4\r\n⁵|5\r\n⁶|6\r\n⁷|7\r\n⁸|8\r\n⁹|9\r\n₊|+\r\n₋|-\r\n₀|0\r\n₁|1\r\n₂|2\r\n₃|3\r\n₄|4\r\n₅|5\r\n₆|6\r\n₇|7\r\n₈|8\r\n₉|9" }, "escapeOld": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "replaceEscapes": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" }, "useRegex": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "ignoreCase": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "singleLine": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" }, "multiLine": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" } }, "OutputParams": { "output": "resultHtml" }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:writeClipboard", "InputParams": { "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "html" }, "html": { "VarKey": "resultHtml", "Value": null }, "text": { "VarKey": "resultHtml", "Value": null }, "successMsg": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:keyInput", "InputParams": { "keys": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "{\"CtrlKeys\":[162],\"Keys\":[86]}" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "Note": "选择了unicode格式", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "SubPrograms": [] } ```
*** ## 98.运行Python代码 **功能描述** > 执行Python代码片段。 **官方文档** > https://getquicker.net/KC/Help/Doc/pythonscript **内部名称** > sys:pythonscript
传入参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | script | 脚本内容 | 要运行的脚本内容 | (0)字符串-Text | ##.py
'text', 'hello world')
| True | | stopIfFail | 失败后停止 | 失败后是否停止动作 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | True | False |
传出参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | isSuccess | 是否成功 | 操作是否成功 | (2)布尔值-Boolean |
范例 ```json { "Variables": [ { "Key": "text", "Type": 0, "Desc": "默认的文本变量", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": null, "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null } ], "Steps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:pythonscript", "InputParams": { "script": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "##.py \r\nquicker.context.SetVarValue('text', 'hello world')\r\n" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:notify", "InputParams": { "msg": { "VarKey": "text", "Value": null }, "maxLines": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "Info" }, "clickAction": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "style": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "Default" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "SubPrograms": [] } ```
*** ## 99.等待按键 **功能描述** > 等待用户按下某个按键 **官方文档** > https://getquicker.net/KC/Help/Doc/waitkeyboard **内部名称** > sys:waitKeyboard
传入参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | operation | 操作类型 | | (9)选项-Enum | waitKeyDown | False | | waitingKeys | 等待的按键 | 可选,留空表示任意键盘按键。格式请参考文档。 | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | modifierKeys | 修饰键 | 可选。逗号分隔的ctrl,shift,alt,win组合。仅用于等待组合快捷键。修饰键不会被拦截。 | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | maxWaitSeconds | 最长等待秒数 | 0为永久超时超过等待时间,则结束等待。 | (1)数字(小数)-Number | 0 | True | | filterEvent | 拦截原始按键事件 | 避免按键输入到窗口中 (仅对键盘按键有效) | (2)布尔值-Boolean | True | False | | waitKeyUp | 等待按键抬起 | 等待按键抬起后再返回 (仅对键盘按键有效) | (2)布尔值-Boolean | False | False | | ignoreSimulated | 忽略模拟的按键 | 是否忽略(不检测)模拟的按键消息 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | False | False | | help | 提示信息 | 等待按键时显示的提示文字 | (0)字符串-Text | 请按键... | False | | fontfamily | 字体名称 | 可选。设置字体名称。如有多个字体,使用逗号分隔。 | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | winLocation | 提示窗口位置 | 在哪里显示提示窗口 | (9)选项-Enum | TopCenter | False | | mouseThrough | 鼠标穿透 | 鼠标是否可以穿透提示窗口点击下面的内容 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | True | False | | stopIfFail | 失败后停止动作 | 失败后是否停止动作 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | True | False |
传出参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | isSuccess | 步骤执行是否成功 | 步骤执行是否成功 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | | keyCode | 键名 | 按键名,具体请参考模块文档。 | (0)字符串-Text | | keyValue | 键值 | 按键数值,具体请参考模块文档。 | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | | holdTimeMs | 按下保持时间 | 按下保持时间,单位毫秒。仅支持键盘按键。 | (12)数字(整数)-Integer |
范例 **按下按键后显示键名和键值。按Esc退出** ```json { "Variables": [ { "Key": "keyValue", "Type": 1, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": null, "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null }, { "Key": "keyName", "Type": 0, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": null, "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null } ], "Steps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:repeat", "InputParams": { "count": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "-1" }, "stopCondition": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "$${keyValue} == 27" } }, "OutputParams": { "count": null }, "IfSteps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:waitKeyboard", "InputParams": { "help": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "请按键...\r\nA:执行A功能,B:执行B功能。\r\nEsc退出。\r\n" } }, "OutputParams": { "keyCode": "keyName", "keyValue": "keyValue" }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:notify", "InputParams": { "msg": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "$${keyName} --- {keyValue}" }, "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "Info" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "SubPrograms": [] } ```
*** ## 100.窗口界面控制(FlaUI) **功能描述** > 触发Windows窗口的菜单/按钮等控件(通过FlaUI库实现)。 **官方文档** > https://getquicker.net/KC/Help/Doc/uiautomation **内部名称** > sys:flauiautomation
传入参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | type | 操作类型 | 操作类型。按下和抬起需要配对使用。 | (9)选项-Enum(TriggerMenu: 触发窗口菜单; TriggerControl: 触发窗口控件; GetControlInfo: 获取窗口控件信息; GetCursorPointControlInfo: 获取鼠标指针位置控件信息; GetControlInfoByPosition: 获取指定位置控件信息; GetFocusedControlInfo: 获取焦点控件信息) | TriggerMenu | False | | window | 窗口句柄 | 要操作哪个窗口的控件。不填写=使用前台窗口;或窗口句柄数字。 | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | menuPath | 菜单路径 | 菜单的展开路径。每行写一个级别的菜单名(需完全匹配) | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | expandDelay | 展开延时 | 等待下级菜单展开的时间(ms) | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | 200 | False | | control | 控件XPath或Name | 控件的XPath或Name。XPath以/开始。 | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | controlType | 控件类型 | 可选。当有多个名称相同但类型不同的控件时区分。 | (9)选项-Enum | 0 | False | | controlOperation | 动作 | 对控件执行的操作。 | (9)选项-Enum(Auto: 自动; Invoke: 调用(按钮、菜单项等); LeftClick: 鼠标左键单击; MiddleClick: 鼠标中键单击; RightClick: 鼠标右键单击; LeftDoubleClick: 鼠标左键双击; Select: 单选:选择(单选框、标签页等); AddToSelection: 多选:添加到多选(多选列表等); RemoveFromSelection: 多选:从多选中移除(多选列表); ToggleItemSelection: 多选:切换选中状态; Expand: 展开折叠:展开(菜单等); Collapse: 展开折叠:折叠(菜单等); ToggleExpandCollapse: 展开折叠:切换展开折叠(菜单等); Toggle: 切换:切换(检查框等); ToggleOn: 切换:开(检查框等); ToggleOff: 切换:关(检查框等); SetValue: 设置值) | Auto | False | | value | 值 | 仅用于 “设置值” 操作。 | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | pointLocation | 坐标位置 | 指定要检查的控件的屏幕坐标位置,格式为“x,y” | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | stopIfFail | 失败后停止 | 失败后是否停止动作 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | True | False |
传出参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | isSuccess | 是否成功 | 操作是否成功 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | | value | 值 | 控件的值 | (0)字符串-Text | | controlText | 文本 | 获取控件上的文本。根据控件不同,可能从Value、Text、Name等信息获取。 | (0)字符串-Text | | rect | 位置 | 控件坐标位置 | (0)字符串-Text | | controlName | 控件名称 | | (0)字符串-Text | | controlType | 控件类型 | | (0)字符串-Text | | controlXPath | 控件XPath | | (0)字符串-Text | | controlTypeId | 控件类型ID | | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | | controlInfo | 其他信息 | | (10)词典-Dict | | controlIsEnabled | 是否启用 | 控件未处于禁用状态 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | | controlIsVisible | 是否可见 | 控件是否在屏幕上。 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | | element | 原始对象 | 返回控件的AutomationElement对象 | (98)对象(Object)-Object |
范例 ```json { "Variables": [ { "Key": "坐标", "Type": 0, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" }, { "Key": "控件文本", "Type": 0, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" }, { "Key": "控件名称", "Type": 0, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" }, { "Key": "控件类型", "Type": 0, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" }, { "Key": "选项", "Type": 0, 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null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:flauiautomation", "InputParams": { "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "GetControlInfoByPosition" }, "pointLocation": { "VarKey": "坐标", "Value": null }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "value": null, "controlText": null, "rect": null, "controlName": null, "controlType": null, "controlXPath": "controlXPath", "controlTypeId": null, "controlInfo": null, "controlIsEnabled": null, "controlIsVisible": null, "element": null, "errMessage": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:stringProcess", "InputParams": { "data": { "VarKey": "controlXPath", "Value": null }, "method": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "substring" }, "start": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "-30" }, "length": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, 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*** ## 101.按键操作 **功能描述** > 单个键盘按键的操作控制或状态获取 **官方文档** > https://getquicker.net/KC/Help/Doc/keyoperation **内部名称** > sys:keyoperation
传入参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | type | 类型 | 操作类型。按下和抬起需要配对使用。 | (9)选项-Enum(get_key_state: 获取按键状态; key_down: 按下按键; key_up: 抬起按键; key_keydown_v1: 按下Quicker虚拟键V1; key_keyup_v1: 抬起Quicker虚拟键V1) | get_key_state | False | | key | 按键 | 要操作或检查状态的按键(单个)。可以为键值或键名,具体请参考文档。 | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | getRealMouseState | 获取按键的实际状态(在远程时无法获取) | | (2)布尔值-Boolean | False | False | | keepMs | 保持按下时间 | 保持此虚拟键按下的时间(毫秒数),之后会自动抬起。 | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | 1000 | False |
传出参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | isDown | 是否按下 | 此按键是否为按下状态 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | | isToggled | 是否锁定 | 此按键是否为锁定状态,仅对CapsLock、NumLock等按键有效。 | (2)布尔值-Boolean |
范例 **判断W是否按下,如未按下则按下1500毫秒然后松开** ```json { "Variables": [ { "Key": "isDown", "Type": 2, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" } ], "Steps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:keyoperation", "InputParams": { "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "get_key_state" }, "key": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "W" }, "getRealMouseState": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" } }, "OutputParams": { "isDown": "isDown", "isToggled": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:simpleIf", "InputParams": { "condition": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "$=!{isDown}" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:keyoperation", "InputParams": { "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "key_down" }, "key": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "W" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:delay", "InputParams": { "delayMs": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1500" }, "monitorWaitWin": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:keyoperation", "InputParams": { "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "key_up" }, "key": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "W" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "ElseSteps": [], "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "SubPrograms": [] } ```
*** ## 102.窗口界面控制 **功能描述** > 触发Windows窗口的菜单/按钮等控件。 **官方文档** > https://getquicker.net/KC/Help/Doc/uiautomation **内部名称** > sys:uiautomation
传入参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | type | 操作类型 | 操作类型。按下和抬起需要配对使用。 | (9)选项-Enum(TriggerMenu: 触发窗口菜单; TriggerControl: 触发窗口控件; GetControlInfo: 获取窗口控件信息; GetCursorPointControlInfo: 获取鼠标指针位置控件信息; GetFocusedControlInfo: 获取焦点控件信息; GetControlInfoByPosition: 获取指定位置控件信息; UpdateSaveAsDialogPath) | TriggerMenu | False | | window | 窗口句柄 | 要操作哪个窗口的控件。不填写=使用前台窗口;或窗口句柄数字。 | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | menuPath | 菜单路径 | 菜单的展开路径。每行写一个级别的菜单名(需完全匹配) | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | expandDelay | 展开延时 | 等待下级菜单展开的时间(ms) | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | 200 | False | | control | 控件名 | 控件名,请确保唯一性。 | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | controlType | 控件类型 | 可选。当有多个名称相同但类型不同的控件时区分。 | (9)选项-Enum | 0 | False | | controlOperation | 动作 | 对控件执行的操作。 | (9)选项-Enum(Auto: 自动; Invoke: 调用(按钮、菜单项等); LeftClick: 鼠标左键单击; MiddleClick: 鼠标中键单击; RightClick: 鼠标右键单击; LeftDoubleClick: 鼠标左键双击; Select: 单选:选择(单选框、标签页等); AddToSelection: 多选:添加到多选(多选列表等); RemoveFromSelection: 多选:从多选中移除(多选列表); ToggleItemSelection: 多选:切换选中状态; Expand: 展开折叠:展开(菜单等); Collapse: 展开折叠:折叠(菜单等); ToggleExpandCollapse: 展开折叠:切换展开折叠(菜单等); Toggle: 切换:切换(检查框等); ToggleOn: 切换:开(检查框等); ToggleOff: 切换:关(检查框等); SetValue: 设置值) | Auto | False | | value | 值 | 仅用于 “设置值” 操作。 | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | path | 路径 | 要更新的路径 | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | autoCreateDir | 自动创建文件夹 | 如果目录不存在则自动创建。 | (9)选项-Enum(no: 不自动创建; auto: 自动创建:自动(根据后缀自动判断路径为文件还是文件夹路径); asFilePath: 自动创建:给定文件路径; asFolderPath: 自动创建:给定文件夹路径) | no | False | | pointLocation | 坐标位置 | 指定要检查的控件的屏幕坐标位置,格式为“x,y” | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | stopIfFail | 失败后停止 | 失败后是否停止动作 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | True | False |
传出参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | isSuccess | 是否成功 | 操作是否成功 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | | value | 值 | 控件的值 | (0)字符串-Text | | controlText | 文本 | 获取控件上的文本。根据控件不同,可能从Value、Text、Name等信息获取。 | (0)字符串-Text | | rect | 位置 | 控件坐标位置 | (0)字符串-Text | | controlName | 控件名称 | | (0)字符串-Text | | controlType | 控件类型 | | (0)字符串-Text | | controlIsEnabled | 是否启用 | 控件未处于禁用状态 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | | controlIsVisible | 是否可见 | 控件是否在屏幕上。 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | | controlNativeWindowHandle | 原始句柄 | 控件的原始窗口句柄(NativeWindowHandle) | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | | controlTypeId | 控件类型ID | | (12)数字(整数)-Integer |
范例 **资源管理器里切换到超大图标视图** ```json { "Variables": [], "Steps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:uiautomation", "InputParams": { "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "TriggerControl" }, "window": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "control": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "查看" }, "controlType": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "controlOperation": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "Auto" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "切换到“查看”标签页", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:uiautomation", "InputParams": { "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "TriggerControl" }, "window": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "control": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "超大图标" }, "controlType": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "controlOperation": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "Auto" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "点击“超大图标”视图类型", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "SubPrograms": [] } ``` **切换Win10的蓝牙开关** ```json { "Variables": [], "Steps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:run", "InputParams": { "path": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "ms-settings:" }, "arg": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "setWorkingDir": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "windowStyle": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "runas": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "waitInputIdle": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "waitExit": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" }, "alternativePath": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "pid": null, "mainWinHandle": null, "mainWinTitle": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:delay", "InputParams": { "delayMs": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "500" }, "monitorWaitWin": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:uiautomation", "InputParams": { "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "TriggerControl" }, "window": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "control": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "设备" }, "controlType": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "controlOperation": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "Auto" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:delay", "InputParams": { "delayMs": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "100" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": null, "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:uiautomation", "InputParams": { "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "TriggerControl" }, "window": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "control": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "蓝牙和其他设备" }, "controlType": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "controlOperation": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "Auto" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:delay", "InputParams": { "delayMs": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "100" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": null, "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:uiautomation", "InputParams": { "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "TriggerControl" }, "window": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "control": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "蓝牙" }, "controlType": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "controlOperation": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "Auto" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "SubPrograms": [] } ```
*** ## 103.获取字符信息 **功能描述** > 获取字符信息 **官方文档** > https://getquicker.net/KC/Help/Doc/charInfo **内部名称** > sys:charInfo
传入参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | char | 字符 | 要获取编码的字符,如果是多个字符,则取第一个。 | (0)字符串-Text | 中 | True |
传出参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | unicodeNum | Unicode编码(数字) | 字符的Unicode编码数字 | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | | unicodeHex | Unicode编码(十六进制) | 字符的Unicode编码数字的十六进制,如“中”的Unicode编码十六进制为“4E2D” | (0)字符串-Text | | pinyinFirstChar | 拼音首字母 | 字母的拼音首字母(仅第一个常用读音) | (0)字符串-Text | | pinyin | 拼音 | 字母的拼音(多音字只输出第一个常用读音) | (0)字符串-Text | | pinyinFirstCharAll | 拼音首字母(全部) | 字母的拼音首字母(多音字输出所有读音) | (0)字符串-Text | | pinyinAll | 拼音(全部) | 字母的拼音(多音字输出所有读音,空格分隔) | (0)字符串-Text |
范例 ```json { "Variables": [ { "Key": "pinyinFirstChar", "Type": 0, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" }, { "Key": "pinyin", "Type": 0, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" } ], "Steps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:charInfo", "InputParams": { "char": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "中" } }, "OutputParams": { "unicodeNum": null, "unicodeHex": null, "pinyinFirstChar": "pinyinFirstChar", "pinyin": "pinyin", "pinyinFirstCharAll": null, "pinyinAll": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "SubPrograms": [] } ```
*** ## 104.组合成文本 **功能描述** > 将(多个)变量组合成一段文本。 **官方文档** > https://getquicker.net/KC/Help/Doc/formatstring **内部名称** > sys:formatString
传入参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | formatString | 格式化字符串 | 使用C#的String.Format语法。 | (0)字符串-Text | {0} | True | | p0 | 参数0 | 第 0 个参数 | (99)任意类型-Any | | False | | p1 | 参数1 | 第 1 个参数 | (99)任意类型-Any | | False | | p2 | 参数2 | 第 2 个参数 | (99)任意类型-Any | | False | | p3 | 参数3 | 第 3 个参数 | (99)任意类型-Any | | False | | p4 | 参数4 | 第 4 个参数 | (99)任意类型-Any | | False |
传出参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | output | 结果 | 生成的文本内容 | (0)字符串-Text |
范例 **数字变量进行格式化处理,输出为文本** ```json { "Variables": [ { "Key": "context", "Type": 0, "Desc": "默认的文本变量", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": null, "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null }, { "Key": "number", "Type": 1, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "12345.6789", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": null, "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null } ], "Steps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:formatString", "InputParams": { "formatString": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "提示:请查看动作定义了解使用方法\r\n组合成文本模块的说明:https://www.yuque.com/quicker/help/formatstring\r\n\r\n默认格式: {0}\r\n\r\n--- 标准格式---\r\n参考网址:https://docs.microsoft.com/zh-cn/dotnet/standard/base-types/standard-numeric-format-strings\r\n货币格式C: C=> {0:C} C2=> {0:C2} C4=> {0:C4}\r\n十进制D 不支持(Quicker中的数字为decimal类型,d只适合于int类型)\r\n指数E: E=> {0:E} E2=> {0:E2}\r\n定点F: F=> {0:F} F2=> {0:F2}\r\n常规G: G=> {0:G} G2=> {0:G2}\r\n数字N: N=> {0:N} N2=> {0:N2}\r\n百分比P:P=> {0:P} P1=> {0:P1} P2=> {0:P2} P3=> {0:P3}\r\n十六进制X:不支持\r\n\r\n---自定义格式---\r\n参考网址:https://docs.microsoft.com/zh-cn/dotnet/standard/base-types/custom-numeric-format-strings\r\n0 零占位符,用对应的数字(如果存在)替换零;否则,将在结果字符串中显示零。\r\n 00000000.000000 => {0:00000000.000000}\r\n# 数字占位符:用对应的数字(如果存在)替换“#”符号;否则,不会在结果字符串中显示任何数字。\r\n ##### => {0:#####} #.## => {0:#.##}\r\n. 确定小数点分隔符在结果字符串中的位置。\r\n 0.00 => {0:0.00}\r\n% 百分比占位符\t将数字乘以 100,并在结果字符串中插入本地化的百分比符号。\r\n ##.0% => {0:##.0%} ##,#.0%=>{0:##,#.0%}\r\n\r\n\r\n " }, "p0": { "VarKey": "number", "Value": null }, "p1": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "p2": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "p3": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "p4": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" } }, "OutputParams": { "output": "context" }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:showText", "InputParams": { "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "NO_WAIT" }, "text": { "VarKey": "context", "Value": null }, "title": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "结果内容" }, "operations": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "winLocation": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "CenterScreen" }, "fontsize": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "14" }, "fontfamily": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "Consolas" } }, "OutputParams": { "selectedOperation": null, "resultText": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "SubPrograms": [] } ``` **将数字转换为选择的格式;可以根据需要添加更多的格式转换,请参考c# 数字格式化为字符串的文档** ```json { "Variables": [ { "Key": "context", "Type": 0, "Desc": "默认的文本变量", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": null, "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null }, { "Key": "num", "Type": 1, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": null, "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null } ], "Steps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:getSelectedText", "InputParams": { "format": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "UnicodeText" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "output": "context", "isSuccess": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": null, "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:compute", "InputParams": { "expression": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "$${context}" } }, "OutputParams": { "output": "num" }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": null, "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:formatString", "InputParams": { "formatString": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "{0:N}\r\n{0:C}\r\n{0:P}\r\n{0:.00‰}\r\n{0:00.00}" }, "p0": { "VarKey": "num", "Value": null }, "p1": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "p2": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "p3": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "p4": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" } }, "OutputParams": { "output": "context" }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": null, "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:select", "InputParams": { "prompt": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "请选择格式" }, "items": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "$${context}" }, "defaultValue": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" } }, "OutputParams": { "textValue": "context" }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": null, "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:outputText", "InputParams": { "content": { "VarKey": "context", "Value": null }, "method": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "input" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": null, "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "SubPrograms": [] } ```
*** ## 105.提取HTML内容 **功能描述** > 从HTML代码中提取内容 **官方文档** > https://getquicker.net/KC/Help/Doc/htmlextract **内部名称** > sys:htmlExtract
传入参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | operation | 操作类型 | | (9)选项-Enum(extractText: 读取文本内容; extractText: 读取表格内容)| extractText | False | | source | 源HTML | 原始HTML内容,或网址,或根节点对象 | (0)字符串-Text(auto: 自动检测 (加载两次); gb2312: GB2312编码; utf-8: UTF8编码) | | True | | encoding | 网页编码类型 | 通过网址加载内容时,使用指定的编码。留空时默认为UTF8。 | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | xpath | 节点XPath | 内容的XPath,详细说明请参考文档 | (0)字符串-Text | | True | | selectTarget | 提取方式 | 提取单个节点还是符合条件的所有节点。 | (9)选项-Enum(single: 第一个符合条件的节点; all: 所有符合条件的节点) | single | False | | returnType | 提取内容类型 | 要提取的节点信息。 | (9)选项-Enum(InnerHtml: innerHtml 内部HTML; InnerText: innerText 内部文本; OuterHtml: outerHTML 节点全部HTML; Attribute: Attribute 节点的某个属性; Node: 节点对象) | InnerHtml | False | | attribute | 属性名称 | 仅在提取节点属性时有效。指定属性的名称。 | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | writeToSheet | 写入工作表对象 | 将提取到的表格内容写入工作表对象中。 | (98)对象(Object)-Object | | False | | stopIfFail | 失败后停止动作 | 失败后是否停止动作 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | True | False |
传出参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | isSuccess | 步骤执行是否成功 | 步骤执行是否成功 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | | value | 提取值 | 提取的内容。请确保结果类型和变量类型匹配。 | (99)任意类型-Any | | rootNode | 根节点 | 整个HTML源内容对应的HtmlNode节点对象,可用于后续处理使用。 | (99)任意类型-Any |
范例 **将指定网址生成markdown,并写入剪贴板** ```json { "Variables": [ { "Key": "markdown", "Type": 0, "Desc": "生成的markdown内容", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null }, { "Key": "title", "Type": 0, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null }, { "Key": "url", "Type": 0, "Desc": "网址", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null }, { "Key": "html", "Type": 0, "Desc": "html内容", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null }, { "Key": "description", "Type": 0, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null } ], "Steps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:comment", "InputParams": { "note": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "获取网页HTML内容" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:http", "InputParams": { "url": { "VarKey": "url", "Value": null }, "method": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "GET" }, "header": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "cookie": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "resultType": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "Text" }, "ua": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/60.0.3112.113 Safari/537.36" }, "expireSeconds": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "100" }, "noAutoRedirect": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "statusCode": null, "respHeaders": null, "respCookies": null, "content": "html", "imgResult": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:comment", "InputParams": { "note": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "提取网页的Title和Description" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:htmlExtract", "InputParams": { "source": { "VarKey": "html", "Value": null }, "xpath": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "html/head/title" }, "selectTarget": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "single" }, "returnType": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "InnerText" }, "attribute": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "value": "title" }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "提取标题", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:htmlExtract", "InputParams": { "source": { "VarKey": "html", "Value": null }, "xpath": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "//meta[@name='description']" }, "selectTarget": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "single" }, "returnType": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "Attribute" }, "attribute": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "content" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "value": "description" }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "提取description", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:comment", "InputParams": { "note": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "拼接为MarkDown链接,写入剪贴板" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:assign", "InputParams": { "input": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "$$[{title}]({url} '{description}')" } }, "OutputParams": { "output": "markdown" }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:writeClipboard", "InputParams": { "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "text" }, "text": { "VarKey": "markdown", "Value": null }, "successMsg": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "$$已写入剪贴板:\r\n{markdown}" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "SubPrograms": [] } ```
*** ## 106.列表合并成文本 **功能描述** > 将列表拼接为一段文本 **官方文档** > https://getquicker.net/KC/Help/Doc/joinlist **内部名称** > sys:joinList
传入参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | list | 输入 | 要拼接为文本的列表 | (4)文本列表-List | | True | | separator | 分隔文本 | 拼接内容时,两项之间的内容。 | (0)字符串-Text | , | True | | escapeSeparator | 转义“分隔文本” | 替换“分隔文本”中的转义字符(\r,\n,\t) | (2)布尔值-Boolean | False | False |
传出参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | output | 结果 | 生成的文本内容 | (0)字符串-Text |
范例 **转换结果为:a挨着b挨着c挨着d** ```json { "Variables": [ { "Key": "list", "Type": 4, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "a\r\nb\r\nc\r\nd", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" }, { "Key": "output", "Type": 0, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" } ], "Steps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:joinList", "InputParams": { "list": { "VarKey": "list", "Value": null }, "separator": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "挨着" }, "escapeSeparator": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" } }, "OutputParams": { "output": "output" }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "SubPrograms": [] } ```
*** ## 107.提取JSON内容 **功能描述** > 提取Json文本中的信息 **官方文档** > https://getquicker.net/KC/Help/Doc/jsonExtract **内部名称** > sys:jsonExtract
传入参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | data | 输入 | 要从中提取内容的Json文本或JToken对象 | (0)字符串-Text | | True | | p0 | 提取路径0 | | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | p1 | 提取路径1 | | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | p2 | 提取路径2 | | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | p3 | 提取路径3 | | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | p4 | 提取路径4 | | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | dateAsString | 日期时间按照文本处理 | 保留原有数据格式 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | False | False | | stopIfFail | 失败后停止 | 失败后是否停止动作 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | True | False |
传出参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | isSuccess | 是否成功 | 操作是否没有异常 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | | v0 | 值0 | 提取到的内容,和提取路径对应 | (99)任意类型-Any | | v1 | 值1 | 提取到的内容,和提取路径对应 | (99)任意类型-Any | | v2 | 值2 | 提取到的内容,和提取路径对应 | (99)任意类型-Any | | v3 | 值3 | 提取到的内容,和提取路径对应 | (99)任意类型-Any | | v4 | 值4 | 提取到的内容,和提取路径对应 | (99)任意类型-Any | | rootToken | 根对象 | 整个输入内容解析后获得的JToken对象。可用于后续使用。 | (98)对象(Object)-Object |
范例 ```json { "Variables": [ { "Key": "json", "Type": 0, "Desc": "json内容", "DefaultValue": "{\r\n 'Stores': [\r\n 'Lambton Quay',\r\n 'Willis Street'\r\n ],\r\n 'Manufacturers': [\r\n {\r\n 'Name': 'Acme Co',\r\n 'Products': [\r\n {\r\n 'Name': 'Anvil',\r\n 'Price': 50\r\n }\r\n ]\r\n },\r\n {\r\n 'Name': 'Contoso',\r\n 'Products': [\r\n {\r\n 'Name': 'Elbow Grease',\r\n 'Price': 99.95\r\n },\r\n {\r\n 'Name': 'Headlight Fluid',\r\n 'Price': 4\r\n }\r\n ]\r\n }\r\n ]\r\n}", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null }, { "Key": "list", "Type": 99, "Desc": "Manufacture对象列表", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null }, { "Key": "item", "Type": 99, "Desc": "列表的一项", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null }, { "Key": "rootToken", "Type": 99, "Desc": "根JToken对象,对应整个Json数据", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null }, { "Key": "oneName", "Type": 0, "Desc": "某个Manufacture的Name属性", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null }, { "Key": "index", "Type": 12, "Desc": "序号", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null }, { "Key": "nameList", "Type": 99, "Desc": "Name列表", "DefaultValue": "", 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"Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:delay", "InputParams": { "delayMs": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "2000" }, "monitorWaitWin": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:comment", "InputParams": { "note": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "提取所有的Manufacture对象的Name属性到一个存放了所有Name的列表,\r\n对列表中的每个Name,显示其值。" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:jsonExtract", "InputParams": { "data": { "VarKey": "json", "Value": null }, "p0": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "Manufacturers[*].Name" }, "p1": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "p2": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "p3": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "p4": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" } }, "OutputParams": { "v0": "nameList", "v1": null, "v2": null, "v3": null, "v4": null, "rootToken": "rootToken" }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:MsgBox", "InputParams": { "message": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "提取所有的Manufacture对象的Name属性到一个列表,\r\n对列表中的每个Name,显示其值。" }, "title": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "Quicker" }, "icon": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "buttons": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "OK" } }, "OutputParams": { "result": null, "okOrYes": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:each", "InputParams": { "input": { "VarKey": "nameList", "Value": null } }, "OutputParams": { "item": "item", "count": "index" }, "IfSteps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:notify", "InputParams": { "msg": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "$= \"序号\" + {index}.ToString() + \" \" + {item}" }, "maxLines": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "Info" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:delay", "InputParams": { "delayMs": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "2000" }, "monitorWaitWin": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:comment", "InputParams": { "note": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "使用第一次提取时候保存的rootToken,提取json中的单个值" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:MsgBox", "InputParams": { "message": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "提取单个值 Manufacturers[0].Name" }, "title": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "Quicker" }, "icon": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "buttons": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "OK" } }, "OutputParams": { "result": null, "okOrYes": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:jsonExtract", "InputParams": { "data": { "VarKey": "rootToken", "Value": null }, "p0": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "Manufacturers[0].Name" }, "p1": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "p2": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "p3": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "p4": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" } }, "OutputParams": { "v0": "oneName", "v1": null, "v2": null, "v3": null, "v4": null, "rootToken": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:notify", "InputParams": { "msg": { "VarKey": "oneName", "Value": null }, "maxLines": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "Info" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:delay", "InputParams": { "delayMs": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "2000" }, "monitorWaitWin": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:comment", "InputParams": { "note": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "使用表达式,读取第二个Manufacture的Name\r\n使用了两种写法。" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:MsgBox", "InputParams": { "message": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "使用表达式访问JToken中的内容\r\n$= \"方法1:\" + (string){rootToken}.SelectToken(\"Manufacturers[1].Name\")\r\n$= \"方法2\" + (string){rootToken}[\"Manufacturers\"][1][\"Name\"]" }, "title": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "Quicker" }, "icon": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "buttons": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "OK" } }, "OutputParams": { "result": null, "okOrYes": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": 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*** ## 108.提取文件路径信息/生成路径 **功能描述** > 从文件路径中提取文件名、文件夹等信息 **官方文档** > https://getquicker.net/KC/Help/Doc/pathExtraction **内部名称** > sys:pathExtraction
传入参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | operation | 操作类型 | | (9)选项-Enum(getInfo: 提取文件路径信息; changeExt: 更改扩展名,其它不变; changeName: 更改文件名(含扩展名),所在目录不变; changeNameWithoutExt: 更改文件名(不含扩展名和所在目录); changeDir: 更改所在目录,文件名不变; combine: 合并路径 (拼接)) | getInfo | False | | path | 路径 | 待处理或拼接的路径 | (0)字符串-Text | | True | | newExtension | 新的扩展名 | 新的扩展名,如:.png | (0)字符串-Text | | True | | newFileName | 新的文件名 | 新的文件名,如:abcd.png | (0)字符串-Text | | True | | newFileNameWithoutExt | 新的文件名 | 新的文件名(不包含扩展名),如:newfile | (0)字符串-Text | | True | | newDir | 目标目录路径 | 目标存储路径,如:d:\Work\Test | (0)字符串-Text | | True | | path2 | 路径部分2 | | (0)字符串-Text | | True | | path3 | 路径部分3 | | (0)字符串-Text | | True | | path4 | 路径部分4 | | (0)字符串-Text | | True | | stopIfFail | 失败后停止 | 失败后是否停止动作 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | True | False |
传出参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | isSuccess | 是否成功 | 提取过程是否没有遇到异常 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | | resultPath | 结果路径 | 生成的结果路径 | (0)字符串-Text | | name | 文件名 | 去除路径的文件名 | (0)字符串-Text | | nameNoExt | 文件名(去掉扩展名) | 去除扩展名的文件名 | (0)字符串-Text | | ext | 扩展名 | 文件的扩展名 | (0)字符串-Text | | path | 所在文件夹路径 | 父目录路径 | (0)字符串-Text |
范例 ```json { "Variables": [ { "Key": "name", "Type": 0, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null }, { "Key": "nameNoExt", "Type": 0, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null }, { "Key": "ext", "Type": 0, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null }, { "Key": "path", "Type": 0, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null }, { "Key": "resultPath", "Type": 0, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null } ], "Steps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:pathExtraction", "InputParams": { "operation": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "getInfo" }, "path": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "D:\\Work\\Quicker\\doc\\icon.psd" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "name": "name", "nameNoExt": "nameNoExt", "ext": "ext", "path": "path" }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:pathExtraction", "InputParams": { "operation": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "changeExt" }, "path": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "D:\\Work\\Quicker\\doc\\icon.psd" }, "newExtension": { "VarKey": null, "Value": ".jpg" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "resultPath": "resultPath" }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:pathExtraction", "InputParams": { "operation": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "changeName" }, "path": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "D:\\Work\\Quicker\\doc\\icon.psd" }, "newFileName": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "icon_save_20220506_112233.psd" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "resultPath": "resultPath" }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:pathExtraction", "InputParams": { "operation": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "changeDir" }, "path": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "D:\\Work\\Quicker\\doc\\icon.psd" }, "newDir": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "D:\\Backup\\20220105" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "resultPath": "resultPath" }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:pathExtraction", "InputParams": { "operation": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "combine" }, "path": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "d:\\Work" }, "path2": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "media" }, "path3": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "20220506" }, "path4": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "abc.gif" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "resultPath": "resultPath" }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "SubPrograms": [] } ```
*** ## 109.正则提取 **功能描述** > 使用正则表达式提取指定内容 **官方文档** > https://getquicker.net/KC/Help/Doc/regexextract **内部名称** > sys:regexExtract
传入参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | getGroup | 提取方式 | 输出的内容根据提取内容有所不同,请参考模块文档。 | (9)选项-Enum(0: 各匹配项的值; 1: 第一个匹配项的组; 2: 各匹配项的组) | 0 | True | | data | 输入 | 要提取内容的文本 | (0)字符串-Text | | True | | pattern | 正则表达式 | 用于提取内容的正则表达式 | (0)字符串-Text | | True | | ignoreCase | 忽略大小写 | 不区分英文大小写 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | False | False | | singleLine | 单行模式 | 此模式下“.”能匹配任意字符,包括换行符。(否则匹配除了\n外的任意字符) | (2)布尔值-Boolean | False | False | | multiLine | 多行模式 | 此模式下^和$可以分别匹配行首和行尾。(否则匹配输入内容的开始和结束) | (2)布尔值-Boolean | False | False | | rightToLeft | 从右向左 | 从右向左查找匹配内容 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | False | False | | stopIfFail | 失败后中止动作 | 操作失败后,是否停止后续动作的执行。 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | True | False |
传出参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | matches | 所有匹配列表 | 返回所有的匹配项 | (4)文本列表-List | | match1 | 匹配1 | 第1个匹配项的值 | (99)任意类型-Any | | match2 | 匹配2 | 第2个匹配项的值 | (99)任意类型-Any | | match3 | 匹配3 | 第3个匹配项的值 | (99)任意类型-Any | | match4 | 匹配4 | 第4个匹配项的值 | (99)任意类型-Any | | match5 | 匹配5 | 第5个匹配项的值 | (99)任意类型-Any | | matchObj | Match对象 | 首个匹配的原始的C#语言Match对象,可以在表达式中使用 | (98)对象(Object)-Object | | matchesCollection | Matches集合 | 所有匹配的原始Match对象集合(MatchCollection),可以在表达式中使用 | (98)对象(Object)-Object | | isSuccess | 是否成功 | 是否匹配成功 | (2)布尔值-Boolean |
范例 ```json { "Variables": [ { "Key": "source", "Type": 0, "Desc": "原始文本内容", "DefaultValue": "a1 b2 c3 d4\r\ne5 f6 g7 h8", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null }, { "Key": "allMatches", "Type": 4, "Desc": "所有匹配项的值列表", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null }, { "Key": "match1", "Type": 99, "Desc": "匹配项1", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null }, { "Key": "match2", "Type": 0, "Desc": "匹配项2", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": 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"sys:regexExtract", "InputParams": { "getGroup": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "2" }, "data": { "VarKey": "source", "Value": null }, "pattern": { "VarKey": "regExpression", "Value": null }, "ignoreCase": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "singleLine": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" }, "multiLine": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "rightToLeft": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "false" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "matches": "allMatches", "match1 ": "match1", "match2 ": "match2", "match3 ": "match3", "match4 ": "match4", "match5 ": "match5", "matchesCollection": "matchCollection", "isSuccess": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:showText", "InputParams": { "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "WAIT" }, "text": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "$$\r\n原始内容:{source}\r\n正则表达式:{regExpression}\r\n提取内容:所有匹配项的组\r\n===================\r\n所有匹配项列表:\r\n{allMatches}\r\n===================\r\n匹配1:{match1}\r\n匹配2:{match2}\r\n匹配3:{match3}\r\n匹配4:{match4}\r\n匹配5:{match5}\r\n" }, "title": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "结果内容" }, "operations": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "winLocation": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "CenterScreen" }, "fontsize": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "14" }, "fontfamily": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" } }, "OutputParams": { "selectedOperation": null, "resultText": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:comment", "InputParams": { "note": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "在表达式中使用原始c#对象。" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:notify", "InputParams": { "msg": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "$= \"MatchCollection中Match对象数量=\" + 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*** ## 110.文本窗口 **功能描述** > 在独立的窗口中显示文本。 **官方文档** > https://getquicker.net/KC/Help/Doc/showText **内部名称** > sys:showText
传入参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | type | 操作类型 | 是否等待窗口关闭后继续 | (9)选项-Enum(NO_WAIT: 显示窗口,不等待关闭(立即开始执行后续的步骤); WAIT: 显示窗口,等待关闭; CLOSE_WINDOW: 关闭窗口; GET_WIN_INFO: 获取窗口信息; APPEND_TEXT: 追加内容; ACTIVATE_WINDOW: 显示和激活窗口; WAIT_CLOSE: 等待窗口关闭; GET_ALL_WINDOWS: 获取所有文本窗口; GET_ACTION_WINDOWS: 获取当前动作创建的所有文本窗口) | NO_WAIT | False | | text | 文本内容 | 要显示的文本内容 | (0)字符串-Text | | True | | title | 窗口标题 | 窗口标题文字 | (0)字符串-Text | 文本窗口 | True | | operations | 工具栏操作 | 用于显示在窗口工具栏。每行一个选项,格式为 “文本” 或 “显示文本|值”。 | (0)字符串-Text | | True | | autoCloseKey | 文本窗口标识 | 可选。自动更新或关闭之前打开的具有此标识的文本窗口。使用‘=’表示当前动作id。 | (0)字符串-Text | = | False | | winLocation | 窗口位置类型 | 在哪里显示选择窗口 | (9)选项-Enum | CenterScreen | False | | winSize | 窗口尺寸/位置 | 设置选择窗口的尺寸,格式为:宽度,高度。支持逻辑像素数值或屏幕宽高百分比,详情请参考模块文档。 “窗口位置” 类型为 “自定义位置” 时用于指定显示位置,格式为:left,top,right,bottom | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | fontsize | 字体大小 | 默认的字体大小 | (1)数字(小数)-Number | 14 | True | | fontfamily | 字体名称 | 可选。设置字体名称。如有多个字体,使用逗号分隔。 | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | bgColor | 背景颜色 | 可选。格式为#RRGGBB | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | textColor | 文字颜色 | 可选。格式为#RRGGBB | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | highlight | 语法高亮 | | (9)选项-Enum | | False | | autoSaveToState | 自动保存到状态 | 指定状态Key。文本内容将自动保存到状态中。 | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | topMost | 置顶显示 | | (2)布尔值-Boolean | False | False | | enableEscClose | Esc 键关闭窗口 | | (2)布尔值-Boolean | True | False | | closeWhenLostFocus | 失去焦点自动关闭 | | (2)布尔值-Boolean | False | False | | showLineNum | 显示行号 | | (2)布尔值-Boolean | True | False | | autoWrap | 自动换行显示 | | (2)布尔值-Boolean | True | False | | showBuildInToolbar | 显示内置工具栏 | | (2)布尔值-Boolean | True | False | | copyWholeLine | 未选择内容时,复制或剪切整行 | | (2)布尔值-Boolean | False | False | | caretPosition | 光标位置 | 0表示最前面,-1表示最后面,其它数字表示某个具体字符位置。 | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | 0 | True | | advancedSettings | 高级设置 | 请参考模块文档。 | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | updateIfExists | 如果窗口存在,则直接更新窗口内容(而不是关闭后打开新窗口) | | (2)布尔值-Boolean | False | False | | stopIfFail | 失败后停止 | 失败后是否停止动作 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | True | False |
传出参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | isSuccess | 是否成功 | 操作是否成功 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | | isWindowExists | 窗口是否存在 | | (2)布尔值-Boolean | | selectedOperation | 选择的项 | 选择的后续操作项 | (0)字符串-Text | | resultText | 结果文本 | 文本框内的所有文本 | (0)字符串-Text | | selectedText | 选中的文本 | 文本框内选中的文本 | (0)字符串-Text | | windowHandle | 窗口句柄 | | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | | windowPosition | 窗口位置 | 窗口的最终显示位置 | (0)字符串-Text | | allWindows | 所有窗口 | 词典类型,key为窗口的句柄,value为窗口的标识。获取全部窗口时,为了安全,仅限自己开发的动作使用。 | (10)词典-Dict |
范例 ```json { "Variables": [ { "Key": "context", "Type": 0, "Desc": "默认的文本变量", "DefaultValue": "aaaa\r\nbbbb", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null }, { "Key": "list", "Type": 4, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null } ], "Steps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:form", "InputParams": { "title": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "填写表单" }, "formDef": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "{\"Fields\":[{\"FieldKey\":\"context\",\"Label\":\"testt_t\",\"HelpText\":\"\",\"HelpLink\":null,\"InputMethod\":1,\"SelectionItems\":\"\",\"IsRequired\":false,\"MinValue\":\"\",\"MaxValue\":\"\",\"Pattern\":\"\",\"MaxLength\":0},{\"FieldKey\":\"list\",\"Label\":\"test_e\",\"HelpText\":\"test\",\"HelpLink\":null,\"InputMethod\":8,\"SelectionItems\":\"aaa\\r\\nbbb\\r\\nccc\\r\\nddd\",\"IsRequired\":false,\"MinValue\":\"\",\"MaxValue\":\"\",\"Pattern\":\"\",\"MaxLength\":0}]}" }, "help": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "restoreFocus": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:getSelectedText", "InputParams": { "format": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "UnicodeText" }, "repeat": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "output": "context", "outputEncoded": null, "isSuccess": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:showText", "InputParams": { "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "WAIT" }, "text": { "VarKey": "context", "Value": null }, "title": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "结果内容" }, "operations": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "[fa:Solid_Cog33:#339900]转大写(将选中的文字转换为大写)|call:s$rs$in$toUpper\r\n【*】|call:s$rs$sp$文本添加首尾内容?head=【&end=】\r\n[+][fa:Solid_Pen:#FF0000]菜单(这里是tooltip内容)\r\n[-][fa:Light_LaughBeam:#0000FF]添加[*](选中的内容包围在中括号中)|call:s$rs$sp$文本添加首尾内容?head=[&end=]\r\n[fa:Solid_Cog:#339900]转小写(将选中的文字转换为大写)|call:s$rs$in$toLower\r\nEcho服务|call:all$rs$cloud$echo\r\n[fa:Light_SignOut:#BB0000](关闭窗口)|Exit" }, "winLocation": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "CenterScreen" }, "fontsize": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "14" }, "fontfamily": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "highlight": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "topMost": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "closeWhenLostFocus": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "showLineNum": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "selectedOperation": null, "resultText": null, "selectedText": "context" }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "SubPrograms": [] } ```
*** ## 111.拆分文本为列表 **功能描述** > 将文本拆分为列表 **官方文档** > https://getquicker.net/KC/Help/Doc/splitstring **内部名称** > sys:splitString
传入参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | data | 输入 | 要拆分为列表的文本 | (0)字符串-Text | | True | | separator | 分隔 | 拆分分隔符 | (0)字符串-Text | , | True | | escapeSeparator | 转义分隔符 | 转义分隔符\r\n\t字符 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | False | False | | multiSeparator | 使用多个分隔符拆分列表 | 每行指定一个。 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | False | False | | removeEmpty | 滤除空值 | 滤除没有内容的文本 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | True | True |
传出参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | output | 结果 | 生成的文本内容 | (4)文本列表-List |
范例 **按字母顺序排序多行文本** ```json { "Variables": [ { "Key": "context", "Type": 0, "Desc": "默认的文本变量", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": null, "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null }, { "Key": "list", "Type": 4, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": null, "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null } ], "Steps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:getSelectedText", "InputParams": { "format": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "UnicodeText" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "output": "context", "isSuccess": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:splitString", "InputParams": { "data": { "VarKey": "context", "Value": null }, "separator": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "\\n" }, "escapeSeparator": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" }, "removeEmpty": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "output": "list" }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:if", "InputParams": { "condition": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "$={quicker_in_param} == \"desc\"" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:listOperations", "InputParams": { "list": { "VarKey": "list", "Value": null }, "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "sortDesc" } }, "OutputParams": { "value": "list", "isEmpty": null, "length": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "ElseSteps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:listOperations", "InputParams": { "list": { "VarKey": "list", "Value": null }, "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "sortAsc" }, "list2": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "pos": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "length": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" }, "item": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" } }, "OutputParams": { "isEmpty": null, "length": null, "value": "list" }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:outputText", "InputParams": { "content": { "VarKey": "list", "Value": null }, "method": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "paste" }, "appendReturn": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "SubPrograms": [] } ```
*** ## 112.替换文本 **功能描述** > 替换文本中的指定内容 **官方文档** > https://getquicker.net/KC/Help/Doc/strReplace **内部名称** > sys:strReplace
传入参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | type | 操作类型 | | (9)选项-Enum(single: 普通(替换一种内容); batch: 批量(替换多种内容)) | single | True | | input | 输入 | 要提取内容的文本 | (0)字符串-Text | | True | | batchReplaceData | 查找和替换内容 | 每行一对查找和替换内容,中间使用|||或|分隔。例如将a替换成A,写作:a|A 或 a|||A | (0)字符串-Text | | True | | old | 查找内容 | 要替换的内容 | (0)字符串-Text | | True | | new | 替换为 | 替换成的内容 | (0)字符串-Text | | True | | escapeOld | 转义“查找内容” | 替换“查找内容”中的转义字符(\r,\n,\t) | (2)布尔值-Boolean | False | False | | replaceEscapes | 转义“替换为” | 替换“替换为”中的转义字符(\r,\n,\t) | (2)布尔值-Boolean | True | False | | useRegex | 使用正则替换 | | (2)布尔值-Boolean | False | False | | ignoreCase | 忽略大小写 | | (2)布尔值-Boolean | False | False | | singleLine | 正则:单行 | 此模式下“.”能匹配任意字符,包括换行符。(否则匹配除了\n外的任意字符) | (2)布尔值-Boolean | True | False | | multiLine | 正则:多行 | 此模式下^和$可以分别匹配行首和行尾。(否则匹配输入内容的开始和结束) | (2)布尔值-Boolean | False | False |
传出参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | output | 结果 | 替换后的文本 | (0)字符串-Text |
范例 **去除英文** ```json { "Variables": [ { "Key": "去除的变量", "Type": 0, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null }, { "Key": "去除后", "Type": 0, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null } ], "Steps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:strReplace", "InputParams": { "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "single" }, "input": { "VarKey": "去除的变量", "Value": null }, "old": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "[a-zA-Z]" }, "new": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "escapeOld": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "replaceEscapes": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" }, "useRegex": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" }, "ignoreCase": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "singleLine": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" }, "multiLine": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" } }, "OutputParams": { "output": "去除后" }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "SubPrograms": [] } ```
*** ## 113.字数统计 **功能描述** > 统计文本行数、字符数等 **官方文档** > https://getquicker.net/KC/Help/Doc/textcounter **内部名称** > sys:textCounter
传入参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | content | 文本 | 要统计的内容 | (0)字符串-Text | | True |
传出参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | line | 行数 | | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | | char | 字符数 | | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | | visableChar | 可见字符数 | | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | | cnChar | 汉字数 | | (12)数字(整数)-Integer |
*** ## 114.Office软件辅助 **功能描述** > 辅助控制Office软件 **官方文档** > https://getquicker.net/KC/Help/Doc/officehelper **内部名称** > sys:officehelper
传入参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | operation | 操作类型 | | (9)选项-Enum(execVBA: 执行VBA宏代码; setFormats: 设置格式/对象属性赋值; executeMsoCommand: 执行界面命令; getProgId: 获取ProgId) | execVBA | True | | appType | 应用程序 | | (9)选项-Enum(word_wps: Word或WPS文字(根据前台进程自动识别); word; wps: wps文字; excel_et: EXCEL或WPS表格(根据前台进程自动识别); excel; et: wps表格; powerpoint_wpp: PowerPoint或WPS幻灯片(根据前台进程自动识别); powerpoint; wpp) | word_wps | True | | code | 宏名称或VBA代码 | 宏的名称,或VBA代码(将执行第一个找到的Sub或Function) | (0)字符串-Text | Sub Hello() MsgBox "Hello World" End Sub | False | | waitResp | 最长等待时间(ms) | 最长的等待返回结果的,毫秒数 | 数字(小数)-Number | 10000 | False | | command | 命令ID | 界面按钮所对应的命令ID | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | formats | 格式设置/属性赋值代码 | | (0)字符串-Text | | False |
传出参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | isSuccess | 是否成功 | 操作是否成功 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | | progId | ProgId | 获取程序的Progld,可用于在C#里得到对应的Application对象。 | (0)字符串-Text |
范例 **获取选中文本到变量text,再到用户输入框,再以text变量内容为前台的word或wps添加批注** ```json { "Variables": [ { "Key": "text", "Type": 0, "Desc": "默认的文本变量", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": null, "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null } ], "Steps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:getSelectedText", "InputParams": { "format": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "UnicodeText" }, "waitMs": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "250" }, "repeat": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "trim": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "tryNoClipboard": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" }, "useActionParam": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "output": "text", "outputEncoded": null, "url": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:userInput", "InputParams": { "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "text" }, "prompt": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "请输入批注内容" }, "defaultValue": { "VarKey": "text", "Value": null }, "pattern": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "isRequired": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "restoreFocus": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" }, "closeOnDeactivated": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "topMost": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" }, "texttools": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "extraSettings": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "fontfamily": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "fontsize": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "20" }, "winLocation": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "CenterScreen" }, "imeState": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "ON" }, "help": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "textValue": "text", "isEmpty": null, "errMessage": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:officehelper", "InputParams": { "operation": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "execVBA" }, "appType": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "word_wps" }, "code": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "$$Sub CreateNewComment()\r\n Dim MyRange As Range\r\n Dim MyComment As Comment\r\n Dim CommentText As String\r\n \r\n '设置批注内容为text\r\n CommentText = \"{text}\"\r\n \r\n '设置选中的文本范围\r\n Set MyRange = Selection.Range\r\n \r\n '在选中文本处添加新批注\r\n Set MyComment = ActiveDocument.Comments.Add(MyRange, CommentText)\r\n \r\nEnd Sub" }, "waitResp": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" }, "waitMs": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "10000" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "resp": null, "errMessage": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "SubPrograms": [] } ``` **冻结窗格** ```json { "Variables": [], "Steps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:comment", "InputParams": { "note": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "下面步骤代码中的叹号表示对属性值取反。" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:officehelper", "InputParams": { "operation": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "setFormats" }, "appType": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "excel_et" }, "formats": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "application\r\n\t.ActiveWindow.FreezePanes = !" }, "waitResp": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "SubPrograms": [] } ``` **配合C#冻结窗格** ```json { "Variables": [ { "Key": "progId", "Type": 0, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null } ], "Steps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:comment", "InputParams": { "note": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "为兼容Excel和WPS,先根据前台进程获取ProgId(用于调用接口的程序对象标识)" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:officehelper", "InputParams": { "operation": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "getProgId" }, "appType": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "excel_et" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "progId": "progId" }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:comment", "InputParams": { "note": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "使用c#代码获取程序对象并执行逻辑" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:csscript", "InputParams": { "mode": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "low_permission" }, "scriptForLp": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "$$//.cs 文件类型,便于外部编辑时使用\r\n// 引用必要的命名空间\r\nusing System.Runtime.InteropServices;\r\n\r\n// Quicker将会调用的函数\r\npublic static string Exec(string paramValue)\r\n{\r\n dynamic app = Marshal.GetActiveObject(\"{progId}\");\r\n \r\n app.ActiveWindow.FreezePanes = !app.ActiveWindow.FreezePanes;\r\n \r\n Marshal.ReleaseComObject(app);\r\n return \"ok\";\r\n}\r\n" }, "paramValue": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "reference": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "waitResp": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" }, "enableCache": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "resp": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "SubPrograms": [] } ```
*** ## 115.Excel文件读写 **功能描述** > 读取Excel文件内容或写入Excel文件 **官方文档** > https://getquicker.net/KC/Help/Doc/excelreadwrite **内部名称** > sys:excelreadwrite
传入参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | operation | 操作类型 | | (9)选项-Enum(load: 打开Workbook; newWorkbook: 创建Workbook; save: 保存Workbook; getSheet: 获取Sheet; createSheet: 创建Sheet; getRow: 获取行; getCellByValue: 查找单元格(根据值); getCell: 读取单元格; setCell: 写入单元格; writeData: 写入多行数据; mergeCells: 合并单元格; freezePane: 冻结窗格; autoFilter: 自动筛选; setStyle: 设置区域单元格样式; readData: 批量提取数据; batchReplace: 批量模板替换) | | True | | filePath | 文件路径 | 要打开或写入的Excel文件路径 | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | fileType | 工作簿类型 | | (9)选项-Enum(XSSF: .xlsx 2007版Excel; HSSF: xls 2003版Excel) | | False | | workbook | 工作簿对象 | 需要操作的工作簿对象 | (99)任意类型-Any | | False | | sheetIndex | 工作表序号或名称 | 以0开始计算的序号或名称 | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | sheetName | 工作表名称 | 要打开的工作表名称 | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | rowIndex | 行序号 | 以0开始计算的序号 | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | 0 | False | | cellValue | 值 | 设置单元格的值 | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | worksheet | 工作表对象 | 需要操作的工作表对象 | (99)任意类型-Any | | False | | cellAddress | 单元格地址 | 类似于"D5"这样的单元格位置名称。或在下方使用行序号和单元格序号指定(两种二选一) | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | cellIndex | 列序号 | 单元格在所在行里的序号,从0开始 | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | 0 | False | | cellType | 单元格类型 | | (9)选项-Enum("": 自动; String: 文本; Numeric: 数字或日期; Boolean: 布尔; Formula: 公式; Blank: 空白) | | False | | dataFormat | 数据格式 | 设置单元格的DataFormat | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | cellLink | 链接 | 可以为网址、邮件地址(mailto:who@domain.com)工作表名称、文件路径 | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | sourceData | 源数据 | 可以为工作表对象、表格变量或对象列表 | (99)任意类型-Any | | False | | columnMapping | 字段映射 | 复制哪些字段信息到目标工作表。请参考文档了解使用方法。 | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | writeTitleRow | 写入标题行 | 是否输出标题行 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | True | False | | cellRange | 单元格范围 | 类似于"A1:B5"格式,或"开始行号,结束行号,开始列号,结束列号方式(从0开始的序号)。 | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | styleData | 样式 | | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | readDataMap | 提取数据定义 | 每行一条规则:“字段:[工作表序号或名称]单元格地址” | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | replaceDict | 替换词典数据 | 词典格式数据。键为要查找的字段,值为要填充的内容。 | (10)词典-Dict | | False | | replacePrefixSuffix | 占位符前后缀 | 第一行写前缀,第二行写后缀。“前缀+字段名+后缀“组成要查找和替换的目标,如”{{姓名}}”。 | (0)字符串-Text | {{\r\n}} | False |
传出参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | isSuccess | 是否成功 | 操作是否成功 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | | workbook | 工作簿对象 | 用于在后续步骤中继续操作工作簿。 | (99)任意类型-Any | | numberOfSheets | 工作表个数 | 工作簿中的工作表个数。 | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | | worksheetNameList | 工作表名称列表 | 工作簿中的工作表名列表。 | (4)文本列表-List | | sheet | 工作表对象 | 返回指定的工作表。加载文件时返回工作簿中的第一个工作表对象 | (99)任意类型-Any | | firstRow | 首行序号 | 工作表首行序号。 | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | | lastRow | 末行序号 | 工作表有内容的最后一行序号。 | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | | names | 名称数据 | 工作簿中定义的名称数据,返回json格式 | (0)字符串-Text | | firstCellNum | 首个单元格序号 | 工作表有内容的最后一行序号。 | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | | lastCellNum | 末个单元格序号 | 一行的最后一个单元格的序号。 | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | | cellAddress | 单元格地址 | 查找到的单元格地址 | (99)任意类型-Any | | hasValue | 是否有值 | 单元格是否有值 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | | cellValue | 值 | 单元格的值 | (0)字符串-Text | | cellTextValue | 文本值 | 文本格式的单元格内容 | (0)字符串-Text | | cellType | 类型 | 单元格的类型 | (0)字符串-Text | | cellFormula | 公式 | 单元格的公式值 | (0)字符串-Text | | cellDataFormatString | 数据格式字符串 | 数据格式的字符串表示 | (0)字符串-Text | | dictData | 数据词典 | 从工作薄加载的数据 | (10)词典-Dict |
范例 **生成一个乘法口诀表** ```json { "Variables": [ { "Key": "isSuccess", "Type": 2, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null }, { "Key": "worksheet", "Type": 99, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null }, { "Key": "workbook", "Type": 99, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null }, { "Key": "x", "Type": 12, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null }, { "Key": "y", "Type": 12, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null }, { "Key": "filePath", "Type": 0, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null } ], "Steps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:comment", "InputParams": { "note": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "创建新的excel工作簿" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:excelreadwrite", "InputParams": { "operation": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "newWorkbook" }, "fileType": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "XSSF" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "workbook": "workbook" }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:comment", "InputParams": { "note": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "演示选中某个工作簿" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:excelreadwrite", "InputParams": { "operation": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "getSheetByName" }, "workbook": { "VarKey": "workbook", "Value": null }, "sheetName": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "Sheet1" }, "createSheetIfNotExist": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "sheet": "worksheet", "firstRow": null, "lastRow": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:comment", "InputParams": { "note": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "生成乘法口诀" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:repeat", "InputParams": { "count": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "9" }, "stopCondition": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "startIndex": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" }, "repeatDelayMs": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "count": "x" }, "IfSteps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:repeat", "InputParams": { "count": { "VarKey": "x", "Value": null }, "stopCondition": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "startIndex": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" }, "repeatDelayMs": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "count": "y" }, "IfSteps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:excelreadwrite", "InputParams": { "operation": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "setCell" }, "worksheet": { "VarKey": "worksheet", "Value": null }, "cellAddress": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "rowIndex": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "$= {x}-1" }, "cellIndex": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "$= {y}-1" }, "cellType": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "cellValue": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "$= {y}.ToString() + \" X \" + {x}.ToString() + \" = \" + ({x}*{y}).ToString()" }, "dataFormat": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "cellLink": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:comment", "InputParams": { "note": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "示例:调用NPOI方法" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:assign", "InputParams": { "input": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "$={worksheet}.SetColumnWidth(1, 50*256)" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "output": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:comment", "InputParams": { "note": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "保存并关闭工作簿" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:GenTempFilePath", "InputParams": { "ext": { "VarKey": null, "Value": ".xlsx" } }, "OutputParams": { "filePath": "filePath" }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:excelreadwrite", "InputParams": { "operation": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "save" }, "filePath": { "VarKey": "filePath", "Value": null }, "workbook": { "VarKey": "workbook", "Value": null }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:run", "InputParams": { "path": { "VarKey": "filePath", "Value": null }, "arg": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "runas": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "false" }, "alternativePath": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" }, "setWorkingDir": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" }, "windowStyle": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "waitInputIdle": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "false" }, "waitExit": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "false" }, "username": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "password": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "pid": null, "mainWinHandle": null, "mainWinTitle": null, "stdout": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:excelObjects", "InputParams": { "operation": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "SaveWorkbook" }, "path": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "d:\\test.xlsx" }, "workbook": { "VarKey": "workbook", "Value": null }, "params": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "CloseApplication=false" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": "isSuccess" }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": true, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "SubPrograms": [] } ``` **从Excel表格中,根据某一列的特定值提取数据并显示。数据存放在Excel的第一个sheet中;第一行为标题行。标题前后不要有空格(最好中间也不要有)。首次使用时会弹窗进行动作设置(也可在动作右键菜单中选择设置)。未选中内容时,在弹出的输入框中输入值查询。查询内容中,可以使用%表示模糊匹配的通配符。 如果没有此符号,则使用精确匹配。** ```json { "Variables": [ { "Key": "filePath", "Type": 0, "Desc": "文件路径", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": true, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null }, { "Key": "checkField", "Type": 0, "Desc": "要判断的列名", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": true, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null }, { "Key": "checkValue", "Type": 0, "Desc": "搜索的字段值", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null }, { "Key": "table", "Type": 13, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null }, { "Key": "rows", "Type": 99, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null }, { "Key": "tableClone", "Type": 13, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null }, { "Key": "rowCount", "Type": 12, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null }, { "Key": "isSelected", "Type": 2, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null } ], "Steps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:comment", "InputParams": { "note": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "尝试获取选中的内容" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:getSelectedText", "InputParams": { "format": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "UnicodeText" }, "waitMs": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "450" }, "repeat": { "VarKey": null, 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{checkValue}.Trim() + \"'\";" }, "sort": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "rows": "rows", "firstRow": null, "rowCount": "rowCount", "errMessage": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:comment", "InputParams": { "note": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "将筛选结果放入新表" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:assign", "InputParams": { "input": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "$=DataTable table = {table}.Clone();\r\n\r\nforeach(DataRow row in {rows}){\r\n\ttable.ImportRow(row);\r\n}\r\n\r\nreturn table;" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "output": "tableClone" }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:comment", "InputParams": { "note": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "显示结果" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:tableoperation", "InputParams": { "table": { "VarKey": "tableClone", "Value": null }, "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "manage" }, "gridSelectionMode": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "Cells" }, "isReadOnly": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "selectedRows": null, "rowCount": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "SubPrograms": [] } ```
*** ## 116.Shell文件操作 **功能描述** > 针对文件的Windows Shell相关操作 **官方文档** > https://getquicker.net/KC/Help/Doc/shelloperation **内部名称** > sys:shelloperation
传入参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | operation | 操作类型 | | (9)选项-Enum(getverb: 获取文件的可用动词列表(verb); ) | getverb: 获取文件的可用动词列表(verb); execverb: 对文件执行动词(verb); gettitles: 获取文件的可用菜单标题列表; execbytitle: 对文件执行菜单(指定菜单标题); showmenu: 显示系统上下文菜单 | True | | pathOrExt | 文件路径或扩展名 | 需要获取可用动词的文件类型,可使用扩展名如.txt或提供完整文件名。 | (0)字符串-Text | .txt | False | | pathList | 文件路径列表 | 要操作文件的完整路径的列表。每个文件将会被依次调用 | (4)文本列表-List | | False | | verb | 动词 | Shell操作动词,需要在当前电脑上支持才能正常运行。 | (0)字符串-Text | | False | | title | 菜单标题 | 菜单上的标题文字,需要准确匹配。 | (0)字符串-Text | | False |
传出参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | isSuccess | 是否成功 | 操作是否成功 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | | verbs | 动词列表 | 每项格式为:描述文字|动词 | (4)文本列表-List | | titles | 菜单标题列表 | | (4)文本列表-List |
范例 **批量打印文件** ```json { "Variables": [ { "Key": "filePaths", "Type": 0, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null } ], "Steps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:shelloperation", "InputParams": { "operation": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "execverb" }, "pathList": { "VarKey": "filePaths", "Value": null }, "verb": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "print" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "SubPrograms": [] } ``` **选择文件后,使用此动作,获得该文件所支持的Shell菜单信息。** ```json { "Variables": [ { "Key": "files", "Type": 4, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null }, { "Key": "verbs", "Type": 4, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null }, { "Key": "titles", "Type": 4, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null } ], "Steps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:getSelectedFiles", "InputParams": { "operation": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "getSelection" }, "waitMs": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "200" }, "sortType": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "Default" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "files": "files", "firstFile": null, "fileNames": null, "firstFileName": null, "fileCount": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:shelloperation", "InputParams": { "operation": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "getverb" }, "pathOrExt": { "VarKey": "files", "Value": null }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "verbs": "verbs" }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:shelloperation", "InputParams": { "operation": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "gettitles" }, "pathOrExt": { "VarKey": "files", "Value": null }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "titles": "titles" }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:showText", "InputParams": { "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "NO_WAIT" }, "text": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "$$动词:\r\n{verbs}\r\n\r\n\r\n标题:\r\n{titles}" }, "title": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "结果内容" }, "autoCloseKey": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "=" }, "topMost": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "false" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" }, "operations": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "winLocation": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "CenterScreen" }, "winSize": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "fontsize": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "14" }, "fontfamily": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "bgColor": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "textColor": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "highlight": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "autoSaveToState": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "closeWhenLostFocus": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "false" }, "showLineNum": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "true" }, "autoWrap": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "true" }, "showBuildInToolbar": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "true" }, "copyWholeLine": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "false" }, "caretPosition": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "updateIfExists": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "windowHandle": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:shelloperation", "InputParams": { "operation": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "execbytitle" }, "pathList": { "VarKey": "files", "Value": null }, "title": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "邮件收件人" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "SubPrograms": [] } ```
*** ## 117.表格数据操作 **功能描述** > 表格变量的相关处理操作 **官方文档** > https://getquicker.net/KC/Help/Doc/tableoperation **内部名称** > sys:tableoperation
传入参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | table | 表格变量 | 要操作的表格变量 | (13)表格-Table | | True | | type | 操作类型 | | (9)选项-Enum(info: 获取信息; addRow: 添加行; update: 更新行; manage: 查看或编辑数据; select: 查询或筛选行(Select); clear: 清除所有行; deleteRows: 删除符合条件的行; deleteColumns: 删除列; importCsv: 从CSV文本加载数据; importJson: 从Json文本加载数据; importExcel: 从Excel工作表加载数据; export_text: 导出文本数据; exportExcel: 导出Excel文件) | True | | rowData | 行数据 | 包含行数据的词典:更新行时,仅包含要更新的列的内容。 | (10)词典-Dict | | false | | filterExpression | 筛选表达式 | | (0)字符串-Text | | false | | sort | 排序 | | (0)字符串-Text | | false | | gridSelectionMode | 选择模式 | 注:单元格模式不支持返回选择的行。 | (9)选项-Enum(Cells: 单元格(类似Excel)); OneRow: 行:0行或1行; OneRowRequired: 行:1行(必选); Rows: 行:0.1或多行; RowsRequired: 行:一行或多行(必选)) | Cells | false | | isReadOnly | 只读模式 | 是否以只读模式打开 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | | false | | windowTitle | 窗口标题 | | (0)字符串-Text | 表格数据 | false | | helpText | 帮助文本 | | (0)字符串-Text | | false | | winSize | 窗口尺寸/位置 | 设置选择窗口的最大尺寸,格式为:宽度,高度。。支持像素数值或屏幕宽高百分比,详情请参考模块文档。 | (0)字符串-Text | | false |
传出参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | isSuccess | 是否成功 | 操作是否成功 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | | rows | 行列表 | 符合条件的行的数组 | | (99)任意类型-Any | | columns | 列的列表 | 表格的列的信息列表(DataTable.Columns) | | (99)任意类型-Any | | rowCount | 行数 | 表格内的数据行数 | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | | firstRow | 第一行/结果行 | 第一个符合条件的行或新添加的行,可输出为词典对象 | (99)任意类型-Any | | affectedRowCount | 影响行数 | 更新或删除、筛选的行数 | (0)字符串-Text | | isConfirmed | 是否确认 | 是否点击了确认按钮 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | | selectedRows | 选择的行列表 | 选择的所有行的列表 | (99)任意类型-Any |
范例 **根据汇总表和模板表将汇总表中的每行数据填充到模板中生成Excel文件。** ```json { "Variables": [ { "Key": "dataSourceFilePath", "Type": 0, "Desc": "汇总表路径", "DefaultValue": "E:\\CloudStation\\Drive\\Quicker\\_docs\\表格读写测试文件\\总表.xlsx", "SaveState": true, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null }, { "Key": "templateFilePath", "Type": 0, "Desc": "模板文件路径", "DefaultValue": "E:\\CloudStation\\Drive\\Quicker\\_docs\\表格读写测试文件\\模板.xlsx", "SaveState": true, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null }, { "Key": "outputFolder", "Type": 0, "Desc": "输出文件路径", "DefaultValue": "E:\\CloudStation\\Drive\\Quicker\\_docs\\表格读写测试文件\\输出", "SaveState": true, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null }, { 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*** ## 118.自定义窗口 **功能描述** > 创建和显示自定义窗口 **官方文档** > https://getquicker.net/KC/Help/Doc/customwindow **内部名称** > sys:customwindow
传入参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | type | 操作类型 | | (9)选项-Enum(ShowAndWaitClose: 显示窗口并等待关闭; Show: 显示窗口; Close: 关闭窗口; GetWindows: 获取窗口列表) | ShowAndWaitClose | true | | windowMarkup | 窗口XAML代码 | 窗口定义XAML代码 | (0)字符串-Text | xmlns:d="http://schemas.microsoft.com/expression/blend/2008"
Title="Test Window"

| false | | dataMapping | 数据映射 | 将变量与窗口上下文数据进行映射。每行一个,格式为:"窗口数据项名称:{动作变量名}”或“窗口数据项:=表达式” | (0)字符串-Text | | false | | windowId | 窗口标识 | 如需单独的步骤关闭窗口,需使用标识查找窗口。 | (0)字符串-Text | | false | | closeWhenDeactivate | 失去焦点后关闭窗口 | | (9)选项-Enum | false | false | | cscode | 辅助C#代码 | 辅助处理窗口事件的代码 | (0)字符串-Text | | false | | events | 事件 | | (0)字符串-Text | | false | | autoCloseTime | 自动关闭时间(秒) | 自动关闭窗口的时间(秒数)。需大于0.5秒。 | (1)数字(小数)-Number | 0 | false | | activateMode | 激活模式 | | (9)选项-Enum(NotActivatable: 不支持激活(不占用焦点,仅能使用鼠标操作); NotActivatableMouseThrough: 不支持激活,鼠标穿透; NotActivated: 支持激活,打开时不抢占焦点; AutoActivate: 支持激活,打开时抢占焦点) | AutoActivate | false | | winLocation | 窗口位置 | | (9)选项-Enum | CenterScreen | false | | winSize | 窗口尺寸/位置 | 设置选择窗口的最大尺寸,格式为:宽度,高度。支持像素数值或屏幕宽高百分比例如30%,50%代表屏幕宽度的30%和屏幕高度的50%。“窗口位置”类型为“自定义位置”时用于指定显示位置,格式为:left,top,right,bottom | (0)字符串-Text | | false |
传出参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | isSuccess | 是否成功 | 操作是否成功 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | | result | 窗口结果 | 通过close:result返回的结果 | (0)字符串-Text | | windowLocation | 关闭时窗口位置 | | (0)字符串-Text | | windowHandle | 窗口句柄 | | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | | windowList | 窗口对象列表 | IList对象 | (99)任意类型-Any |
*** ## 119.自定义操作窗 **功能描述** > 自定义悬浮操作窗口,点击后直接执行操作,不隐藏。 **官方文档** > https://getquicker.net/KC/Help/Doc/custompanel **内部名称** > sys:custompanel
传入参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | operation | 操作类型 | | (9)选项-Enum | show_fixed_panel(show_fixed_panel: 显示操作窗; show_fixed_panel_wait_close: 显示操作窗并等待关闭; close_fixed_panel: 关闭操作窗; toggle_collapse: 切换展开状态; get_panel_info: 获取操作窗状态) | true | | operationData | 操作项定义 | 可以为Json/菜单文本格式/IList对象,详情请参考文档 | (0)字符串-Text | | false | | defaultOperation | 默认Operation | 默认的Operation值或参数组合。提供此值时,操作项可以直接通过“[图标]标题(提示)data”的形式定义。 | (0)字符串-Text | | false | | spacingStr | 按钮之间的间隔 | 可选格式1:5=>四个边都是5;格式2:10,5=>左右10,上下5; | (0)字符串-Text | 5 | false | | buttonPadding | 按钮内边距 | 格式1:5=>四个边都是5;格式2:10,5=>左右10,上下5;格式3:7,8,9,10=>分别指定左上右下4边边距。 | (0)字符串-Text | 10,6 | false | | columnCount | 列数 | 按钮排列方式为固定列数时,指定列数。0表示自动。 | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | 2 | false | | columnWidth | 列宽 | 固定列宽时使用。0表示自动列宽,-1表示不对齐宽度,各子项根据内容自动调整宽度。 | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | 0 | false | | groupMode | 分组方式 | 当包含子项时,第一级节点作为分组,第二级节点作为按钮。 | (9)选项-Enum(heading: 标题分组; expander: 可折叠的分组; tab-top: 标签页-顶部; tab-left: 标签页-左侧; tab-right: 标签页-右侧; tab-bottom: 标签页-底部; headingLeft: 多行; columns: 多列; none: 不分组) | heading | false | | selectGroup | 选择标签分组 | 标签页分组时切换至设定的标签页标题,留空表示默认。 | (0)字符串-Text | | false | | title | 操作窗标题 | 标题文字,或"[图标]标题"格式。 | (0)字符串-Text | | false | | windowId | 窗口标识 | 如需单独的步骤关闭窗口,需使用标识查找窗口。可使用"="表示当前动作ID。 | (0)字符串-Text | | false | | buttonContextMenuData | 默认的按钮右键菜单 | 可以为Json/菜单文本格式/IList对象,详情请参考文档 | (0)字符串-Text | | false | | winLocation | 窗口位置 | | (9)选项-Enum | CenterScreen | false | | winSize | 窗口尺寸/位置 | 设置选择窗口的最大尺寸,格式为:宽度,高度。支持像素数值或屏幕宽高百分比例如30%,50%代表屏幕宽度的30%和屏幕高度的50%。“窗口位置”类型为“自定义位置”时用于指定显示位置,格式为:left,top,right,bottom | (0)字符串-Text | | false | | saveState | 记忆位置等状态 | 多次使用操作窗时,保持上一次所在位置和分组 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | 1 | false | | horzAlign | 按钮内容对齐方式 | | (9)选项-Enum(Center: 居中; Left: 左侧; Right: 右侧) | Center | false | | bgColor | 背景颜色 | | (0)字符串-Text | | false | | btnColor | 按钮颜色 | | (0)字符串-Text | | false | | btnBorderColor | 按钮边框颜色 | | (0)字符串-Text | | false | | fontColor | 字体颜色 | | (0)字符串-Text | | false | | fontsize | 字体大小 | | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | 12 | false | | iconsize | 图标大小 | 图标的宽度/高度像素数 | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | 16 | false | | contextMenuData | 窗口右键菜单 | 可以为Json/菜单文本格式/IList对象,详情请参考文档 | (0)字符串-Text | | false | | bindProc | 自动关联到进程 | 要关联的进程名称,输入”-“禁用此功能。当该进程为前台时显示操作窗,否则自动隐藏。 | (0)字符串-Text | | false | | autoCollapse | 自动折叠 | | (9)选项-Enum(false: 关闭; 1: 开启) | 0 | false |
传出参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | isSuccess | 是否成功 | 操作是否成功 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | | winHandle | 窗口句柄 | 操作窗的窗口句柄 | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | | selectedItemData | 选择的操作项数据 | 选择的操作项的data属性数据 | (0)字符串-Text | | selectedItem | 选择的操作项 | 选择的操作项的CommonOperationltem对象 | (99)任意类型-Any | | currentGroup | 当前标签分组 | 当使用标签分组显示时,关闭窗口时所停留的标签分组名称。 | (99)任意类型-Any | | buttonItemData | 按钮操作项数据 | 点击的是按钮的菜单时,所对应按钮的操作项Data数据 | (0)字符串-Text | | buttonItem | 按钮操作项 | 点击的是按钮的菜单时,所对应按钮的CommonOperationltem对象 | (99)任意类型-Any | | isWindowVisible | 窗口是否可见 | 可能会因为关联进程而隐藏 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | | isWindowExpanded | 窗口是否展开 | | (2)布尔值-Boolean |
范例 **范例1** ```json ```
*** ## 120.数据库查询 **功能描述** > 对数据库执行SQL语句并返回结果 **官方文档** > https://getquicker.net/KC/Help/Doc/dboperation **内部名称** > sys:dboperation
传入参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | dbType | 数据库连接类型 | | (9)选项-Enum(sqlserver: SQL Server; mysql: MySQL; sqlite: SQLite; oledb: OleDB; odbc: ODBC) | | true | | connectionString | 连接字符串 | Connection string | (0)字符串-Text | | false | | sql | SQL语句 | 要执行的SQL语句内容 | (0)字符串-Text | | false | | sqlParam | 参数 | 为SQL语句提供的参数 | (99)任意类型-Any | | false | | timeoutSeconds | 超时秒数 | 留空或0表示默认。 | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | | false | | operationType | 执行方式 | | (9)选项-Enum(Query: Query:查询并返回结果数据; Execute: Execute:执行并返回影响的行数; ExecuteScalar: ExecuteScalar:执行并返回单个值(首行首列的值)) | | false |
传出参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | isSuccess | 是否成功 | 操作是否成功 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | | dataTableResult | 查询结果(表格) | 获取表格类型的行结果 | (13)表格-Table | | listResult | 查询结果(对象列表) | 获得动态对象列表类型的结果 | (99)任意类型-Any | | firstItem | 首项结果 | 如果只需要返回结果的第一行,可以使用此项输出,支持词典或任意对象。没有结果时返回null。 | (99)任意类型-Any | | rowCount | 结果行数 | | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | | rowsAffected | 影响行数 | | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | | scalarResult | 单值结果 | | (0)字符串-Text |
范例 **使用SQLite,默认保存在d盘根目录** ```json { "Variables": [ { "Key": "firstItem", "Type": 10, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null }, { "Key": "item", "Type": 99, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null }, { "Key": "listResult", "Type": 99, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null }, { "Key": "path", "Type": 0, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "d:\\quicker_test.db", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null }, { "Key": "rowCount", "Type": 12, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null }, { "Key": "rowsAffected", "Type": 12, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null }, { "Key": "scalarResult", "Type": 0, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null }, { "Key": "table1", "Type": 13, "Desc": "表格测试", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": { "Fields": [] }, "CustomType": null, "Group": null }, { "Key": "tableRow", "Type": 99, "Desc": "DataTable的一行数据", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null }, { "Key": "temp", "Type": 2, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null } ], "Steps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:comment", "InputParams": { "note": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "创建数据库" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:fileOperation", "InputParams": { "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "deleteFile" }, "path": { "VarKey": "path", "Value": null }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": "temp" }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:subprogram", "InputParams": { "subProgram": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "创建SQLite数据库文件" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" }, "var:path": { "VarKey": "path", "Value": null }, "summary": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "{path}" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:comment", "InputParams": { "note": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "创建表" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:dboperation", "InputParams": { "dbType": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "sqlite" }, "connectionString": { "VarKey": "path", "Value": null }, "sql": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS contacts (\r\n\tcontact_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,\r\n\tfirst_name TEXT NOT NULL,\r\n\tlast_name TEXT NOT NULL,\r\n\temail TEXT NOT NULL UNIQUE,\r\n\tphone TEXT NOT NULL UNIQUE\r\n);" }, "sqlParam": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "timeoutSeconds": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "operationType": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "Execute" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "rowsAffected": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:comment", "InputParams": { "note": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "插入一行数据,词典格式" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:dboperation", "InputParams": { "dbType": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "sqlite" }, "connectionString": { "VarKey": "path", "Value": null }, "sql": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "insert into contacts (first_name, last_name, email, phone) \r\nvalues(@FirstName, @LastName, @Email, @Phone)" }, "sqlParam": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "FirstName:李\r\nLastName:四 \r\nEmail:lisi@getquicker.net\r\nPhone:13888889999" }, "timeoutSeconds": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "operationType": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "Execute" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "rowsAffected": "rowsAffected" }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:comment", "InputParams": { "note": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "插入一行数据,匿名对象" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:dboperation", "InputParams": { "dbType": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "sqlite" }, "connectionString": { "VarKey": "path", "Value": null }, "sql": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "insert into contacts (first_name, last_name, email, phone) \r\nvalues(@FirstName, @LastName, @Email, @Phone)" }, "sqlParam": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "$= new {FirstName = \"王\", LastName=\"五\", Email=\"wangwu@getquicker.net\", Phone=\"13866666666\"}" }, "timeoutSeconds": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "operationType": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "Execute" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "rowsAffected": "rowsAffected" }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:comment", "InputParams": { "note": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "查询数据:全部。输出首项到一个词典变量。" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:dboperation", "InputParams": { "dbType": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "sqlite" }, "connectionString": { "VarKey": "path", "Value": null }, "sql": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "select * from contacts " }, "sqlParam": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "timeoutSeconds": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "operationType": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "Query" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "dataTableResult": "table1", "listResult": "listResult", "firstItem": "firstItem", "rowCount": "rowCount" }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:showText", "InputParams": { "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "WAIT" }, "text": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "$=\r\n\"第一项结果的:\" + {firstItem}[\"first_name\"] + {firstItem}[\"last_name\"]" }, "title": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "首项结果信息" }, "topMost": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "false" }, "operations": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "autoCloseKey": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "winLocation": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "CenterScreen" }, "winSize": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "fontsize": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "14" }, "fontfamily": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "bgColor": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "textColor": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "highlight": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "autoSaveToState": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "closeWhenLostFocus": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "false" }, "showLineNum": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "true" }, "autoWrap": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "true" }, "showBuildInToolbar": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "true" }, "copyWholeLine": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "false" } }, "OutputParams": { "selectedOperation": null, "resultText": null, "selectedText": null, "windowPosition": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:showText", "InputParams": { "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "WAIT" }, "text": { "VarKey": "table1", "Value": null }, "title": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "表格赋值给文本" }, "topMost": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "false" }, "operations": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "autoCloseKey": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "winLocation": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "CenterScreen" }, "winSize": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "fontsize": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "14" }, "fontfamily": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "bgColor": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "textColor": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "highlight": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "autoSaveToState": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "closeWhenLostFocus": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "false" }, "showLineNum": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "true" }, "autoWrap": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "true" }, "showBuildInToolbar": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "true" }, "copyWholeLine": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "false" } }, "OutputParams": { "selectedOperation": null, "resultText": null, "selectedText": null, "windowPosition": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:showText", "InputParams": { "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "WAIT" }, "text": { "VarKey": "listResult", "Value": null }, "title": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "动态对象列表赋值给文本" }, "topMost": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "false" }, "operations": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "autoCloseKey": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "winLocation": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "CenterScreen" }, "winSize": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "fontsize": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "14" }, "fontfamily": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "bgColor": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "textColor": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "highlight": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "autoSaveToState": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "closeWhenLostFocus": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "false" }, "showLineNum": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "true" }, "autoWrap": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "true" }, "showBuildInToolbar": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "true" }, "copyWholeLine": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "false" } }, "OutputParams": { "selectedOperation": null, "resultText": null, "selectedText": null, "windowPosition": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:tableoperation", "InputParams": { "table": { "VarKey": "table1", "Value": null }, "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "manage" }, "isReadOnly": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "rowCount": "item" }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:comment", "InputParams": { "note": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "循环获取每一项的信息:方式一,对表格变量的行进行循环" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:each", "InputParams": { "input": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "$= {table1}.Rows" }, "useMultiThread": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" } }, "OutputParams": { "item": "tableRow", "count": null }, "IfSteps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:notify", "InputParams": { "msg": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "$= \"表格行:\" + $\"({{tableRow}.GetType().Name}) \" + \r\n{tableRow}[\"first_name\"] + {tableRow}[\"last_name\"]" }, "maxLines": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "Info" }, "style": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "Default" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:comment", "InputParams": { "note": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "循环获取每一项的信息:方式二,对对象列表的每项进行循环" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:each", "InputParams": { "input": { "VarKey": "listResult", "Value": null }, "useMultiThread": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" } }, "OutputParams": { "item": "item", "count": null }, "IfSteps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:notify", "InputParams": { "msg": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "$= \"动态对象列表结果条目:\" +\r\n{item}.first_name + {item}.last_name" }, "maxLines": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "Info" }, "style": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "Default" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:comment", "InputParams": { "note": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "查询数据:条件" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:dboperation", "InputParams": { "dbType": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "sqlite" }, "connectionString": { "VarKey": "path", "Value": null }, "sql": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "select * from contacts Where first_name = @FirstName" }, "sqlParam": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "FirstName:李" }, "timeoutSeconds": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "operationType": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "Query" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "dataTableResult": "table1", "listResult": "listResult", "firstItem": "firstItem", "rowCount": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:showText", "InputParams": { "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "WAIT" }, "text": { "VarKey": "table1", "Value": null }, "title": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "条件查询结果内容" }, "topMost": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "false" }, "operations": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "autoCloseKey": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "winLocation": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "CenterScreen" }, "winSize": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "fontsize": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "14" }, "fontfamily": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "bgColor": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "textColor": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "highlight": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "autoSaveToState": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "closeWhenLostFocus": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "false" }, "showLineNum": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "true" }, "autoWrap": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "true" }, "showBuildInToolbar": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "true" }, "copyWholeLine": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "false" } }, "OutputParams": { "selectedOperation": null, "resultText": null, "selectedText": null, "windowPosition": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:comment", "InputParams": { "note": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "ExecuteScalar" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:dboperation", "InputParams": { "dbType": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "sqlite" }, "connectionString": { "VarKey": "path", "Value": null }, "sql": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "select COUNT(1) from contacts" }, "sqlParam": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "FirstName:李" }, "timeoutSeconds": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "operationType": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "ExecuteScalar" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "scalarResult": "scalarResult" }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:notify", "InputParams": { "msg": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "$$ ExecuteScalar:共有 {scalarResult} 行数据。" }, "maxLines": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "Info" }, "style": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "Default" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:comment", "InputParams": { "note": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "删除数据库文件" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:fileOperation", "InputParams": { "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "deleteFile" }, "path": { "VarKey": "path", "Value": null }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "SubPrograms": [] } ```
*** ## 121.多步骤输入 **功能描述** > 多步骤键盘组合输入
详细说明 ``` 每行一个步骤指令。 //开始的行作为注释。 指令的格式为:命令:参数。 特殊情况下无法分行填写时,也可以写在一行,并使用;;表示换行。 支持的命令类型如下: 键盘命令 input 模拟键入纯文本(不受输入法影响)。如:input:hello world,你好 世界。 input2 模拟键入纯文本,支持使用转义字符。 如\t内容\r\n换行中的\t表示tab,\r\n表示换行。 sendkeys 使用模拟按键B的语法键入内容。如: sendkeys:{LEFT 2} 发送2个向左的方向键用于移动光标位置。 delay 等待时间(毫秒数)如:delay:1000 等待1秒钟 paste 粘贴内容,如:paste:hello world 将hello world写入剪贴板后模拟Ctrl+V进行粘贴。 keydown 按下按键:如:keydown:F1 按下F1键,或keydown:#175按下音量增加键(#+键值数字)。 注意应该在后续步骤中使用keyup命令抬起按键。键名可参考:微软官方文档。 keyup 抬起按键,格式同上,如:keyup:F1。 keypress 点击(按下并抬起)按键,格式同上。 hotkey 发送组合快捷键。如:hotkey:Ctrl+S ,数字键请使用D+数字表示,如hotkey:Ctrl+Alt+D1。 鼠标命令 moveto 移动鼠标指针到一个绝对坐标。如:moveto:100,200 将鼠标指针移动到 (100,200)位置。1.30.0版本开始支持百分比数值,如:moveto:50%,50%将鼠标移动到主屏幕中心。 move 将鼠标指针移动一定距离(相对于当前位置),参数为“水平方向像素数,垂直方向像素数”。如:move:10,-10 将指针向右和向上分别移动10个像素。 click 点击鼠标某个按键。参数为鼠标按键名,可选:left/right/middle/x1/x2。如:click:left 点击左键。 dbclick 双击鼠标某个按键。参数格式同上。 down 按下某个鼠标按键。参数格式同上。需要特别注意:按下和抬起鼠标按键要完全配对。 up 抬起某个鼠标按键。参数格式同上。 wheel 垂直滚动,单位为clicks(可以理解为“行”)。正值表示向前(远离用户,滚动区域内容向下),负值表示向后(朝向用户,滚动区域内容向上)。 wheeldelta 垂直滚动。单位为1/120 click。更细微的滚动。 hwheel 水平滚动,单位为clicks(可以理解为“行”)。正值表示滚动区域内容向左,负值表示滚动区域内容向右。 hwheeldelta 水平滚动,单位为1/120 click。 组合命令 pastefile 粘贴文件(将文件写入剪贴板后模拟Ctrl+V)。参数为文件完整路径,多个文件使用英文半角分号隔开。如:pastefile:d:\test.png , pastefile:d:\test1.png;d:\test2.txt pasteimage 粘贴图片(将图片文件读取为图片后写入剪贴板,然后模拟Ctrl+V,注意写入剪贴板的是图片对象而非图片文件)。如:pasteimage:d:\test.png 只支持单个图片。 ```
**官方文档** > https://getquicker.net/KC/Help/Doc/inputscript **内部名称** > sys:inputScript
传入参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | data | 步骤脚本 | 模拟输入的步骤列表详细格式请参考模块文档 | (0)字符串-Text | | True |
传出参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | isSuccess | 是否成功 | 操作是否成功 | (2)布尔值-Boolean |
范例 ```json { "Variables": [ { "Key": "isDown", "Type": 2, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" } ], "Steps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:keyoperation", "InputParams": { "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "get_key_state" }, "key": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "LButton" }, "getRealMouseState": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" } }, "OutputParams": { "isDown": "isDown", "isToggled": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:if", "InputParams": { "condition": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "$= {isDown} == true" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:inputScript", "InputParams": { "data": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "up:left" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "ElseSteps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:inputScript", "InputParams": { "data": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "down:left" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "SubPrograms": [] } ```
*** ## 122.显示菜单 **功能描述** > 显示一个菜单 **官方文档** > https://getquicker.net/KC/Help/Doc/showmenu **内部名称** > sys:showmenu
传入参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | menuData | 菜单数据 | 可以为Json/菜单文本格式/IList对象,详情请参考文档 | (0)字符串-Text | | true | | fontsize | 字体大小 | | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | 12 | true | | iconsize | 图标大小 | 图标的宽度/高度像素数 | (1)数字(小数)-Number | 16 | true | | maxHeight | 最大高度 | 可以为百分比(如:50%)或固定数值(如:500) | (0)字符串-Text | | true | | useFocus | 占用焦点 | 是否允许菜单占用焦点(从而可以键盘选择菜单项) | (2)布尔值-Boolean | | false | | waitMenuClose | 等待菜单关闭 | 是否等待菜单关闭后再运行后续步骤 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | True | false |
传出参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | isSuccess | 是否成功 | 操作是否成功 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | | selectedItemData | 选择的菜单项数据 | 选择的菜单项的data属性数据 | (0)字符串-Text | | selectedItem | 选择的菜单项 | 选择的菜单项的CommonOperationltem对象 | (99)任意类型-Any |
范例 ```json { "Variables": [], "Steps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:showmenu", "InputParams": { "menuData": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "fontsize": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "12" }, "iconsize": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "16" }, "maxHeight": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "useFocus": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "waitMenuClose": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "selectedItemData": null, "selectedItem": null, "errMessage": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "SubPrograms": [] } ```
*** ## 123.文件系统监控 **功能描述** > 监控指定文件夹下文件或目录的变化(创建/删除/变更/重命名)。支持两种工作方式:1)等待事件发生后继续运行动作。2)持续监控,事件发生后调用设定好的子程序。 **官方文档** > https://getquicker.net/KC/Help/Doc/filesystemwatch **内部名称** > sys:fileSystemWatch
传入参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | operation | 操作类型 | | (9)选项-Enum(wait: 等待事件发生; callback: 持续监控(事件发生后调用子程序)) | wait | true | | path | 文件夹路径 | 要监控的文件夹路径 | (0)字符串-Text | | false | | includeSubdirectories | 包含子文件夹 | | (2)布尔值-Boolean | True | false | | filter | 文件筛选 | 筛选要监控的文件。可指定文件名(如foo.txt),或使用通配符(如*.txt) | (0)字符串-Text | *.* | false | | notifyFilter | 通知筛选 | 可选,设定要监控的变更类型,对应于FileSystemWatcher.NotifyFilter属性(Attributes: 文件或文件夹的属性; CreationTime: 文件或文件夹的创建时间; DirectoryName: 文件夹的名称; FileName: 文件的名称; LastAccess: 文件或文件夹的最后打开时间; LastWrite: 文件或文件夹的最后写入时间; Security: 文件或文件夹的安全设置; Size: 文件或文件夹的大小),可以为使用英文半角逗号(,)连接的这些选项,留空表示默认设置(LastWrite,FileName,DirectoryName)。 | (0)字符串-Text | | false | | waitEvents | 等待的事件 | 多个事件可使用英文半角逗号(,)进行连接,支持created,deleted,changed,renamed | (0)字符串-Text | created | false | | waitSeconds | 等待秒数 | 最长等待时间。0表示不限时间。 | (12)数字(整数)-Integer | 0 | false | | createdCallback | [创建] 处理子程序 | 文件或文件创建时调用的子程序 | (0)字符串-Text | | false | | changedCallback | [变更]处理子程序 | 文件或文件夹变更时调用的子程序 | (0)字符串-Text | | false | | deletedCallback | [删除]处理子程序 | 文件或文件被删除时调用的子程序 | (0)字符串-Text | | false | | renamedCallback | [重命名]处理子程序 | 文件或文件重命名时调用的子程序 | (0)字符串-Text | | false |
传出参数 | Key | Name | Description | Type | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | isSuccess | 是否成功 | 操作是否成功 | (2)布尔值-Boolean | | fullPath | 变更的路径 | 发生变更的文件(夹)路径,或重命名后的新路径 | (0)字符串-Text | | changedType | 变更类型 | | (0)字符串-Text | | oldFullPath | 旧路径 | 重命名时的原始路径 | (0)字符串-Text |
范例 **在资源管理器窗口上运行,自动监控当前路径60秒。发生文件创建或文件删除时显示提示消息。** ```json { "Variables": [ { "Key": "path", "Type": 0, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": null }, { "Key": "changedType", "Type": 0, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" }, { "Key": "fullPath", "Type": 0, "Desc": "", "DefaultValue": "", "SaveState": false, "IsInput": false, "IsOutput": false, "ParamName": "", "InputParamInfo": null, "OutputParamInfo": null, "TableDef": null, "CustomType": null, "Group": "" } ], "Steps": [ { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:getExplorerPath", "InputParams": { "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "output": "path", "allPathList": null, "lastPath": null, "isSuccess": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:notify", "InputParams": { "msg": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "$$开始监控 {path}" }, "maxLines": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "Info" }, "clickAction": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "style": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "Default" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:fileSystemWatch", "InputParams": { "operation": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "wait" }, "path": { "VarKey": "path", "Value": null }, "includeSubdirectories": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" }, "filter": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "*.*" }, "notifyFilter": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" }, "waitEvents": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "created,deleted" }, "waitSeconds": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "60" }, "stopIfFail": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "1" } }, "OutputParams": { "isSuccess": null, "fullPath": "fullPath", "changedType": "changedType", "oldFullPath": null, "errMessage": null }, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 }, { "StepRunnerKey": "sys:notify", "InputParams": { "type": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "Info" }, "msg": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "$${changedType}: {fullPath}" }, "maxLines": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "0" }, "style": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "Default" }, "clickAction": { "VarKey": null, "Value": "" } }, "OutputParams": {}, "IfSteps": null, "ElseSteps": null, "Note": "", "Disabled": false, "Collapsed": false, "DelayMs": 0 } ], "SubPrograms": [] } ```